Eoin Ó Broin
Visar 14 publikationer
Modelling drivers of energy demand in the European Union building sector
The influence of price and non-price effects on demand for heating in the EU residential sector
Quantification of the Energy Efficiency Gap in the Swedish Residential Sector
The effect of improved efficiency on energy savings in EU-27 buildings
Modelling Energy demand to 2050 in the EU Building Stock – a bottom-up analysis
Future demand for space heating in buildings: a top-down analysis
A top-down approach to modelling national energy demand: example of residential sector space heating
Future end use energy demand in the European building stock
Towards Energy Efficient Housing – the importance of local energy planning
Energy use in European buildings - monitoring the pathway towards a sustainable built environment
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Visar 1 forskningsprojekt
Uthålliga europeiska energisystem