Improving pre-crash safety systems: Using computational driver behavior models and efficient sampling methods
Doktorsavhandling, 2025
The first objective of this thesis is to investigate the safety performance of safety systems that include a driver model incorporating drivers' comfortable behaviors in its crash avoidance algorithm. Chinese car-to-two-wheeler crashes were targeted; automated emergency braking (AEB) algorithms which include drivers’ comfort zone boundaries (CZB) were compared to a traditional AEB algorithm. The proposed algorithms showed larger safety performance benefits, indicating that including computational behavior models in the algorithms of pre-crash safety systems may reduce the number of crashes and injuries on our roads. It should also be noted that residual crash characteristics did not differ among different AEB implementations. If in- crash protection systems do not have to account for different AEB outcomes, then the systems' designs could be simplified, leading to a more effective allocation of resources.
The second objective is to develop a method for the efficient collection of human-participant data, for use in the development of safety systems that incorporate driver behavior. The resulting method, predictive Bayesian optional stopping (pBOS), enables early stopping—either when a specific statistical target is reached or when it is not likely that the target will be reached, given the available resources (e.g., financing or test-track time). The results show that traditional Bayesian optional stopping (BOS) outperforms traditional frequentist sample size determination—and pBOS outperforms traditional BOS when the experiments have less than a 50% chance of reaching the target with the allocated resources. Consequently, under the appropriate conditions, the use of pBOS in the development of pre-crash safety systems is likely to reduce the resources required, allowing them to be reallocated to other safety research or system development priorities.
The third objective is to develop and apply a method for efficient sampling in crash causation model-based scenario generation for virtual safety assessment. The method, which is machine- learning-assisted, actively and iteratively updates the sampling probability based on new simulation results. The method requires almost 50% fewer simulations than traditional importance sampling. In addition, the impact on efficiency of incorporating the following three features into the method was investigated: domain knowledge-based adaptive sample space reduction logic, stratification, and batch size (the number of samples per iteration). The results show that both knowledge-based logic and stratification can reduce the target estimation error, and a larger batch size is preferred for overall simulation efficiency. As with pBOS, active sampling in behavior model-based pre-crash safety system assessment may reduce development costs, allowing the reallocation of resources.
Bayesian optional stopping
automated driving systems
conflict and crash avoidance
scenario generation
advanced driver assistance systems
active sampling
counterfactual simulation
Xiaomi Yang
Chalmers, Mekanik och maritima vetenskaper, Fordonssäkerhet
Evaluation of comfort zone boundary based automated emergencybraking algorithms for car-to-powered-two-wheeler crashes inChina
IET Intelligent Transport Systems,;Vol. 18(2024)p. 1599-1615
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift
Active sampling: A machine-learning-assisted framework for finite population inference with optimal subsamples
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift
To further improve the development of vehicle safety systems, the research introduces two innovative statistical methods. The first method, predictive Bayesian optional stopping (pBOS), collects data more efficiently by stopping early when statistical targets (e.g., driver variability across different system designs) are either met or unlikely to be met. Resource use during the development of vehicle safety systems is thus optimized.
The second statistical method is an AI-assisted sampling method for virtual safety assessments. This method optimally selects a subset of all simulations to represent the results, reducing the number of required simulations by nearly 50% compared to traditional sampling methods. By enhancing the efficiency of safety system assessment, this method also ensures that resources are used effectively.
These advancements not only improve vehicle safety but also pave the way for future innovations in road safety. By integrating driver behavior models and statistical methods, this research contributes to safer driving experiences for everyone.
Supporting the interaction of Humans and Automated vehicles: Preparing for the Environment of Tomorrow (Shape-IT)
Europeiska kommissionen (EU) (EC/H2020/860410), 2019-10-01 -- 2023-09-30.
Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2025)
Farkost och rymdteknik
Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie: 5642
Vasa A, entrance from Vera Sandbergs Allé 8. At entrance floor.
Opponent: Prof. Dr. Meng Wang, TU Dresden
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