Anders Karlström

Visar 75 publikationer
Data-Driven Soft Sensors in Pulp Refining Processes Using Artificial Neural Networks
Data-Driven Soft Sensors in Refining Processes – Pulp Property Estimation Using ARX-Models
The effect of process design on refiner pulp quality control performance
On the modeling of pulp properties in CTMP processes
Modeling of tensile index using uncertain data sets
Raw data for Tensile index estimations from a CD72-refiner
On the modeling of tensile index from larger data sets
Control strategies for refiners Part I: Soft sensors for CD-refiner control
Process Considerations and its demands on TMP property measurements - a study on tensile index
CTMP Process Optimization Part III: On the Predicition of Scott-Bond, Z-strength and Tensile index
CTMP Process Optimization Part II: Reliability in Pulp and Handsheet Measurements
CTMP process optimization Part I: Internal and external variables impact on refiner conditions
Proper pulp sampling pre-requisite to any pulp property assessment
Refiner optimization and control Part III: Natural decoupling in TMP refining processes
Fiber energy efficiency Part I: Extended entropy model
On techniques for measuring fiber distribution in refining zones
Can we increase the proportion of electrical energy into fibre development in existing HC-refiners?
Fiber energy efficiency Part II: Forces acting on the refiner bars
Fiber energy efficiency Part IV: Multi-scale modeling of refining processes
Fiber energy efficiency Part III: Modeling of bar-to-fiber interaction
Internal interconnections impact on control performance in a thermomechanical pulping process
On energy efficiency in chip refining
Refining zone temperature control: a good choice for pulp quality control?
Multi-rate optimal control of the TMP-refining processes
Refining zone temperature control: a good choice for pulp quality control?
Refining models for control purposes
Using the refining zone temperature profile for quality control
Direction-dependent system modeling approaches exemplified through an electronic nose system
Dynamic pressure measurements in full-scale thermomechanical pulp refiners
Internal interconnections impact on process operability
Realisation and estimation of piecewise-linear output-error models
Energy efficient modeling in Thermomechanical pulp mills
Developments in soft sensors for measurement of refining parameters
PiEcewise-Linear Output-Error Methods for Parameter Estimation in Direction-Dependent Processes
Approach of 3x3 Decoupling and Control of Thermomechanical Pulp Refiners
Deterministic consistency estimation in refining processes
Controllability of direction dependent processes
Piecewise linear output-error models
Internal interconnections in TMP refining
The impact of different input variables in a twin-disc refiner line
Parameter estimation in processes with direction-dependent dynamics
Modelling a thermomechanical wood-chip refiner
Time-variant modelling of TMP refining
Compensation Method for Attenuated Planar Laser Images of Optically Dense Sprays
Investigation on Methanol Engine with DME Fumigation
Transient identification using a fractional derivative model
Ether Fumigation, a New Alternative for the Neat Ethanol Diesel Engine
Using multi-rate filter banks to detect internal combustion engine knock
Dynamic simulation of a thermomechanical pulp refiner
The impact of chemical addition on refining parameters
Modelling of wood-chip refining processes
Control System Design in Distillation Processes and its Dependence of the Original Process Design
Experimental Validation of a Packed Bed Distillation Model
Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer in Packed Bed Distillation Columns
An Improved SRK-Equation for the Estimation of Concentrations by Inferential Measurements
Model Reduction by Means of Physical Considerations in a Packed Bed Distillation Column
Controller Design in Packed Bed Distillation Processes
Model Order Reduction for Packed Bed Distillation Columns
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Visar 5 forskningsprojekt
Plasma-inducerad defibrering av flis och fibrer i vattenlösning
CICERONE-Interaktiva datorhjälpmedel för Raffinöroptimering
Jämställdhet för excellens (Genie)
SiiS - Strategiska industriella informationssystem
LESS - Low Energy Strategic Systems