A tool for creating energy market scenarios for evaluation of investments in energy intensive industry
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 2009

The energy intensive industry can be a major contributor to CO2 emissions reduction, provided that appropriate investments are made. To assess profitability and net CO2 emissions reduction potential of such investments, predictions about future energy market conditions are needed. Energy market scenarios can be used to reflect different possible future energy market conditions. This paper presents a tool for creating consistent energy market scenarios adapted for evaluation of energy related investments in energy intensive industrial processes. Required user inputs include fossil fuel prices and costs associated with policy instruments, and the outputs are energy market prices and CO2 consequences of import/export of different energy streams (e.g. electric power and biomass fuel) from an industrial process site. The paper also presents four energy market scenarios for the medium-term future (i.e. around 2020) created using the tool.

Energy intensive industry

Energy market scenarios

Energy market parameters


Erik Marcus Kristian Axelsson

Industriella energisystem och tekniker

Simon Harvey

Industriella energisystem och tekniker

Thore Berntsson

Industriella energisystem och tekniker


0360-5442 (ISSN) 18736785 (eISSN)

Vol. 34 12 2069-2074


Kemiska processer



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