The Neuralacoustics Project: Exploring Deep-Learnin for Lightweight Numerical Modeling Synthesis
Övrigt konferensbidrag, 2022

Workshop, Session 1.

We present a newly started project called Neuralacoustics, aimed at using embedded AI to reduce the computational requirements of numerical modeling synthesis. To achieve this goal, we propose a novel design pipeline, in which neural networks are first trained off-line to approximate the behavior of target interactive acoustic systems, and then deployed on embedded and mobile platforms as real-time synthesis engines.

musical acoustics

deep learning

non-linear acoustics

machine learning


Victor Zappi

Northeastern University

Kivanc Tatar

Chalmers, Data- och informationsteknik, Data Science och AI

Embedded AI for NIME: Challenges and Opportunities Workshop at New Interfaces for Musical Expression

The International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression
Auckland, New Zealand,


Informations- och kommunikationsteknik


Inbäddad systemteknik

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