Lars Hanson

Visar 39 publikationer
Adaptive regression model for synthesizing anthropometric population data
Adaptive regression model for prediction of anthropometric data
A framework for motion planning of digital humans using discrete mechanics and optimal control
Creating and shaping the DHM tool IMMA for ergonomic product and production design
Power Level Sampling of Metal Cutting Machines for Data Representation in Discrete Event Simulation
Accommodation levels for ellipsoid versus cuboid defined boundary cases
Using a Formal High-level Language to Instruct Manikins to Assemble Cables
IMMA – intelligently moving manikins in automotive applications
Introducing Stability of Forces to the Automatic Creation of Digital Human Postures
Introducing a Formal High-Level Language for Instructing Automated Manikins
Automatic Creation of Virtual Manikin Motions Maximizing Comfort in Manual Assembly Processes
Using experimental design to define boundary manikins
Digital test assembly of truck parts with the IMMA-tool - an illustrative case
Using Ergonomic Criteria to Adaptively Define Test Manikins for Design Problems
Assessment of manikin motions in IMMA
Data Requirements and Representation for Simulation of Energy Consumption in Production Systems
Creation of the IMMA manikin with consideration of anthropometric diversity
Anthropometrics and ergonomics assessment in the IMMA manikin
IMMA – Intelligently Moving Manikin – Project Status
National Standard vs. Corporate-Internal Ergonomics Evaluation - an Industrial Case Study
Representing the elderly in digital human modelling
The influence of virtual human model appearance on visual ergonomics posture evaluation.
Visualisation of human characteristics in vehicle and health care product development.
Towards Dynamic Ergonomics Analysis of Work Sequences in Virtual Environments.
Identifying time-consuming human modelling tool activities
Consistency in figure posturing results within and between simulation engineers
Structured time observation of human modelling tool users' activites.
Digital Human Models' Appearance Impact on Observers' Ergonomic Assessment
Influence of Human Model Appearance on Observer Ergonomic Assessment
Simulation for manufacturing engineering (ViPP)
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Visar 3 forskningsprojekt
VIVA - the Virtual Vehicle Assembler
Visualisering och verifiering: människa-robot samarbete