A Particle Swarm Optimized Independence Estimator for Blind Source Separation of Neurophysiological Time Series
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 2025

The decomposition of neurophysiological recordings into their constituent neural sources is of major importance to a diverse range of neuroscientific fields and neuroengineering applications. The advent of high density electrode probes and arrays has driven a major need for novel semi-automated and automated blind source separation methodologies that take advantage of the increased spatial resolution and coverage these new devices offer. Independent component analysis (ICA) offers a principled theoretical framework for such algorithms, but implementation inefficiencies often drive poor performance in practice, particularly for sparse sources. Here we observe that the use of a single non-linear optimization function to identify spiking sources with ICA often has a detrimental effect that precludes the recovery and correct separation of all spiking sources in the signal. We go on to propose a projection-pursuit ICA algorithm designed specifically for spiking sources, which uses a particle swarm methodology to adaptively traverse a polynomial family of non-linearities approximating the asymmetric cumulants of the sources. We robustly prove state-of-the-art decomposition performance on recordings from high density intramuscular probes and demonstrate how the particle swarm quickly finds optimal contrast non-linearities across a range of neurophysiological datasets.

Independent component analysis

intramuscular electromyography

particle swarm optimisation

blind source separation

intracortical recording


Agnese Grison

Imperial College London

Alexander Kenneth Clarke

Imperial College London

Silvia Muceli

Imperial College London

Chalmers, Elektroteknik, Signalbehandling och medicinsk teknik

Jaime Ibáñez

Imperial College London

Universidad de Zaragoza

Aritra Kundu

Imperial College London

Dario Farina

Imperial College London

IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering

0018-9294 (ISSN) 15582531 (eISSN)

Vol. 72 1 227-237

Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2025)

Annan elektroteknik och elektronik





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