Cellular location shapes quaternary structure of enzymes
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 2024

The main forces driving protein complex evolution are currently not well understood, especially in homomers, where quaternary structure might frequently evolve neutrally. Here we examine the factors determining oligomerisation by analysing the evolution of enzymes in circumstances where homomers rarely evolve. We show that 1) In extracellular environments, most enzymes with known structure are monomers, while in the cytoplasm homomers, indicating that the evolution of oligomers is cellular environment dependent; 2) The evolution of quaternary structure within protein orthogroups is more consistent with the predictions of constructive neutral evolution than an adaptive process: quaternary structure is gained easier than it is lost, and most extracellular monomers evolved from proteins that were monomers also in their ancestral state, without the loss of interfaces. Our results indicate that oligomerisation is context-dependent, and even when adaptive, in many cases it is probably not driven by the intrinsic properties of enzymes, like their biochemical function, but rather the properties of the environment where the enzyme is active. These factors might be macromolecular crowding and excluded volume effects facilitating the evolution of interfaces, and the maintenance of cellular homeostasis through shaping cytoplasm fluidity, protein degradation, or diffusion rates.


György Abrusán

King's College London

Aleksej Zelezniak

Chalmers, Life sciences, Systembiologi

Vilniaus universitetas

King's College London

Nature Communications

2041-1723 (ISSN) 20411723 (eISSN)

Vol. 15 1 8505-


Biokemi och molekylärbiologi





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