Energy use in European buildings - monitoring the pathway towards a sustainable built environment
Övrigt konferensbidrag, 2007
To contribute towards a reduction in demand side energy use in Europe over the
coming decades, a key system that must be put in place, is a method of monitoring
energy usage trends in buildings. A basic premise for such monitoring is, that,
across the continent, mandatory building thermal effi ciency standards have not
lead to reductions in energy use in line with regulations. Germany, for example,
has had building thermal regulations in place since the early 1970’s. Theoretically
there should have been a 60% reduction in residential sector energy use there over
this time. The reduction has, however, been only 38%1 . A reoccurring problem
is that, although applicants for building permits submit plans which include the
thermal characteristics of the buildings they plan, compliance is rarely monitored
afterwards by authorities. This has implications for the energy saving initiatives
that have emanated from the EU in the last few years including the Environmental
Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD). In fact, and this certainly includes
buildings, the IPCC SRES2 states that there is an inadequate ability to capture the
potential for effi ciency improvement and the impacts of effi ciency programs.