Hardware-in-the-loop emulator test-setup for a dual-rotor contra-rotating pump-turbine
Paper i proceeding, 2024

Recently, contra-rotating reversible pump-turbines (CR RPTs) have been proposed to increase the efficiency of low-head pumped hydropower storage applications, which are promising to provide energy storage for non-mountainous regions. To study the control architectures for these systems, a dual-rotor hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) emulator test-setup is developed. The HIL test-setup employs two induction machines controlled by separate regenerative variable frequency drives to emulate the torques on the two runners. A quasi-steady-state RPT model is developed based on 380 steady-state computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations and compared to three transient CFD simulations to analyse the dynamics. Furthermore, the runner torques are adapted to account for the lower friction and higher inertia of the HIL test-setup compared to the prototype CR RPT, ensuring accurate emulation. Finally, it is shown how precise calibration of the drive torque response averts torque errors related to the machine model estimator used in direct torque control. The developed emulator setup offers a cost-effective and controlled environment to optimise and validate control architectures for the novel CR RPT, providing a higher fidelity than theoretical simulation by including the physical effects of the drivetrain, electrical machines and converters that are not entirely captured in mathematical models.

dual-rotor hardware-in-the-loop emulator test-setup

separate regenerative variable frequency drives

developed emulator setup

direct torque control

HIL test-setup

low-head pumped hydropower storage applications

quasisteady-state RPT model

380 steady-state computational fluid dynamics simulations

reversible pump-turbines

control architectures

dual-rotor contra-rotating pump-turbine

drive torque response averts torque errors


D. P. K. Truijen

Universiteit Gent

J. P. Hoffstaedt

TU Delft

Jonathan Fahlbeck

Chalmers, Mekanik och maritima vetenskaper, Strömningslära

A. J. Laguna

TU Delft

Håkan Nilsson

Chalmers, Mekanik och maritima vetenskaper, Strömningslära

K. Stockman

Universiteit Gent

J. D. M. De Kooning

Universiteit Gent

IET Conference Proceedings

27324494 (eISSN)

978-1-83724-121-7 (ISBN)

13th International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2024)
Nottingham, United Kingdom,

Augmenting grid stability through Low-head Pumped Hydro Energy Utilization & Storage (ALPHEUS)

Europeiska kommissionen (EU) (EC/H2020/883553), 2020-04-01 -- 2024-03-31.


Hållbar utveckling




Strömningsmekanik och akustik




C3SE (Chalmers Centre for Computational Science and Engineering)



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