Filip Johnsson
Filip Johnsson är professor i Energisystem, hans forskning är inriktad på åtgärder för att minska klimatpåverkan från energisystemet. Forskningen behandlar dels tekniska frågeställningar avseende el- och värmeproduktion och dels hur hela energisystemet kan ställas om till år 2050. Det senare baseras på teknisk-ekonomiska studier avseende hur klimatpåverkan från energisystemet kan minskas på ett kostnadseffektivt sätt.

Visar 528 publikationer
Cost-optimal CO<inf>2</inf> capture and transport infrastructure—A case study of Sweden
Frequency reserves and inertia in the transition to future electricity systems
Radar-based measurement of solids back-mixing in the freeboard of a circulating fluidized bed
Characterization of the solids crossflow in a bubbling fluidized bed
Emissions from building and construction can be halved with current technologies and practices
Lignin extraction in chemical pulp mills: The role of flexible operation
Green industrial policy for climate action in the basic materials industry
Impact of Energy-Related Properties of Cities on Optimal Urban Energy System Design
An open data-based model for generating a synthetic low-voltage grid to estimate hosting capacity
Substation Placement for Electric Road Systems
Material Requirements, Circularity Potential and Embodied Emissions Associated with Wind Energy
The chemical pulp mill as a flexible prosumer of electricity
Modeling the development of a carbon capture and transportation infrastructure for Swedish industry
Calcium looping for combined CO<inf>2</inf> capture and thermochemical energy storage
Comparison of the Transient Behaviors of Bubbling and Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustors
The implications of the basic materials industry electrification on the cost of hydrogen
Dynamics of large-scale bubbling fluidized bed combustion plants for heat and power production
The Cost to Consumers of Carbon Capture and Storage—A Product Value Chain Analysis
Radar-based measurements of the solids flow in a circulating fluidized bed
A comparative exergy-based assessment of direct air capture technologies
Dynamics and control of large-scale fluidized bed plants for renewable heat and power generation
Ett framtida elsystem med och utan kärnkraft – vad är skillnaden?
The interplay between energy technologies and human health: Implications for energy transition
Kommunala vetot – landbaserad vindkraft
Thermochemical Energy Storage with Integrated District Heat Production—A Case Study of Swede
Solids backmixing and entrainment in the splash zone of large-scale fluidized bed boilers
Integration of CCS in Combined Heat and Power Plants in a City Energy System
Studie av förutsättningar och hinder för vindkraftsutbyggnad
The cost dynamics of hydrogen supply in future energy systems – A techno-economic study
Thermochemical recycling of plastics – Modeling the implications for the electricity system
Interaction between electrified steel production and the north European electricity system
Delrapport B2. Elektrifieringens betydelse för omställningen - till Klimaträttsutredningen M 2019:05
Co-recycling of natural and synthetic carbon materials for a sustainable circular economy
Delrapport B1. Nyckelverksamheter i omställningen - Till Klimaträttsutredningen M 2019:05
Dynamics of large-scale bubbling fluidized bed combustion plants for heat and power production
Exploring the competitiveness of hydrogen-fueled gas turbines in future energy systems
Solids back-mixing in the transport zone of circulating fluidized bed boilers
The value of flexible fuel mixing in hydrogen-fueled gas turbines – A techno-economic study
The cost of CCS - a product chain analysis of the cement and pulp industries
Conditions for CCS and Bio-CCS in Sweden
Partial capture from refineries through utilization of existing site energy systems
Incentivizing BECCS - A Swedish Case Study
Production costs of advanced biofuels using a multi-component learning curve model
The BECCS Implementation Gap–A Swedish Case Study
A Case Study of the Potential for CCS in Swedish Combined Heat and Power Plants
Supply Chain Driven Commercialisation of Bio Energy Carbon Capture and Storage
Techno-Economic Assessment of Calcium Looping for Thermochemical Energy Storage with CO2 Capture
Modeling the motion of fuel particles in a fluidized bed
CCS in the pulp and paper industry - implications on regional biomass supply
Future applications of circulating fluidized-bed technology
Inclusion of frequency control constraints in energy system investment modeling
The impact of limited electricity connection capacity on energy transitions in cities
Dynamic Modeling of the Reactive Side in Large-Scale Fluidized Bed Boilers
Smart electric vehicle charging strategies for sectoral coupling in a city energy system
Design of clean steel production with hydrogen: Impact of electricity system composition
Dynamic modeling of the flue gas side of large-scale circulating fluidized bed boilers
Flexible operation of a combined cycle cogeneration plant - A techno-economic assessment
Pathways for Low-Carbon Transition of the Steel Industry-A Swedish Case Study
Ett ensidigt fokus på elexport är allt för snävt.
Comparison of the Dynamic Behaviour between Bubbling and Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustors
Modeling Axial Mixing of Fuel Particles in the Dense Region of a Fluidized Bed
Frequency control and synthetic inertia in energy systems modelling
Efficient utilization of industrial excess heat for carbon capture and district heating
Är kärnkraften nödvändig för en fossilfri, svensk, elproduktion?
A Novel Method for Gas to Particulate Mass Transfer Measurements in Fluidized Beds
Avskiljning, transport och lagring av koldioxid i Sverige Behov av forskning och demonstration
A techno-economic assessment of biomass co-firing in Czech Republic, France, Germany and Poland
Flexibility Potential of Space Heating Demand Response in Buildings for District Heating Systems
Evaluation of the Fluid-Dynamically Down Scaled Model of a -200 MWth CFB Boiler
A Novel Method to Investigate Lateral Mixing of Solids in Bubbling Fluidized Beds
The threat to climate change mitigation posed by the abundance of fossil fuels
Interconnection of the electricity and heating sectors to support the energy transition in cities
Forests and the climate: manage for maximum wood production or leave the forest as a carbon sink?
Electric vehicles as a flexibility management strategy in Europe
Geospatial supply-demand modeling of biomass residues for co-firing in European coal power plants
Bottom-bed fluid dynamics – Influence on solids entrainment
1<sup>st</sup> International Conference on Negative CO2 Emissions - Summary and Highlights
Impact of implementation of ERS on the German and Swedish electricity system
Evaluation of Steel Mills as Carbon Sinks
Partial Carbon Capture by Absorption Cycle for Reduced Specific Capture Cost
Determination of the Apparent Viscosity of Dense Gas-Solids Emulsion by Magnetic Particle Tracking
Contributions of Building Retrofitting in Five Member States to EU Targets for Energy Savings
A Strategy for Early Deployment of BECCS in Basic Industry - A Swedish Case Study
Metod för omställning av urbana byggnadsbestånd
Hourly electricity demand from an electric road system – A Swedish case study
Modelling axial mixing of char - application to the dense bottom bed in CFB boilers
Spacial and dynamic energy demand of the E39 highway – Implications on electrification options
Geographic aggregation of wind power—an optimization methodology for avoiding low outputs
Managing the costs of CO2 abatement in the cement industry
Magnetic tracking of a fuel particle in a fluid-dynamically down-scaled fluidised bed
Linking the Effect of Reservoir Injectivity and CO 2 Transport Logistics in the Nordic Region
Value of wind power – Implications from specific power
Skoglig bioenergi central i klimatarbetet
Cost-Effectiveness of Retrofitting Swedish Buildings
Experimental characterization of axial fuel mixing in fluidized beds by magnetic particle tracking
Electric road systems in Norway and Sweden-impact on CO2 emissions and infrastructure cost
Bottom-bed fluid dynamics - Influence on solids entrainment
Improved syngas processing for enhanced Bio-SNG production: A techno-economic assessment
Assessment of biomass energy sources and technologies: The case of Central America
Experimental characterization of axial fuel mixing in fluidized beds by magnetic particle tracking
The 8th International Symposium on Coal Combustion (ISCC-8)
Reduced Mechanism for Nitrogen and Sulfur Chemistry in Pressurized Flue Gas Systems
Ship transport – a low cost and low risk CO2 transport option in the Nordic countries
Solar photovoltaic-battery systems in Swedish households - Self-consumption and self-sufficiency
Demand response potential of electrical space heating in Swedish single-family dwellings
The role of biomass to replace fossil fuels in a regional energy system - the case of West Sweden
Regional Distribution of Renewable Energy and the Abundance of Fossil Fuels
Distributed solar and wind power - Impact on distribution losses
Modeling the Nitrogen and Sulfur Chemistry in Pressurized Flue Gas Systems
3-dimensional magnetic particle tracking in a fluid-dynamically downscaled bubbling fluidized bed
Camera-probe fuel tracking under industrial fluidized-bed conditions
Time-resolved modeling of gas mixing in fluidized bed units
Influence of bulk solids cross-flow on lateral mixing of fuel in dual fluidized beds
Heat extraction from a utility-scale oxy-fuel-fired CFB boiler
Modelling opportunities and costs associated with energy conservation in the Spanish building stock
Ammonia-based post combustion - The techno-economics of controlling ammonia emissions
CO2 emissions abatement in the Nordic carbon-intensive industry – an end-game in sight?
Spatial exploration of the refurbishment dynamics of urban housing stocks
The crucial role of frictional stress models for simulation of bubbling fluidized beds
Quantification of the Energy Efficiency Gap in the Swedish Residential Sector
The influence of price and non-price effects on demand for heating in the EU residential sector
Magnetic tracer-particle tracking in a fluid dynamically down-scaled bubbling fluidized bed
Recommendations on CO2 transport solutions
Reduced Mechanism for Interactions of Nitrogen and Sulfur Chemistry in Pressurized Flue Gas Systems
CO-KCl-SO2 interactions in an 80 kW propane-fired flame
Transport of CO2 in the nordic region
Challenges to integrate CCS into low carbon electricity markets
Hur kan effektivitet mätas i ett bioraffinaderi?
The Rate of CO2 Absorption in Ammonia-Implications on Absorber Design
Co-Feeding of Natural Gas in Pyrolysis Plants Producing Biofuels - GHG Savings and Economic Impact
Easurement of solids velocity and concentration in a large cold CFB model
Process evaluation of CO2 capture in three industrial case studies
Building-Stock Aggregation through Archetype Buildings: France, Germany, Spain and the UK
Modeling the Alkali Sulfation Chemistry of Biomass and Coal Co-firing in Oxy-fuel Atmospheres
A methodology for spatial modelling of energy and resource use of buildings in urbanized areas
A Geospatial Comparison of Distributed Solar Heat and Power in Europe and the US
Measurement and Modeling of Particle Radiation in Coal Flames
The effect of improved efficiency on energy savings in EU-27 buildings
Carbon Monoxide Formation in Oxy-Fuel Combustion
Cost-optimized allocation of wind power investments: a Nordic-German perspective
Infrastructure for CCS in the Skagerrak/Kattegat region, Southern Scandinavia: A feasibility study
Transient Behavior of a Post Combustion CO2 Capture Process
A Study of Fuel Particle Movement in Fluidized Beds
Experimental evaluation and field application of a salt method for SO3 measurement in flue gases
Influence of particle and gas radiation in oxy-fuel combustion
Conversion of large coal particles under O2/N2 and O2/CO2 atmospheres - Experiments and modeling
A modelling strategy for energy, carbon, and cost assessments of building stocks.
Gas phase oxidation of SO2 by NO2 in pressurized flue gas systems - an experimental investigation
Sulphation of potassium chloride in air and oxy-fuel combustion
Fluidized bed technologies for near-zero emission combustion and gasification
Sustainable use of energy carriers in the Kattegat/Skagerrak-region - a regional case study
Modeling of fluidized bed combustion processes
Solids back-mixing in CFB-furnaces
Deployment of CCS in industrial applications in the EU – timing, scope and coordination
Eulerian-Eulerian-Lagrangian Simulation of Fuel Mixing in Fluidized beds
Description of the European building stock through archetype buildings
Measurement and modeling of sulfur trioxide formation in a flow reactor under post-flame conditions
How to decarbonize the transport sector?
Simulation of Fuel Mixing in Fluidized Beds using a Combined Tracking Technique
Analysis of lateral fuel mixing in a fluid-dynamically down-scaled bubbling fluidized bed
NORDICCS-CCS in the Nordic region/Pressurized flue gas cleaning in CCS processes
Prospects for CCS in the EU energy roadmap to 2050
Carbon Monoxide Formation during Oxy-fuel-Fired Fluidized-Bed Combustion
The importance of CO2 capture and storage: A geopolitical discussion
Assessment of strategies for CO2 abatement in the European petroleum refining industry
Heat requirement for regeneration of aqueous ammonia in post-combustion carbon dioxide capture
Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Oxy-Fuel Flames: The Role of Soot and Gas Radiation
Maximizing Value of Wind Power Allocation: a Multi-objective Optimization approach
SO3 Measurement Techniques: A Study in a 100 kW Test Unit Fired with a SO2-Doped Propane Flame
Influence of ash particles on radiative heat transfer in air- and oxy-fired conditions
What is the efficiency of a biorefinery?
Fossil Fuels: Climate Change and Security of Supply
Modeling of the heat transfer in large-scale fluidized bed furnaces
Material Constraints for Concentrating Solar Thermal Power
Gas temperature and radiative heat transfer in oxy-fuel flames
Bottom-up characterization of the Spanish building stock for energy assessment and model validation
Evaluation of SO3 Measurement Techniques in Air and Oxy-Fuel Combustion
Quantitative evaluation of inert solids mixing in a bubbling fluidized bed
Modelling Energy demand to 2050 in the EU Building Stock – a bottom-up analysis
Lateral fuel dispersion in a large-scale bubbling fluidized bed
Oxy-Fuel Combustion Modeling: Performance of Global Reaction Mechanisms
The effects of operating conditions on SO3 formation during oxy-fuel and air-firing
Influence of Operating Conditions on SO3 Formation during Air and Oxy-Fuel Combustion
Thermal radiation in oxy-fuel flames
Dampening variaiton in the Northern European Wind ENergy Output
Future demand for space heating in buildings: a top-down analysis
Perspectives on CO2capture and storage
Large scale integration of wind power: moderating thermal power plant cycling
Thermal integration and modelling of the chilled ammonia process
A bottom-up model for energy, carbon and costs assessment of building stocks
SO3 Formation under Oxyfuel Combustion Conditions
A novel multigrid technique for lagrangian modeling of fuel mixing in fluidized beds
The importance of CO2 Capture and Storage - a geopolitical discussion
Heat requirement of CO2 absorption by aqueous ammonia
Large scale integration of wind power – influence of geographical allocation
Energy efficiency strategies in the residential building stock
Conversion of Sulfur during Pulverized Oxy-coal Combustion
Reburning of Nitric Oxide in Oxy-Fuel Firing-The Influence of Combustion Conditions
Prospects for CO2 capture in European industry
Time-series analysis of pressure fluctuations in gas-solid fluidized beds - A review
Method and models used in the project Pathways to Sustainable European Energy Systems
NOx reburning in oxy-fuel combustion: A comparison between solid and gaseous fuels
European Energy Pathways - Pathways to sustainable european energy systems
Control of Nitrogen Oxides in Oxy-Fuel Combustion
Circulating fluidized bed combustion – build-up and validation of a three-dimensional model
The Control of Nitrogen Oxides in Oxy-Fuel Combustion
Modeling of the solids inventory in a CFB boiler
Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles as Regulating Power Providers - Case Studies of Sweden and Germany
Evaluation of gas radiation modeling in oxy-fired furnaces
One-dimensional modeling of oxy-fuel fluidized bed combustion for CO2 capture
Reburning in oxy-fuel combustion: A parametric study of the combustion chemistry
Stakeholder attitudes on Carbon Capture and Storage-An international comparison
Digital image analysis of bubble flow – influence of operational parameters
A novel multigrid approach for Lagrangian modeling of fuel mixing in fluidized beds
NOX reburning in oxy-fuel combustion - An experimental investigation
Integration of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles in a regional wind-thermal power system
Thermal Integration of the Chilled Ammonia Process
Voidage distribution around bubbles in a fluidized bed
The Sulphur Mass Balance in Oxy-Fuel Combustion of Lignite
The fate of sulphur during oxy-fuel combustion of lignite
Dispatch modeling of a regional power generation system - Integrating wind power
Biomass Retrofitting a Natural Gas-Fired Plant to a Hybrid Combined Cycle (HCC)
Carbon dioxide storage − an essential element in tackling global climate change
Modelling energy efficiency scenarios for the European building stock
Dynamical modeling of the gas phase in fluidized bed combustion - accounting for fluctuations
Utilization of Reburn Reactions for NOx Control in Oxy-Fuel Combustion
Co-firing biomass with coal for electricity generation-An assessment of the potential in EU27
Pathways for the North European electricity supply
Assessment of the potential for CO2 capture in European heavy industries
Sulphur chemistry in oxy-fuel combustion
Ramp-up of large-scale CCS infrastructure in Europe
Process analysis of an oxygen lean oxy-fuel power plant with co-production
Towards Energy Efficient Housing – the importance of local energy planning
Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles as a mean to reduce CO2 emissions from electricity production
Resources and future supply of oil
Emission control of nitrogen oxides in the oxy-fuel process
The role of CCS in the European electricity supply system
Co-firing biomass with coal for electricity generation—An assessment of the potential in EU27
Combustion characteristics of lignite-fired oxy-fuel flames
Radiation intensity of lignite-fired oxy-fuel flames
Towards Sustainabel Oil Refinery - Pre-study for larger co-operation project
High-temperature reduction of nitrogen oxides in oxy-fuel combustion
NO Emission during Oxy-Fuel Combustion of Lignite
On the possibilities for co-firing biomass with coal for power generation in the EU
Radiation measurements and modeling of lignite-fired oxy-fuel flames
High temperature reduction of nitrogen oxides
Radiation Intensity of Propane-Fired Oxy-Fuel Flames: Implications for Soot Formation
Towards Future Electricity Networks – Meeting Strict CO2 Targets
The potential for biomass co-firing with coal in EU27
Ramp-up of CO2 capture and storage within Europe
Implications of large-scale introduction of CCS in the North European electricity supply system
Evaluation of Concepts for secondary SOx and NOx Removal from the Oxy-Fuel Process
Modeling of fuel mixing in fluidized bed combustors
A comprehensive model of CFB combustion
Experimental analysis of fuel mixing patterns in a fluidized bed
Radiative heat transfer in oxy-fuel flames for solid and gaseous fuels
Flame and radiation characteristics of gas-fired O2/CO2 combustion
Biomass mixing in a fluidized bed biomass gasifier for hydrogen production
Energy use in European buildings - monitoring the pathway towards a sustainable built environment
Prospects of the European Gas Market
Dynamics of furnace processes in a CFB boiler
Modeling fuel mixing in a fluidized bed combustor
Characterization of fluid dynamics of fluidized beds by analysis of pressure fluctuations
Combustion Characteristics of Lignite-fired Oxy-fuel Flames
Nitrogen chemistry in a 100kW lignite fired oxy-fuel combustor
Oxyfuel power plant with co-production of DME - A bridging technology
Solids back-mixing in CFB boilers
Nitrogen Oxides in Oxy-Fuel Combustion
Experiments and modeling on oxy-fuel combustion chemistry during lignite-firing
Primary energy use for heating in the Swedish building sector - Current trends and proposed target
Estimation of the temperature in the bottom region of a fluidized-bed furnace burning biomass
Biomas co-firing in a CFB boiler
Co-firing of coal and biomass in Circulating Fluidized Beds
Inlet boundary conditions for the simulation of fluid dynamics in gas-solid fluidized beds