CFD analysis of a SGT-800 burner in a combustion RIG
Paper i proceeding, 2016

This work focuses on 3D turbulent reacting flow modeling of a SGT-800 3rd generation dry low emission (DLE) burner at both atmospheric and engine-like conditions. At atmospheric pressure the burner is fitted in a test rig with high pre-heating of the incoming air. To reduce the computational cost, the M4 mechanism previously developed by Abou-Taouk et al. (2013) is used for operating pressure of 1 bar. A new novel optimized 4-step reaction mechanism for methane-air mixture is developed in the present work at an operating pressure of 20 bar. The mechanism is based on a large sample of detailed chemistry solutions that are processed by an iterative optimization procedure. This leads to a reduced 4-step mechanism, reproducing the targeted detailed chemistry solutions in terms of laminar flame speeds, species profiles and temperatures. The CFD simulations are performed using the combined eddy dissipation model / finite rate chemistry (EDM/FRC) turbulence chemistry interaction model. The turbulence is modeled using both the k-ω SST and the scale adaptive simulation (SAS) turbulence models. A comprehensive testing and measurement campaign carried out at atmospheric pressure for this burner was previously performed in a combustion test rig. The CFD results are compared to measurement data which includes for example flame position and pressure drop.

hybrid URANS/LES

reduced chemistry


industrial gas burners


Abdallah Abou-Taouk

Chalmers, Tillämpad mekanik, Strömningslära

Niklas Andersson

Chalmers, Tillämpad mekanik, Strömningslära

Lars-Erik Eriksson

Chalmers, Tillämpad mekanik, Strömningslära

Daniel Lörstad

Siemens Energy

ASME Turbo Expo, June 13 – 17, 2016, Seoul, South Korea

Vol. 4B-2016
9780791849767 (ISBN)


Hållbar utveckling






C3SE (-2020, Chalmers Centre for Computational Science and Engineering)

Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)

Strömningsmekanik och akustik





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