Modeling approaches for critical process limitations in the operation of thermomechanical pulp refiners
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 2009

Two independent models for describing critical limitations in the operation of wood-chip disc refiners are presented and compared. One model has been derived using force distributions of the axial thrust and the steam pressure inside the refining zone. The other model is based on an extended entropy model, where physical variables like dynamic viscosity and fiber concentration along the radius in the refiner are central. The results suggest that both models are suitable for implementation in process computers for on-line limit protection. Both models predict non-linear dynamic process behavior in operating regions with impending risk of plate clash.

Process limitations


Fibre concentration

Refining models

Plate clash


Karin Eriksson

Chalmers, Signaler och system, System- och reglerteknik

Anders Karlström

Chalmers, Signaler och system, System- och reglerteknik

Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal

0283-2631 (ISSN) 2000-0669 (eISSN)

Vol. 24 2 231-238


Pappers-, massa- och fiberteknik

Kemiska processer




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