Simon Harvey

Professor vid Energiteknik


Energianalys av industriella kemiska processer samt industriella klustrar med processintegrationsmetoder
Rationell användning av biomass i industriella processanläggningar, inkl bioraffinaderikoncept baserade på förgasning av fast biomassa och/eller svartlut
Techno-ekonomisk analys av processintegrarade bioraffinaderikoncept i industrin
Metodutveckling för långsiktig utvärdering av ekonomiska och klimatmässiga konsekvenser av energieffektiviseringsåtgärder i industrin
Utveckling av energimarknadsscenarier för utvärdering av energiprojekt i industrin, inkl bränslepriser, elproduktionstekniker och elpriser, samt styrmedel

Image of Simon Harvey

Visar 198 publikationer


Enhancing early-stage techno-economic comparative assessment with site-specific factors for decarbonization pathways in carbon-intensive process industry

Tharun Roshan Kumar, Johanna Beiron, V. R.Reddy Marthala et al
Carbon Capture Science and Technology. Vol. 14
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Plant and system-level performance of combined heat and power plants equipped with different carbon capture technologies

Tharun Roshan Kumar, Johanna Beiron, Max Biermann et al
Applied Energy. Vol. 338
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Integration of carbon capture in a pulp mill – effect of strategic development towards better biomass resource utilization

Henrik Skoglund, Chao Fu, Simon Harvey et al
Frontiers in Thermal Engineering. Vol. 3
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Flexibility analysis using boundary functions for considering dependencies in uncertain parameters

Christian Langner, Elin Svensson, Stavros Papadokonstantakis et al
Computers and Chemical Engineering. Vol. 174
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Sammanställning av råvarupotential för förnybar drivmedelsproduktion från biomassa

Stefan Heyne, Viktor Stenberg, Pontus Bokinge et al
Rapport - CIT Renergy AB

Novel Reformulations for Modeling Uncertainty and Variations in a Framework for Chemical Process Design

Christian Langner, Elin Svensson, Stavros Papadokonstantakis et al
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 62 (46), p. 19715-19739
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Efficient heat integration of industrial CO2 capture and district heating supply

Åsa Eliasson, Elin Fahrman, Max Biermann et al
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 118
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Double Yields and Negative Emissions? Resource, Climate and Cost Efficiencies in Biofuels With Carbon Capture, Storage and Utilization

Yawer Jafri, Johan M. Ahlstroem, Erik Furusjoe et al
Frontiers in Energy Research. Vol. 10
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Lessons learned from the Preem-CCS project – a pioneering Swedish-Norwegian collaboration showcasing the full CCS chain

Max Biermann, Simon Harvey, Jan Kjärstad et al
16th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference 2022 (GHGT-16)
Paper i proceeding

Targeting excess heat recovery in an oil refinery plant implementing large-scale carbon capture and power-to-hydrogen

Elin Svensson, Pontus Bokinge, Simon Harvey
Proceedings of ECOS 2022 - 35th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, p. 329-340
Paper i proceeding

Flexibility analysis of chemical processes considering overlaying uncertainty sources

Christian Langner, Elin Svensson, Stavros Papadokonstantakis et al
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. Vol. 49, p. 769-774
Paper i proceeding

Preem CCS - Synthesis of main project findings and insights

Max Biermann, Simon Harvey, Jan Kjärstad et al

Vätgas på Västkusten

Maria Edvall, Lina Eriksson, Simon Harvey et al
Rapport - RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

The role of energy supply in abatement cost curves for CO2 capture from process industry – a case study of a Swedish refinery

Max Biermann, Christian Langner, Simon Roussanaly et al
Applied Energy. Vol. 319
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Analysis and synthesis of utility systems, including heat pumping and combined heat and power

Simon Harvey, Matteo Morandin, Thore Berntsson et al
Handbook of Process Integration (PI): Minimisation of Energy and Water Use, Waste and Emissions, p. 187-215
Kapitel i bok

Costs vs. Flexibility of Process Heat Recovery Solutions Considering Short-Term Process Variability and Uncertain Long-Term Development

Sofie Marton, Christian Langner, Elin Svensson et al
Frontiers in Chemical Engineering. Vol. 3
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Life-cycle impact assessment methods for physical energy scarcity: considerations and suggestions

Rickard Arvidsson, Magdalena Svanström, Simon Harvey et al
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 26 (12), p. 2339-2354
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Partial capture from refineries through utilization of existing site energy systems

Max Biermann, Christian Langner, Åsa Eliasson et al
15th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference 2021, GHGT 2021
Paper i proceeding

Preem CCS – A Pioneering Swedish-Norwegian Collaboration Showcasing the Full CCS Chain

Stefanía Garðarsdóttir, Kristin Jordal, Karin Lundqvist et al
15th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference 2021, GHGT 2021
Paper i proceeding

Potential for Negative Emissions by Carbon Capture and Storage From a Novel Electric Plasma Calcination Process for Pulp and Paper Mills

Elin Svensson, Holger Wiertzema, Simon Harvey
Frontiers in Climate. Vol. 3
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Electricity generation from low and medium temperature industrial excess heat in the kraft pulp and paper industry

Igor Cruz, Magnus Wallén, Elin Svensson et al
Energies. Vol. 14 (24)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Flexibility analysis of chemical processes considering dependencies between uncertain parameters

Christian Langner, Elin Svensson, Simon Harvey
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. Vol. 50, p. 1105-1110
Kapitel i bok

Integrating CO2 Absorption to a Batch-wise Production Process – A Case Study on a Smelter Plant in Northern Sweden

Elin Fahrman, Fredrik Normann, Simon Harvey et al
Short Papers from the 11th International Trondheim CCS Conference, p. 120-126
Paper i proceeding

Potential Impact of the Preem-CCS Project

Adriana Reyes-Lúa, Stefanía Ósk Garðarsdóttir, Max Biermann et al
Short Papers from the 11th International Trondheim CCS Conference, p. 63-68
Paper i proceeding

A computational tool for guiding retrofit projects of industrial heat recovery systems subject to variation in operating conditions

Christian Langner, Elin Svensson, Simon Harvey
Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 182
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Integration of Industrial CO2 Capture with Industrial District Heating Networks: A Refinery Case Study

Åsa Eliasson, Elin Fahrman, Max Biermann et al
Short Papers from the 11th International Trondheim CCS Conference, p. 197-201
Paper i proceeding

Finansieringsmöjligheter för större infrastrukturprojekt för klimatomställning i Västsverige

Heléne Johansson, Hannes von Knorring, Hanna Tornevall et al

Quantifying non-energy benefits for energy-intensive industry – a case study of heat recovery measures in a Swedish oil refinery

Sofie Marton, Elin Svensson, Simon Harvey
Eceee Industrial Summer Study Proceedings. Vol. 2020-September, p. 199-207
Paper i proceeding

Bottom–Up Assessment Framework for Electrification Options in Energy-Intensive Process Industries

Holger Wiertzema, Elin Svensson, Simon Harvey
Frontiers in Energy Research. Vol. 8
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Assessing the value of a diversified by-product portfolio to allow for increased production flexibility in pulp mills

Elin Svensson, Rikard Edland, Christian Langner et al
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal. Vol. 35 (4), p. 533-558
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Evaluation of hybrid electric/gas steam generation for a chemical plant under future energy market scenarios

Holger Wiertzema, Simon Harvey, Elin Svensson
Eceee Industrial Summer Study Proceedings. Vol. 2020-September, p. 243-252
Paper i proceeding

Effects of process decarbonisation on future targets for excess heat delivery from an industrial process plant

Pontus Bokinge, Elin Svensson, Simon Harvey
Eceee Industrial Summer Study Proceedings. Vol. 2020-September, p. 233-242
Paper i proceeding

Economic potential for substitution of fossil fuels with liquefied biomethane in Swedish iron and steel industry – Synergy and competition with other sectors

Johan Ahlström, Jonas Zetterholm, Karin Pettersson et al
Energy Conversion and Management. Vol. 209
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Renewable OME from biomass and electricity—Evaluating carbon footprint and energy performance

Pontus Bokinge, Stefan Heyne, Simon Harvey
Energy Science and Engineering. Vol. 8 (7), p. 2587-2598
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Integration of algae-based biofuel production with an oil refinery: Energy and carbon footprint assessment

Viktor Andersson, Stefan Heyne, Simon Harvey et al
International Journal of Energy Research. Vol. 44 (13), p. 10860-10877
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

A framework for flexible and cost-efficient retrofit measures of heat exchanger networks

Christian Langner, Elin Svensson, Simon Harvey
Energies. Vol. 13 (6)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Holistic methodological framework for assessing the benefits of delivering industrial excess heat to a district heating network

Karin Pettersson, Erik Axelsson, Lina Eriksson et al
International Journal of Energy Research. Vol. 44 (4), p. 2634-2651
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Opportunities and barriers for implementation of Power-to-X (P2X) technologies in the West Sweden Chemicals and Materials Cluster's process industries

Anna-Karin Jannasch, Hjalmar Pihl, Mattias Persson et al
Rapport - RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

Studying the Role of System Aggregation in Energy Targeting: A Case Study of a Swedish Oil Refinery

Elin Svensson, Matteo Morandin, Simon Harvey et al
Energies. Vol. 13 (4)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Economic Evaluation of Large-Scale Biorefinery Deployment: A Framework Integrating Dynamic Biomass Market and Techno-Economic Models

Jonas Zetterholm, Elina Bryngemark, Johan Ahlström et al
Sustainability. Vol. 12 (17)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Operability and Technical Implementation Issues Related to Heat Integration Measures-Interview Study at an Oil Refinery in Sweden

Sofie Marton, Elin Svensson, Simon Harvey
Energies. Vol. 13 (13)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Introduction to Panel 4 Technology, processes and systems

Simon Harvey, Anna Realini
Eceee Industrial Summer Study Proceedings. Vol. 2020-September, p. 219-221
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Characterization and visualization of industrial excess heat for different levels of on-site process heat recovery

Elin Svensson, Matteo Morandin, Simon Harvey
International Journal of Energy Research. Vol. 43 (14), p. 7988-8003
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

A computational tool for analysing the response of complex heat exchanger networks to disturbances

Christian Langner, Elin Svensson, Pontus Bokinge et al
Paper i proceeding

Combined Flexibility and Energy Analysis of Retrofit Actions for Heat Exchanger Networks

Christian Langner, Elin Svensson, Simon Harvey
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 76, p. 307-312
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Lifecycle energy and greenhouse gas emissions analysis of biomass-based 2-ethylhexanol as an alternative transportation fuel

Sofia Poulikidou, Stefan Heyne, Maria Grahn et al
Energy Science and Engineering. Vol. 7 (3), p. 851-867
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Bark as feedstock for dual fluidized bed gasifiers. Operability, efficiency, and economics

Johan Ahlström, Alberto Alamia, Anton Larsson et al
International Journal of Energy Research. Vol. 43 (3), p. 1171-1190
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Chalmers Industrial Case Study Portfolio - Contents, Structure and Example Applications

Elin Svensson, Pontus Bokinge, Simon Harvey et al
Rapport - Chalmers tekniska högskola AB

Bottom-up methodology for assessing electrification options for deep decarbonisation of industrial processes

Holger Wiertzema, Max Åhman, Simon Harvey
Eceee Industrial Summer Study Proceedings. Vol. 2018-June, p. 389-397
Paper i proceeding

Non-energy benefits of heat integration retrofits – case study at a large oil refinery in Sweden

Sofie Marton, Elin Svensson, Simon Harvey
Övrigt konferensbidrag

A feasibility study of improved heat recovery and excess heat export at a Swedish chemical complex site

Lina J Eriksson, Matteo Morandin, Simon Harvey
International Journal of Energy Research. Vol. 42 (4), p. 1580-1593
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Prospective analysis of an intergrated biorefinery concept for the production of balk and fine chemicals

Sara Badr, Mathias Janssen, Elin Svensson et al
23rd International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA 2018 and 21st Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, PRES 2018. Vol. 2, p. 737-
Paper i proceeding

Forest residues gasification integrated with electrolysis for production of SNG – modelling and assessment

Johan Ahlström, Simon Harvey, Stavros Papadokonstantakis
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. Vol. 44, p. 109-114
Kapitel i bok

Long-term sustainability assessment of fossil-free fuel production concepts

Simon Harvey, Pål Börjesson, Mathias Janssen et al
Rapport - f3 – Svenskt kunskapscentrum för förnybara drivmedel

Availability of excess heat from the Swedish Kraft pulping industry

Elin Svensson, Matteo Morandin, Igor Cruz et al
Proceedings of ISEC 2018 - Renewable Heating and Cooling in Integrated Urban and Industrial Energy Systems , p. 697-706
Paper i proceeding


Sofia Poulikidou, Stefan Heyne, Maria Grahn et al
European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings. Vol. 2018 (26thEUBCE), p. 1396-1407
Paper i proceeding

Value chains for integrated production of liquefied bio-SNG at sawmill sites – Techno-economic and carbon footprint evaluation

Johan Ahlström, Karin Pettersson, Elisabeth Wetterlund et al
Applied Energy. Vol. 206, p. 1590-1608
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

A Steam Utility Network Model for the Evaluation of Heat Integration Retrofits – A Case Study of an Oil Refinery

Sofie Marton, Elin Svensson, Riccardo Subiaco et al
Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems. Vol. 5 (4), p. 560-578
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Well-to-tank data for advanced tailor-made biofuel alternatives

Stefan Heyne, Roman Hackl, Karin Pettersson et al
European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings. Vol. 2017 (25thEUBCE), p. 1230-1236
Paper i proceeding

A steam utility network model for the evaluation of heat integration retrofits – A case study of an oil refinery

Sofie Marton, Elin Svensson, Riccardo Subiaco et al
Proceedings of the 2nd South East European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, SDEWES.SEE2016.0258
Paper i proceeding

Investigating operability issues of heat integration for implementation in the oil refining industry

Sofie Marton, Elin Svensson, Simon Harvey
Eceee Industrial Summer Study Proceedings. Vol. 2016-September, p. 495-503
Paper i proceeding

Assessing integrated gasification-based biorefinery concepts for decarbonisation of the basic chemicals industry

Maria Arvidsson, Pedro García Haro, Matteo Morandin et al
Proceedings of the 2nd SEE SDEWES Conference, June 15-18 2016, Piran, Slovenia, p. 283.1-283.13
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Thermochemical recycling of plastics for production of chemical intermediates at a Swedish chemical complex site

Matteo Morandin, Stefan Heyne, Henrik Jilvero et al
Proceedings of ECOS 2016 - 29th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems
Paper i proceeding

Comparative thermodynamic analysis of biomass gasification-based light olefin production using methanol or DME as the platform chemical

Maria Arvidsson, Pedro Haro, Matteo Morandin et al
Chemical Engineering Research and Design. Vol. 115, p. 182-194
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Biomass gasification-based syngas production for a conventional oxo synthesis plant-greenhouse gas emission balances and economic evaluation

Maria Arvidsson, Matteo Morandin, Simon Harvey
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 99, p. 192-205
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Targeting capital cost of excess heat collection systems in complex industrial sites for district heating applications

Lina J Eriksson, Matteo Morandin, Simon Harvey
Energy. Vol. 91, p. 465-478
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Integration of biomass gasification-based olefins production in a steam cracker plant - Consequences for steam balances

Maria Arvidsson, Johansson Erika, Lars Pettersson et al
EUBCE 2015 (23rd European Biomass Conference & Exhibition) Proceedings
Poster (konferens)

High solids loading in ethanol production - Effects on heat integration opportunities and economics

Elin Svensson, Valeria Lundberg, Simon Harvey
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 45, p. 655-660
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Methanol via biomass gasification

Matteo Morandin, Simon Harvey

Optimization of process configuration and strain selection for microalgae-based biodiesel production

Nan Yu, Linus Tao Jie Dieu, Simon Harvey et al
Bioresource Technology. Vol. 193, p. 25-34
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Biomass gasification-based olefins production - Process design and modeling

Maria Arvidsson, Haro Pedro, Matteo Morandin et al
International Energy Agency Task 33 - Symposium on Renewable Energy and Products from Biomass and Waste, May 12-13, Ponferrada, Spain
Poster (konferens)

Integration of Biomass Gasification-Based Olefins Production in a Steam Cracker Plant—Global GHG Emission Balances

Maria Arvidsson, Erika Johansson, Matteo Morandin et al
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 45, p. 787-792
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Multi-period analysis of heat integration measures in industrial clusters

S. Bungener, Roman Hackl, G. Van Eetvelde et al
Energy. Vol. 93, p. 220-234
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Greenhouse gas emissions consequences of utilization of excess heat from an oil refinery

Lina J Eriksson, Matteo Morandin, Simon Harvey
Proceedings of ECOS 2015 – The 28th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, June 29-July 3, 2015, Pau, France
Paper i proceeding

Biomass Gasification-Based Syngas Production for a Conventional Oxo Synthesis Plant-Process Modeling, Integration Opportunities, and Thermodynamic Performance

Maria Arvidsson, Matteo Morandin, Simon Harvey
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 28 (6), p. 4075-4087
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Bridging barriers for multi-party investments in energy efficiency – A real options based approach for common utility systems design and evaluation

Johanna Mossberg, Roman Hackl, Simon Harvey et al
Eceee Industrial Summer Study Proceedings. Vol. 2
Paper i proceeding

Implementing energy efficiency measure in industrial clusters - A design approach for site-wide heat recovery systems

Roman Hackl, Simon Harvey
21st International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA 2014 and 17th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, PRES 2014; Prague; Czech Republic; 23 August 2014 through 27 August 2014. Vol. 4, p. 2198-
Paper i proceeding

Pinch analysis at Preem LYR II - Modifications

Anders Åsblad, Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Karin Eriksson et al

Var ska man bygga framtidens bioraffinaderier?

Karin Pettersson, Simon Harvey
Perspektiv på förädling av bioråvara 2014, p. 20-21
Kapitel i bok

Impact of choice of CO2 separation technology on thermo-economic performance of Bio-SNG production processes

Stefan Heyne, Simon Harvey
International Journal of Energy Research. Vol. 38 (3), p. 299-318
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Implementing Energy Efficiency Measures in Industrial Clusters - A Design Approach for Site-Wide Heat Recovery Systems

Roman Hackl, Simon Harvey
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 39 (Special Issue), p. 103-108
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Economic feasibility of district heating delivery from industrial excess heat: A case study of a Swedish petrochemical cluster

Matteo Morandin, Roman Hackl, Simon Harvey
Energy. Vol. 65 (Feb.), p. 209-220
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Optimal location of biorefineries

Karin Pettersson, Simon Harvey
Systems Perspectives on Biorefineries 2013, p. 92-105
Kapitel i bok

Comparison of options for utilization of a potential steam surplus at kraft pulp mills - Economic performance and CO2 emissions

Johanna Jönsson, Karin Pettersson, Thore Berntsson et al
International Journal of Energy Research. Vol. 37 (9), p. 1017-1035
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Opportunities for Heat Integration of Biomass-based Fischer-Tropsch Crude Production at Scandinavian Kraftliner Mill Sites

Hanna Ljungstedt, Karin Pettersson, Simon Harvey
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 35, p. 1051-1056
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Application of Process Integration to the Synthesis of Heat and Power Utility Systems Including Combined Heat and Power (CHP) and Industrial Heat Pumps

Thore Berntsson, Simon Harvey, Matteo Morandin
Woodhead Publishing Series in Energy - Handbook of Process Integration (PI), p. 168-200
Kapitel i bok

Applying exergy and total site analysis for targeting refrigeration shaft power in industrial clusters

Roman Hackl, Simon Harvey
Energy. Vol. 55, p. 5-14
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Framework methodology for increased energy efficiency and renewable feedstock integration in industrial clusters

Roman Hackl, Simon Harvey
Applied Energy. Vol. 112, p. 1500-1509
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Bio-SNG Production via Gasification - Process Integration Aspects for Improving Process Performance

Stefan Heyne, Henrik Thunman, Martin Seemann et al
Proceedings of the 21st European Biomass Conference and Exhbition, p. 1291 - 1304
Paper i proceeding

Process integration. Tests and application of different tools on an integrated steelmaking site

C. E. Grip, M Larsson, Simon Harvey et al
Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 53 (2), p. 366-372
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Assessment of the energy and economic performance of second generation biofuel production processes using energy market scenarios

Stefan Heyne, Simon Harvey
Applied Energy. Vol. 101, p. 203-212
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Application of Pinch Analysis in an Integrated Steel Plant in Northern Sweden

Carl-Erik Grip, Johan Isaksson, Simon Harvey et al
ISIJ International. Vol. 53 (7), p. 1202-1210
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Evaluation of opportunities for heat integration of biomass-based Fischer-Tropsch crude production at Scandinavian kraft pulp and paper mill sites

Hanna Ljungstedt, Karin Pettersson, Simon Harvey
Energy. Vol. 62, p. 349-361
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Exergy-based comparison of indirect and direct biomass gasification technologies within the framework of bio-SNG production

Stefan Heyne, Henrik Thunman, Simon Harvey
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. Vol. 3 (4), p. 337-352
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Framework methodology for increased energy efficiency and renewable feedstock integration in industrial clusters

Roman Hackl, Simon Harvey
International Conference on Applied Energy ICEA 2012, Jul 5-8, 2012, Suzhou, China, p. 11-
Paper i proceeding

Comparison of black liquor gasification with other pulping biorefinery concepts – Systems analysis of economic performance and CO2 emissions

Karin Pettersson, Simon Harvey
Energy. Vol. 37 (1), p. 136-153
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

From fossil to biogenic feedstock - Exploring Different Technology Pathways for a Swedish Chemical Cluster

Johanna Jönsson, Roman Hackl, Simon Harvey et al
Proceedings of ECEEE industrial summer study
Paper i proceeding

Total Site Analysis (TSA) and Exergy Analysis for Shaft Work and Associated Steam and Electricity Savings in Low Temperature Processes in Industrial Clusters

Roman Hackl, Simon Harvey
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 29, p. 73-78
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Comparison of options for debottlenecking the recovery boiler at kraft pulp mills – Economic performance and CO2 emissions.

Johanna Jönsson, Karin Pettersson, Thore Berntsson et al
Proceedings of ECOS 2012 – The 25th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, June 26-29, 2012, Perugia, Italy. Vol. 6
Paper i proceeding

Integration opportunities for Substitute Natural Gas (SNG) production in an industrial process plant

Maria Arvidsson, Stefan Heyne, Matteo Morandin et al
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 29, p. 331-336
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Integration opportunities for substitute natural gas (SNG) production in an industrial process plant

Maria Arvidsson, Stefan Heyne, Matteo Morandin et al
CHISA 2012 - 20th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering and PRES 2012 - 15th Conference PRES
Paper i proceeding

Extending existing combined heat and power plants for synthetic natural gas production

Stefan Heyne, Henrik Thunman, Simon Harvey
International Journal of Energy Research. Vol. 36 (5), p. 670-681
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Consistent assessment of the energy and economic performance of second generation biofuel production processes using energy market scenarios

Stefan Heyne, Simon Harvey
6th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems
Paper i proceeding

Process integration study of a biorefinery producing ethylene from lignocellulosic feedstock for a chemical cluster

Roman Hackl, Maria Arvidsson, Björn Lundin et al
6th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems. Vol. 2011
Paper i proceeding

Energy efficiency opportunities within the powder coating industry

Sofie Osbeck, Charlotte Bergek, Anders Klässbo et al
Proceedings of WREC - World Renewable Energy Congress, 8-11 May 2011, Linköping, Sweden
Paper i proceeding

Targeting for energy efficiency and improved energy collaboration between different companies using total site analysis (TSA)

Roman Hackl, Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Simon Harvey
Energy. Vol. 36 (8), p. 4609-4615
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Possibilities to implement pinch analysis in the steel industry – a case study at SSAB EMEA in Luleå

Johan Isaksson, Simon Harvey, Carl-Erik Grip et al
Proceedings of WREC - World Renewable Energy Congress, 8-11 May 2011, Linköping, Sweden
Paper i proceeding

Process integration. Tests and application of different tools on an integrated steelmaking site

Carl-Erik Grip, Mikael Larsson, Simon Harvey et al
Proceedings of Sustainable Thermal Energy Management International Conference in the Process Industries (SusTEM 2011)
Paper i proceeding

Systems analysis of integrating biomass gasification with pulp and paper production - Effects on economic performance, CO2 emissions and energy use

Elisabeth Wetterlund, Karin Pettersson, Simon Harvey
Energy. Vol. 36 (2), p. 932-941
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

TSA II Stenungsund - Investigation of opportunities for implementation of proposed energy efficiency measures

Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Per-Åke Franck, Roman Hackl et al

Applying process integration methods to target for electricity production from industrial waste heat using Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) technology

Roman Hackl, Simon Harvey
World Renewable Energy Congress 2011 – Sweden 8-11 May 2011, Linköping, Sweden - Industrial Energy Efficiency (IEE)
Paper i proceeding

ENPAC, a tool for constructing energy market scenarios

Erik Marcus Kristian Axelsson, Simon Harvey
Methods and Models - used in the project Pathways to Sustainable European Energy Systems, p. 137-140
Kapitel i bok

Pinch analysis of a partly integrated pulp and paper mill

Elin Svensson, Simon Harvey
Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings, B. Moshfegh (ed.), Proceedings of WREC - World Renewable Energy Congress, 8-11 May 2011, Linköping, Sweden. Vol. 7 (057), p. 1521-1528
Paper i proceeding

CO2 emission balances for different black liquor gasification biorefinery concepts for production of electricity or second-generation liquid biofuels

Karin Pettersson, Simon Harvey
Energy. Vol. 35 (2), p. 1101-1106
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Targeting for energy efficiency and improved energy collaboration between different companies using total site analysis (TSA)

Roman Hackl, Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Simon Harvey
19th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA 2010 and 7th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, ECCE-7; Prague; Czech Republic; 28 August 2010 through 1 September 2010
Paper i proceeding

Crossing boundaries in graduate education – experiences from the process of designing and running an interdisciplinary graduate course

Jenny Palm, Simon Harvey, Magnus Karlsson et al
Proceedings, Engineering Education in Sustainable Development, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 19-22, 2010
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Biomass gasification integrated with a pulp and paper mill - The need for economic policies promoting biofuels

Elisabeth Wetterlund, M. Karlsson, Simon Harvey
19th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA 2010 and 7th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, ECCE-7; Prague; Czech Republic; 28 August 2010 through 1 September 2010
Paper i proceeding

Total Site Analysis (TSA) Stenungsund

Roman Hackl, Simon Harvey, Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson

Integration study for alternative methanation technologies for the production of synthetic natural gas from gasified biomass

Stefan Heyne, Martin Seemann, Simon Harvey
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 21, p. 409-414
Paper i proceeding

Targeting for Energy Efficiency and Improved Energy Collaboration Between Different Companies Using Total Site Analysis (TSA)

Roman Hackl, Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Simon Harvey
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 21, p. 301-306
Paper i proceeding

Economic Assessment of DME Production via Black Liquor Gasification Considering Different Future Energy Market Conditions and Mill Steam Balances.

Karin Pettersson, Simon Harvey
Proceedings of International Chemical Recovery Conference, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA, March 29 – April 1 2010, p. 187-195
Paper i proceeding

Biomass Gasification Integrated With a Pulp and Paper Mill – The Need for Economic Policies Promoting Biofuels

Elisabeth Wetterlund, Magnus Karlsson, Simon Harvey
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 21, p. 1207-1212
Paper i proceeding

Integrating biomass gasification with pulp and paper production – systems analysis of economic performance and CO2 emissions

Elisabeth Wetterlund, Karin Pettersson, Simon Harvey
Proceedings of ECOS, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, August 31 – September 3, 2009, p. 1549-1558
Paper i proceeding

The effect of increased heat integration on the cost for producing DME via black liquor gasification

Karin Pettersson, Simon Harvey
Proceedings of ECOS, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, August 31 – September 3, 2009, p. 1503-1512
Paper i proceeding

A tool for creating energy market scenarios for evaluation of investments in energy intensive industry

Erik Marcus Kristian Axelsson, Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
Energy. Vol. 34 (12), p. 2069-2074
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Methane from biomass: process-integration aspects

Stefan Heyne, Simon Harvey
Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Energy. Vol. 162 (EN1), p. 13-22
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

An Analysis for identifying Energy Saving Opportunities for a Petrochemical Cluster in Times of Climate Change

Daniella Johansson, Simon Harvey
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 18 (Part 1), p. 469-474
Paper i proceeding

Production of synthetic natural gas from biomass - Process integrated drying

Stefan Heyne, Simon Harvey
22nd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, p. 1877-1886
Paper i proceeding

Chalmers Energiverksamhet 2008

Simon Harvey, Bertil Pettersson, Anna Tjäder

Integration aspects for synthetic natural gas production from biomass based on a novel indirect gasification concept

Stefan Heyne, Henrik Thunman, Simon Harvey
11th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction PRES, 24 - 28 August 2008, Prague, Czech Republic
Övrigt konferensbidrag

CO2 emission balances for different black liquor gasification biorefinery concepts for production of electricity or second generation liquid biofuels

Karin Pettersson, Simon Harvey
Proceedings of ECOS, Cracow-Gliwice, Poland June 24 – 27, 2008, p. 1271-1278
Paper i proceeding

A tool for creating energy market scenarios for evaluation of investments in energy intensive industry

Erik Marcus Kristian Axelsson, Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
Conference ECOS 2007 Padova, Italy, June 25-28, 2007. Vol. 2, p. 1587-1594
Paper i proceeding

Energy efficiency investments in Kraft pulp mills given uncertain climate policy

Anders Ådahl, Simon Harvey
International Journal of Energy Research. Vol. 2007 (31), p. 486-505
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Biokombi Rya - Biobränsleförgasning satt i system

Ingrid Nyström, Erik Ahlgren, Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson et al

Comparison of pulp-mill-integrated hydrogen production from gasified black liquor with stand-alone production from gasified biomass

Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Simon Harvey
Energy. Vol. 32 (4), p. 399-405
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Future opportuniteis for implementing biorefinery concepts in the Swedish pulping industry

Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
Pathways to our common future - Prodeedings og The Alliance for Global Sustainability Annual Meeting 2007, 18-21 March, Barcelona, Spain
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Evaluating emerging waste-to-energy technologies – choosing appropriate energy scenarios

Magdalena Svanström, Morgan Fröling, Simon Harvey
SETAC Europe 14th LCA Case Studies Symposium, p. 137-140
Paper i proceeding

Biokombi Rya - slutrapporter från ingående delprojekt

Erik Ahlgren, Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Erik Marcus Kristian Axelsson et al

Energy efficient upgrading of biofuel integrated with a pulp mill

Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
Energy. Vol. 31 (10-11), p. 1384-1394
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

System analysis of hydrogen production from gasified black liquor

Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Simon Harvey
Energy. Vol. 31 (15), p. 3426-3434
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Technical, environmental and economic analysis of co-firing of gasified biofuel in a natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) combined heat and power (CHP) plant

Åsa Marbe, Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
Energy. Vol. 31 (10-11), p. 1614-1631
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Sustainable Process Solutions in Göteborg, Sweden - an Overview of Experience and Challenges from a Chemical Engineering Education Case Study Course at Chalmers

Simon Harvey, Tobias Richards, Magdalena Svanström
Engineering Education in Sustainable Development international conference, Lyon, France, October 4-6, 2006
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Assessing the value of pulp mill biomass savings in a climate change conscious economy

Anders Ådahl, Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
Energy Policy. Vol. 34 (15), p. 2330-2343
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

A Master´s Programme in Environmentally Sustainable Process Technology

Tobias Richards, Hans Theliander, Magdalena Svanström et al
AIChE Spring National Meeting, April 24-27, 2006. Orlando, Florida
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Opportunities for integration of biofuel gasifiers in natural-gas combined heat-and-power plants in district-heating systems

Åsa Marbe, Simon Harvey
Applied Energy. Vol. 83 (7), p. 723-748
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Comparison of pulp-mill integrated hydrogen production from gasified black liquor with stand-alone production from gasified biomass

Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Simon Harvey
Proceedings of ECOS 2005. Vol. 3, p. 1131-1138
Paper i proceeding

The role of policy instruments for promoting combined heat and power production with low CO2 emissions in district heating systems

Åsa Marbe, Simon Harvey
International Journal of Energy Research. Vol. 29 (6), p. 511-537
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Pulp-mill integrated biorefineries: A framework for assessing net CO 2 emission consequences

Eva Andersson, Simon Harvey
AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings, p. 203-208
Paper i proceeding

Predicting black liquor gasification combined cycle powerhouse performance accounting for off-design gas turbine operation

Simon Harvey, Bruno Faccini
Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 24 (1), p. 111-126
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

System analysis of hydrogen production from gasified black liquor

Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Simon Harvey
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost,Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy and Process Systems, ECOS 2004, Guanajuato, Mexico July 7-9, 2004 , Edited. by R. Rivero et al., p. pp 1435-1445
Paper i proceeding

Sustainable solutions for handling wastewater treatment sludge - A chemical engineering education case study

Simon Harvey, Magdalena Svanström
Proceedings, International Conference on Engineering Education for Sustainable Development EESD2004. October 27-29, 2004. Barcelona, Spain
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Heat and Power Production Using Integrated Oxygen Blown Biomass Gasifier Prepared for Future Co-production of Transportation Fuels - Technical, economic and environmental analysis

Åsa Marbe, Simon Harvey
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost,Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy and Process Systems, ECOS 2004, Guanajuato, Mexico July 7-9, 2004 , Edited. by R. Rivero et al, p. 453-461
Paper i proceeding

Linking process integration and energy market scenarios to evaluate biomass saving measures at pulp mills

Anders Ådahl, Simon Harvey
Proceedings, 2nd World Conference and Technology Exhibition on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection. 10-14 May, 2004, Rome, Italy, p. pp 2202-2205
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Biofuel gasification combined heat and power - new implementation opportunities resulting from combined supply of process steam and district heating

Åsa Marbe, Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
Energy. Vol. 29 (29), p. 1117-1137
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Energy market scenarios for evaluating energy efficiency measures in industrial energy systems

Simon Harvey, Anders Ådahl
Proceedings, 2nd World Conference and Technology Exhibition on Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection. 10-14 May, 2004, Rome, Italy, p. pp 2170-2173
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Process industry energy retrofits: the importance of emission baselines for greenhouse gas reductions

Anders Ådahl, Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
Energy Policy (32), p. 1375-1388
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Pulp-mill integrated biorefineries: a framework for assessing net CO2 emission consequences

Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Simon Harvey
Proceedings, AIChE 2004 Fall Annual Meeting. Nov 7-12, 2004, Austin, Texas, USA, p. p 203-208
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Black liquor gasification - consequences for both industry and society

Håkan Eriksson, Simon Harvey
Energy. Vol. 29 (4), p. 581-612
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Potential for Greenhouse Gas Reduction in Industry through Increased Heat Recovery and/or Integration of Combined Heat and Power

Helén Axelsson, Simon Harvey, Anders Åsblad et al
Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 23 (1), p. 65-87
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Energy Efficient upgrading of Biofuel Integrated with a Pulp Mill

Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
Proceedings of ECOS 2003, Copenhagen, Denmark
Paper i proceeding

Technical, enviromental and economic analysis of CO-firing of gasified biofuel in a NGCC CHP plant

Åsa Marbe, Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
Proceedings of ECOS 2003, Copenhagen, Denmark
Paper i proceeding

Efficient use of biomass in black liquor gasification plants

Håkan Eriksson, Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
Published in Pulp and Paper Canada 103:12 (2002) pp 67-73
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Economic and greenhouse gas emissions assessment of excess biomass extracted from future kraft pulp mills

Anders Ådahl, Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies. Vol. 1, p. 1237-1242
Paper i proceeding

Economic and greenhouse gas emissions assessment for extraction of excess biomass from future kraft pulp mills

Anders Ådahl, Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
6th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, October 1-4, 2002, Kyoto, Japan.
Paper i proceeding

Process integration in industry for cost-effective greenhouse gas reduction

Anders Ådahl, Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
Poster (konferens)

Efficient use of biomass in black liquor gasification plants

Håkan Eriksson, Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
The International Recovery Conference, Whistler, Canada, Juni 11-14, 2001. Published in the Conference Poster Presentation proceedings, p. 75-80
Paper i proceeding

Thermodynamic analysis of chemically recuperated gas turbines

Hicham Abdallah, Simon Harvey
Int. J. Therm. Sci. (2001). Vol. 40, p. 372-384
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Potential for increased electricity production at an integrated pulp and paper mill with black liquor gasification

Håkan Eriksson, Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
Proceedings of the 2001 TAPPI Engineering/Finishing and Converting Conference and Trade Fair, San Antonio, 16-20 September 2001, p. 411-426
Paper i proceeding

Gas turbines in district heating combined heat and power systems: influence of performance on heating costs and emissions

Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson, Carlo Carcasci
Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol. 20, p. 1075-1103
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Performance of a biomass integrated gasification combined cycle CHP plant supplying heat to a district heating network

Simon Harvey
(Presented at the International Gas Turbine & Aeroengine Congress & Exhibition, Munich, Germany, May 8-11, 2000.)
Paper i proceeding

Process integration as a decision making tool for cost-effective greenhouse gas reduction in industry

Anders Ådahl, Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
Proceedings of ECOS´2000, p. 1213-1224
Paper i proceeding

Theoretical analysis of environmental and energetic performance of very high temperature turbo-jet engines

Thierry Godin, Simon Harvey, Pascal Stouffs
national Journal of Thermal Sciences. Vol. 38 (5), p. 442-451
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Biomass gasification technologies for heat and power production

Simon Harvey, Nabil Kassem, Gunnar Svedberg et al

High Efficiency Steam Reforming of Biomass as a Means to Reduce Costs and Emissions of Heat Production in District Heating Systems

Simon Harvey
presented at 2nd Olle Lindström Symposium on Renewable Energy, Bioenergy, KTH, Stockholm, June 9-11, 1999. (REF.)
Paper i proceeding

Is Brainstorming a Way for Identifying Future Research Needs?- A pedagogical Experiment for the selection of Postgraduate Thesis Projects in Advanced Technnologies for Power and Heat Production

Simon Harvey, Jinyue Yan, Nabil Kassem et al
Presented at ECO´99 Conference, June 8-10,1999, Tokyo, Japan
Paper i proceeding

Design issues for the methane-steam reformer of a chemically recuperated gas turbine cycle

Carlo Carcasci, Simon Harvey
Presented at the International Gas and Turbine & Aeroengine Congress & Exhibition Stockholm, Sweden, June 2-June 5, 1998
Paper i proceeding

Design issues performance of a chemically recuperated aeroderivative gas turbine

Carlo Carcasci, Bruno Facchini, Simon Harvey
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy. Vol. 212 (5), p. 315-329
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Modular approach to analysis of chemically recuperated gas turbine cycles

Carlo Carcasci, Bruno Facchini, Simon Harvey
Energy Convers. Mgmt. Vol. 39 (16-18), p. 1693-1703
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Modular approach to analysis of chemically recuperated gas turbine cycles

Carlo Carcasci, Bruno Facchini, Simon Harvey
Presented at the International Gas and Turbine & Aeroengine Congress & Exhibition Stockholm, Sweden, June 2-June 5, 1998
Paper i proceeding

Part load performace of chemically recuperated gas turbine cycles compared to other advanced cycles

Hicham Abdallah, Bruno Facchini, Simon Harvey
Presented at the International Gas Turbine & Aeroengine Congress & Exhibition Stockholm, Sweden, June 2-June 5, 1998
Paper i proceeding

Design and off-design analysis of a crgt cycle based on the lm 2500-stig gas turbine

Carlo Carcasci, Bruno Facchini, Simon Harvey
Presented at the International Gas and Turbine & Aeroengine Congress & Exhibition Stockholm, Sweden, June 2-June 5, 1998
Paper i proceeding

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Visar 25 forskningsprojekt


Förstudie om möjlig pilotanläggning för högtemperaturelektrolys (SOEC) i Stenungsund

Simon Harvey Energiteknik
Lindholmen science park AB


Värmepumpar för torkning

Simon Harvey Energiteknik


Providing access to cost-efficient, replicable, safe and flexible CCUS ( ACCSESS)

Simon Harvey Energiteknik
Elin Svensson Energiteknik
Filip Johnsson Energiteknik
Anna Hörbe Emanuelsson Energiteknik 1
Henrik Skoglund Energiteknik 3
Sebastian Karlsson Energiteknik 3
Europeiska kommissionen (EU)

4 publikationer finns

Investigation of opportunities for cost-effective carbon capture and storage

Simon Harvey Energiteknik
Boliden Mineral AB

1 publikation finns

Transformativ omställning mot nettonegativa utsläpp inom svensk raffinaderi- och kemiindustri

Simon Harvey Energiteknik

6 publikationer finns

Processer för produktion av drivmedel via deoxygenerad bioolja

Simon Harvey Energiteknik
f3 – Svenskt kunskapscentrum för förnybara drivmedel


Process Integration for Strategic Development of Industrial Energy Systems, part 2

Simon Harvey Energiteknik
Stavros Papadokonstantakis Energiteknik


Preem CCS - Infångning och lagring av koldioxid

Simon Harvey Energiteknik

12 publikationer finns

Begripliggöra megajoulen: Förbättra energianvändningsberäkningar i livscykelanalys av drivmedel

Magdalena Svanström Environmental Systems Analysis
Simon Harvey Energiteknik
Björn Sandén Environmental Systems Analysis
Rickard Arvidsson Environmental Systems Analysis

1 publikation finns

Flexibla processintegrationslösningar för massa- och pappersindustrin

Simon Harvey Energiteknik
Christian Langner Energiteknik 1
Elin Svensson Energiteknik

5 publikationer finns

Analys och värdering av energiintegration i bioraffinaderikluster ur ett systemperspektiv

Matteo Morandin Energiteknik
Roman Hackl Industriella energisystem och tekniker
Simon Harvey Energiteknik


PROCEL Omställning mot koldioxidfria industriella processer genom ökad elektrifiering

Simon Harvey Energiteknik
Holger Wiertzema Energiteknik

9 publikationer finns

Långsiktig hållbarhetsutvärdering av fossilfria drivmedelsproduktionskoncept

Simon Harvey Energiteknik

1 publikation finns

Utvärdering av ny teknik för koldioxidavskiljning i industrin

Simon Harvey Energiteknik

1 publikation finns

Framtida alternativa transportbränslen

Ingemar Denbratt Förbränning och framdrivningssystem
Josefine Preuss Förbränning och framdrivningssystem
Frances Sprei Fysisk resursteori
Selma Brynolf Fysisk resursteori
Simon Harvey Energiteknik
Julia Hansson Fysisk resursteori
Sofia Poulikidou Fysisk resursteori
Karin Munch Förbränning och framdrivningssystem
Maria Grahn Fysisk resursteori

6 publikationer finns

Förädling av inhemska förnybara råvaror till värdefulla bulk- och finkemikalier för en biobaserad samhällsekonomi: teknikutveckling, systemintegration och miljöeffekter (BioBuF)

Simon Harvey Energiteknik
Christel Cederberg Fysisk resursteori
Elin Svensson Energiteknik
Stavros Papadokonstantakis Energiteknik
Thore Berntsson Energiteknik
Karin Pettersson Energiteknik
Anne-Marie Tillman Environmental Systems Analysis
Eva Albers Industriell bioteknik
Christel Kampman Industriell bioteknik
Lisbeth Olsson Industriell bioteknik
Emma Karlsson Industriell bioteknik
Nikolaos Xafenias Industriell bioteknik
Joshua Mayers Industriell bioteknik
Maurizio Bettiga Industriell bioteknik
Hans Theliander Skogsindustriell kemiteknik
Carl Johan Franzén Industriell bioteknik
Mathias Janssen Environmental Systems Analysis
Valeria Mapelli Industriell bioteknik
Västra Götalandsregionen

30 publikationer finns

Metodutveckling för effektiv intrgrering av energiintensiva klimatpositiva processer i industriella kluster

Simon Harvey Industriella energisystem och tekniker
Roman Hackl Industriella energisystem och tekniker


Uthålliga europeiska energisystem

Filip Johnsson Energiteknik
Stefan Wirsenius Fysisk resursteori
Jan Kjärstad Energiteknik
Erika Mata Las Heras Energiteknik
Fredrik Normann Energiteknik
Katarina Gårdfeldt Göteborgs miljövetenskapliga centrum (GMV)
Ulrika Claeson Colpier Energiteknik
Andrea Egeskog Fysisk resursteori
Simon Harvey Energiteknik
Thore Berntsson Energiteknik
Anh Tuan Le Elkraftteknik
Emil Nyholm Energiteknik
Göran Berndes Fysisk resursteori
Henrik Thunman Energiteknik
Maria Taljegård Energiteknik
Jonas Nässén Fysisk resursteori
Mikael Odenberger Energiteknik
Johan Rootzén Energiteknik
Eoin Ó Broin Energiteknik
Lina Reichenberg Energiteknik
Joel Goop Energiteknik
Lisa Göransson Energiteknik
Högskolan i Halmstad

1 publikation finns
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