Integrated environment health and safety model for glass plant design
Paper i proceeding, 2004

Abstract: The integration of environment, health and safety principles in process design constitutes a major challenge. The lack of appropriate methodologies for conducting effective risk assessment at early stage of process design and the inability of bringing together different types of expertise in the design practice are, among others, the most relevant limiting factors. In this study, a systematic, structured approach to risk assessment is adopted. A model for a high-temperature process, which encompasses the formulation of Environment, Safety and Health Problem as part of engineering process, has been developed. The model requirements are the availability at a very early stage of a statement of the project, plant process specifications and pertinent chemical or engineering data. The Hazard Identification and Environmental Aspects Identification in the production process are initially implemented at a component level. Afterwards, the identification is carried out at a process section level, following the process mapping approach. Risk assessment is then applied to the entire plant. Subsequently, process improvement options are established and evaluated. The last stage encompasses a systematic evaluation of risks and environmental impacts against a set of control options and the choice of the best glass plant design option.

Risk assessment

High-temperature process

Keywords: Process design

Inherent safety


Vasco Junior

Chalmers, Institutionen för kemiteknik och miljövetenskap, Kemisk apparat- och anläggningsteknik

Mohammad Shahriari

Chalmers, Produkt- och produktionsutveckling, Produktionsteknik

proceeding of the 4th international symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene, February 19-20 2004- Porto, Portugal

972-95646-7-1 (ISBN)

Ämneskategorier (SSIF 2011)

Produktionsteknik, arbetsvetenskap och ergonomi

Kemiska processer



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