Phase-gradient metalens for optical confinement and transport of microparticles
Paper i proceeding, 2022

Optical tweezers have opened numerous possibilities for contactless trapping and manipulation of microscopic particles for applications in life science and soft matter research and technology. In this work, we demonstrate the optical trapping and propulsion of microparticles in a compact setup facilitated by a dielectric metasurface. We envisage that this metasurface could be integrated with microfluidic chips to form miniaturized devices for sensing, driving and sorting various kinds of microscopic objects.


Mohammad Mahdi Shanei

Chalmers, Fysik, Nano- och biofysik

Einstom Engay

Chalmers, Fysik, Nano- och biofysik

Mikael Käll

Chalmers, Fysik, Nano- och biofysik

International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics

24291390 (eISSN)


12th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, META 2022
Torremolinos, Spain,


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