Conditions for CCS and Bio-CCS in Sweden
Paper i proceeding, 2021

This paper presents a recently started project (ZEROC) with the aim to investigate the role of key mitigation measures - including CCS - in the Swedish and Norwegian industries and the supporting infrastructure required for these measures including CO2 transport infrastructure. As basis for the analysis in the project, this paper gives an overview of conditions for CCS on Swedish industrial emission sources, both fossil and biogenic, and CCS role in not only reaching zero CO2-emissions in the Swedish industry but also in the longer term to contribute with negative emissions and what kind of CCS infrastructure that is likely to be required for such a development to take place. The ZEROC project has a broad participation from relevant industries both in Norway and Sweden.

Role of CCS/Bio-CCS


Zero CO2-emissions



Jan Kjärstad

Chalmers, Rymd-, geo- och miljövetenskap, Energiteknik

Filip Johnsson

Chalmers, Rymd-, geo- och miljövetenskap, Energiteknik

15th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference 2021, GHGT 2021

15th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference, GHGT 2021
Virtual, Online, United Arab Emirates,


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