Rateless Autoencoder Codes: Trading off Decoding Delay and Reliability
Paper i proceeding, 2023

Most of today's communication systems are designed to target reliable message recovery after receiving the entire encoded message (codeword). However, in many practical scenarios, the transmission process may be interrupted before receiving the complete codeword. This paper proposes a novel rateless autoencoder (AE)-based code design suitable for decoding the transmitted message before the noisy codeword is fully received. Using particular dropout strategies applied during the training process, rateless AE codes allow to trade off between decoding delay and reliability, providing a graceful improvement of the latter with each additionally received codeword symbol. The proposed rateless AEs significantly outperform the conventional AE designs for scenarios where it is desirable to trade off reliability for lower decoding delay.


Vukan Ninkovic

University of Novi Sad

Dejan Vukobratovic

University of Novi Sad

Christian Häger

Chalmers, Elektroteknik, Kommunikation, Antenner och Optiska Nätverk

Henk Wymeersch

Chalmers, Elektroteknik, Kommunikation, Antenner och Optiska Nätverk

Alexandre Graell I Amat

Chalmers, Elektroteknik, Kommunikation, Antenner och Optiska Nätverk

University of Novi Sad

Publicerad i

IEEE International Conference on Communications

15503607 (ISSN)

Vol. 2023-May s. 6361-6366
9781538674628 (ISBN)


2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2023
Rome, Italy, 2023-05-27 - 2023-05-31


INnovation and excellence in massive-scale COMmunications and information processING - INCOMING

Europeiska kommissionen (EU) (EC/H2020/856967), 2020-01-01 -- 2022-12-31.


Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)






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