How Do Different Types of Testing Goals Affect Test Case Design?
Paper i proceeding, 2023
Test cases are designed in service of goals, e.g., functional correctness or performance. Unfortunately, we lack a clear understanding of how specific goal types influence test design. In this study, we explore this relationship through interviews and a survey with software developers, with a focus on identification and importance of goal types, quantitative relations between goals and tests, and personal, organizational, methodological, and technological factors. We identify nine goal types and their importance, and perform further analysis of three—correctness, reliability, and quality. We observe that test design for correctness forms a “default” design process that is modified when pursuing other goals. For the examined goal types, test cases tend to be simple, with many tests targeting a single goal and each test focusing on 1–2 goals at a time. We observe differences in testing practices, tools, and targeted system types between goal types. In addition, we observe that test design can be influenced by organization, process, and team makeup. This study provides a foundation for future research on test design and testing goals.
Non-Functional Testing
Functional Testing
Testing Goals
Test Design
Software Testing