Mohammad Shahriari
Visar 40 publikationer
Occupational Safety Climate and Shift Work
Liability Risk Assessment at Skarvik Port
Methodic classification of mining accident causes - Learning lessons
Risk Assessment and Decision Support
Loss Prevention and Safety - A Practical Risk Management Handbook
Application of Bayesian networks in corrective maintenance safety
Development of a Risk Assessment Procedure Applied on Building Physics: Part One; Model Development
Evaluation of an incident causation model- a case study
Risk Management as a Tool to Protect Water resources
Estimation of Maximum Loss - A comparison study
Evaluating EML Modeling Tools for Insurance Purposes: A Case Study
Fault Tree Analysis, Strengths and Weaknesses
Risk Evaluation of Household Hazardous Waste-A case study
Safety Evaluation and Improvement in an Ethylene Oxide Reactor
Analysis of a Management Decision Failure – What lesson can we learn?
Oil spill cleanup cost estimation—Developing a mathematical model for marine environment
Risk Assessment in Industry – A semi quantitative approach
Risks in Decision making –Learning from the Brent Spar Case
Human Errors in Decision Making- Analysis of two historical cases
Evaluation of the alarm system in an oil refinery An improvement approach
The development of critical criteria to improve the alarm system in the process industry
Risk Assessment and Management in Mining An approach to improve safety
Inherent safety evaluation in process plants— a comparison of methodologies
Process complexity measurement - A tool for assessing process options
Cost effective waste minimisation approach to specialty glass making
Analysis of Man-Machine Interaction in a Refinery Control Room, "A case Study"
Integrated environment health and safety model for glass plant design
Ananlysis of Man-Machine Interaction in a Refinery Control Room A case study
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