Johan Niklas Andersson
Mina intressen är i huvudsak simulering av kompressibla flöden, numeriska metoder för beräkning av strömningsfält, analys av egenmoder i strömningsfält och beräkning av strömningsinducerat ljud. Större delen av min forskning berör ämnen som kan relateras till flygindustrin. Jag är huvudutvecklare för koden G3D::Flow, en CFD-kod för simulering av kompressibla och inkompressibla flöden. G3D::Flow är skriven i C++ och använder sig av de distribuerade datatyper och lösare som finns tillgängliga i PETSc.

Visar 65 publikationer
Computational Aeroacoustics of Inlet Geometry on Tip Noise for Low Pressure Axial Fans
Computational aeroacoustics of low-pressure axial fans installed in parallel
Aerodynamic Analysis of Low-Pressure Axial Fans Installed in Parallel
Proceedings - Swedish Mechanics Days 2024
Aerodynamic Analysis of Conventional and Boundary Layer Ingesting Propellers
Minimizing Aliasing in Multiple Frequency Harmonic Balance Computations
Coupled unsteady RANS and FW-H methodology for aeroacoustics prediction of high-speed propellers
Convergence Acceleration of the Harmonic Balance Method using a Time-Level Preconditioner
The Impact of Manufacturing Variations on Performance of a Transonic Axial Compressor Rotor
Convergence Acceleration of the Harmonic Balance Method using a Time-Level Preconditioner
An aeroacoustic study of the flow surrounding the front of a simplified ICE3 high-speed train model
Integrated Compressor Duct with Bleed: Experimental Validation of a Hybrid RANS/LES Approach
Nonreflecting boundary conditions for the Euler equations in a discontinuous Galerkin discretization
Effect of Airfoil Parametrization on the Optimization of Counter Rotating Open Rotors
Noisyduck: An open-source python tool for computing eigenmode decompositions of duct flows
The NASA 2D wall-mounted hump simulated using DDES-SA with the G3D::Flow solver
A Nonreflecting Formulation for Turbomachinery Boundaries and Blade Row Interfaces
Aeroacoustic Analysis of a Counter Rotating Open Rotor based on the Harmonic Balance Method
Acoustic Mode Analysis of a Supersonic Jet
Multi-Objective Optimization of a Counter Rotating Open Rotor using Evolutionary Algorithms
Sensitivity study of the SA-DDES shielding function
The Impact Of Manufacturing Variations On Performance Of A Transonic Axial Compressor Rotor
Dynamic Mode Decomposition of a Separated Nozzle Flow with Transonic Resonance
Validating the Harmonic Balance Method for Turbomachinery Tonal Noise Predictions
On Improving the Surge Margin of a Tip-Critical Axial Compressor Rotor
The Surge Margin of an Axial Compressor: Estimations from Steady State Simulations
Dynamic Mode Decomposition Applied to a Detached-Eddy Simulation of Separated Nozzle Flow
Optimization of Robust Transonic Compressor Blades
Acoustic Signature of a Supersonic Jet Emanating from a Rectangular C-D Nozzle
Hybrid RANS-LES Simulation of Separated Nozzle Flow
CFD analysis of a SGT-800 burner in a combustion RIG
Simulation of Tip-Clearance Effects in a Transonic Compressor
CFD Optimization of a Transonic Compressor Stage with a Large Tip Gap
Reduction of supersonic jet noise using micro-jets in the diverging part of a conical CD-nozzle
Noise Control of Supersonic Jet with Steady and Flapping Fluidic Injection
Numerical Simulation of Stirling Engines Using an Unsteady Quasi-One-Dimensional Approach
Investigation of Screech in Supersonic Jets Using Modal Decomposition
Near-field and far-field spectral analyzis of supersonic jet with and without fluidic injection
A Novel Solver Acceleration Technique Based on Dynamic Mode Decomposition
Investigation of supersonic jet flow using modal decomposition
Comparison of Eigenmode Extraction Techniques for Separated Nozzle Flows
Investigation of a Separated Nozzle Flow with Transonic Resonance Using Dynamic Mode Decomposition
Exploration of temperature effects on the far-field acoustic radiation from a supersonic jet
Supersonic Jet Excitation using Flapping Injection
Supersonic Jet Noise Reduction Using Steady Injection and Flapping Injection
A Study of Subsonic Turbulent Jets and Their Radiated Sound Using Large-Eddy Simulation
Effects of Inflow Conditions and Subgrid Model on LES for Turbulent Jets
LES Prediction of Flow and Acoustic Field of a Coaxial Jet
Large-Eddy Simulation of Subsonic Turbulent Jets and Their Radiated Sound
A Study of Mach 0.75 Jets and Their Radiated Sound Using Large-Eddy Simulation
Large-Eddy Simulation of a Mach 0.75 Jet
A Study of Mach 0.75 Jets and Their Radiated Sound Using Large-Eddy Simulation
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Visar 13 forskningsprojekt
Computation of aeroacoustic sources and sound propagation for urban challenges, part 2
Detaljerad Flödesanalys för Rymdmunstycken (DFR)
Computation of aeroacoustic sources and sound propagation for urban challenges
Intermediate Compressor Case Duct Aerodynamics (IDA)
Värmelast i gasturbinens heta delar vid sameldning med vätgas
Detaljerad analys av strömning i rymdmunstycken under uppstartsförlopp
Robust optimering vid konstruktion av skovlar för transonisk strömning
Analys av Separations- och Sidolastbeteende hos Rymdmunstycken under Uppstartsförlopp, (NRFP 2)