Simon Harvey
Energianalys av industriella kemiska processer samt industriella klustrar med processintegrationsmetoder
Rationell användning av biomass i industriella processanläggningar, inkl bioraffinaderikoncept baserade på förgasning av fast biomassa och/eller svartlut
Techno-ekonomisk analys av processintegrarade bioraffinaderikoncept i industrin
Metodutveckling för långsiktig utvärdering av ekonomiska och klimatmässiga konsekvenser av energieffektiviseringsåtgärder i industrin
Utveckling av energimarknadsscenarier för utvärdering av energiprojekt i industrin, inkl bränslepriser, elproduktionstekniker och elpriser, samt styrmedel

Visar 200 publikationer
Advanced capture configurations for selected pulp and paper plants incl. technoeconomic analysis
Flexibility analysis using boundary functions for considering dependencies in uncertain parameters
Sammanställning av råvarupotential för förnybar drivmedelsproduktion från biomassa
Efficient heat integration of industrial CO2 capture and district heating supply
Flexibility analysis of chemical processes considering overlaying uncertainty sources
Preem CCS - Synthesis of main project findings and insights
Analysis and synthesis of utility systems, including heat pumping and combined heat and power
Partial capture from refineries through utilization of existing site energy systems
Preem CCS – A Pioneering Swedish-Norwegian Collaboration Showcasing the Full CCS Chain
Life-cycle impact assessment methods for physical energy scarcity: considerations and suggestions
Flexibility analysis of chemical processes considering dependencies between uncertain parameters
Potential Impact of the Preem-CCS Project
Finansieringsmöjligheter för större infrastrukturprojekt för klimatomställning i Västsverige
Bottom–Up Assessment Framework for Electrification Options in Energy-Intensive Process Industries
Renewable OME from biomass and electricity—Evaluating carbon footprint and energy performance
A framework for flexible and cost-efficient retrofit measures of heat exchanger networks
Studying the Role of System Aggregation in Energy Targeting: A Case Study of a Swedish Oil Refinery
Introduction to Panel 4 Technology, processes and systems
A computational tool for analysing the response of complex heat exchanger networks to disturbances
Combined Flexibility and Energy Analysis of Retrofit Actions for Heat Exchanger Networks
Bark as feedstock for dual fluidized bed gasifiers. Operability, efficiency, and economics
Chalmers Industrial Case Study Portfolio - Contents, Structure and Example Applications
Non-energy benefits of heat integration retrofits – case study at a large oil refinery in Sweden
Long-term sustainability assessment of fossil-free fuel production concepts
Availability of excess heat from the Swedish Kraft pulping industry
Well-to-tank data for advanced tailor-made biofuel alternatives
Investigating operability issues of heat integration for implementation in the oil refining industry
High solids loading in ethanol production - Effects on heat integration opportunities and economics
Optimization of process configuration and strain selection for microalgae-based biodiesel production
Multi-period analysis of heat integration measures in industrial clusters
Biomass gasification-based olefins production - Process design and modeling
Greenhouse gas emissions consequences of utilization of excess heat from an oil refinery
Pinch analysis at Preem LYR II - Modifications
Var ska man bygga framtidens bioraffinaderier?
Optimal location of biorefineries
Application of Pinch Analysis in an Integrated Steel Plant in Northern Sweden
Bio-SNG Production via Gasification - Process Integration Aspects for Improving Process Performance
Process integration. Tests and application of different tools on an integrated steelmaking site
Integration opportunities for substitute natural gas (SNG) production in an industrial process plant
Integration opportunities for Substitute Natural Gas (SNG) production in an industrial process plant
Extending existing combined heat and power plants for synthetic natural gas production
Possibilities to implement pinch analysis in the steel industry – a case study at SSAB EMEA in Luleå
Energy efficiency opportunities within the powder coating industry
Process integration. Tests and application of different tools on an integrated steelmaking site
Pinch analysis of a partly integrated pulp and paper mill
ENPAC, a tool for constructing energy market scenarios
Opportunities for Process Integrated Biorefinery Concepts in the Chemical Cluster in Stenungsund
Scenarios for assessing profitability and carbon balances of energy investments in industry
Total Site Analysis (TSA) Stenungsund
Research and development challenges for Swedish biofuel actors – three illustrative examples
Methane from biomass: process-integration aspects
The effect of increased heat integration on the cost for producing DME via black liquor gasification
Production of synthetic natural gas from biomass - Process integrated drying
Energy efficiency investments in Kraft pulp mills given uncertain climate policy
Biokombi Rya - Biobränsleförgasning satt i system
Future opportuniteis for implementing biorefinery concepts in the Swedish pulping industry
Evaluating emerging waste-to-energy technologies – choosing appropriate energy scenarios
Biokombi Rya - slutrapporter från ingående delprojekt
System analysis of hydrogen production from gasified black liquor
Energy efficient upgrading of biofuel integrated with a pulp mill
A Master´s Programme in Environmentally Sustainable Process Technology
Assessing the value of pulp mill biomass savings in a climate change conscious economy
System analysis of hydrogen production from gasified black liquor
Pulp-mill integrated biorefineries: A framework for assessing net CO 2 emission consequences
Scenarios for evaluating energy efficiency measures in industrial energy systems
Black liquor gasification - consequences for both industry and society
Energy market scenarios for evaluating energy efficiency measures in industrial energy systems
Pulp-mill integrated biorefineries: a framework for assessing net CO2 emission consequences
Scenarios for Evaluating Future Process Integration Measures in Large Energy Systems
Energy Efficient upgrading of Biofuel Integrated with a Pulp Mill
Technical, enviromental and economic analysis of CO-firing of gasified biofuel in a NGCC CHP plant
Efficient use of biomass in black liquor gasification plants
Efficient use of biomass in black liquor gasification plants
Process integration in industry for cost-effective greenhouse gas reduction
Thermodynamic analysis of chemically recuperated gas turbines
Costs and emissions for future community CHP systems in Sweden incorporating gas turbine technology
Biomass gasification technologies for heat and power production
Design issues for the methane-steam reformer of a chemically recuperated gas turbine cycle
Design issues performance of a chemically recuperated aeroderivative gas turbine
Modular approach to analysis of chemically recuperated gas turbine cycles
Design and off-design analysis of a crgt cycle based on the lm 2500-stig gas turbine
Part load performace of chemically recuperated gas turbine cycles compared to other advanced cycles
Modular approach to analysis of chemically recuperated gas turbine cycles
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Visar 25 forskningsprojekt
Förstudie om möjlig pilotanläggning för högtemperaturelektrolys (SOEC) i Stenungsund
Providing access to cost-efficient, replicable, safe and flexible CCUS ( ACCSESS)
Investigation of opportunities for cost-effective carbon capture and storage
Transformativ omställning mot nettonegativa utsläpp inom svensk raffinaderi- och kemiindustri
Processer för produktion av drivmedel via deoxygenerad bioolja
Process Integration for Strategic Development of Industrial Energy Systems, part 2
Preem CCS - Infångning och lagring av koldioxid
Process Integration for Strategic Development of Industrial Energy Systems
Begripliggöra megajoulen: Förbättra energianvändningsberäkningar i livscykelanalys av drivmedel
Flexibla processintegrationslösningar för massa- och pappersindustrin
Analys och värdering av energiintegration i bioraffinaderikluster ur ett systemperspektiv
PROCEL Omställning mot koldioxidfria industriella processer genom ökad elektrifiering
Långsiktig hållbarhetsutvärdering av fossilfria drivmedelsproduktionskoncept
Utvärdering av ny teknik för koldioxidavskiljning i industrin
Framtida alternativa transportbränslen
Jämförelse av svartlutsförgasning med andra bioraffinaderikoncept inom massa- och pappersindustrin
Uthålliga europeiska energisystem