Utilizing Haematococcus pluvialis to simulate animal meat color in high-moisture meat analogues: Texture quality and color stability
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 2024

The effect of Haematococcus pluvialis (HP) (0.25∼1.25 %) as a colorant during high moisture extrusion (50 %) on the texture and microstructural properties of soy protein-based high moisture meat analogs (HMMA) was evaluated. Furthermore, the stability of HP-induced meat like color of the HMMA as a function of light exposure, freeze/thawing, frozen storage and cooking temperature and duration was investigated. The addition of HP reduced the elasticity of HMMA but enhanced its hardness, chewiness, and resilience. HP addition at low levels promoted the flexible and disordered regions within the protein secondary structure while excessive HP addition was unfavorable for protein cross-linking. The optimal degree of texturization was achieved with 0.75 % HP. Sensory evaluations revealed that HMMA with 1 %HP had a color similar to fresh beef sirloin, while HMMA with 0.25 % HP had a color closer to fresh pork loin. Light exposure induced the greatest color loss of the meat analogs compared with the cooking and frozen storage. The a* value of HMMA containing 1.25 % HP decreased by 30 % during the 14 days of light exposure. Frozen storage at darkness efficiently preserved the meat-like color of the extrudates. Overall, HP was found as promising colorant for HMMA production but the storage condition of the extrudates should be carefully optimized.


Color stability

High moisture meat analogues

Haematococcus pluvialis

Storage methods


Ze Hua Huang

Henan University of Technology

Szent István Egyetem

Ying Liu

Henan University of Technology

Hongzhou An

Henan University of Technology

Zoltan Kovacs

Szent István Egyetem

Mehdi Abdollahi

Chalmers, Life sciences, Livsmedelsvetenskap

Zhongke Sun

Henan University of Technology

Gaoyang Zhang

Henan University of Technology

Chengwei Li

Henan University of Technology

Food Research International

0963-9969 (ISSN) 18737145 (eISSN)

Vol. 175 113685








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