Modelling the interior sound field of a railway vehicle using statistical energy analysis
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 2012

The sound field in train compartments, treated as a series of connected air cavities, is modelled using statistical energy analysis, SEA. For the case under study, with five cavities in series and the source in the second cavity, a closed-form solution is obtained. An adjusted SEA model is used to predict the rate of spatial decay within a cavity. The SEA model is validated using results from a ray tracing method and from scale model measurements. For the octave bands 500-4000 Hz, good agreement is shown between the results from measurements, the ray tracing and the SEA model, for the two saloons closest to the source cavity (a vestibule). The SEA model was shown to slightly underestimate the rate of spatial decay within a cavity. It is concluded that a reasonable cause is the additional diffusion due to the seating.

Scale model

Air cavity


Train compartment


Statistical energy analysis

Ray tracing


Jens Forssén

Chalmers, Bygg- och miljöteknik, Teknisk akustik

Stefan Tober

Chalmers, Bygg- och miljöteknik, Teknisk akustik

Ata Can Corakci

Chalmers, Bygg- och miljöteknik, Teknisk akustik

A. Frid

Bombardier Transportation

Wolfgang Kropp

Chalmers, Bygg- och miljöteknik, Teknisk akustik

Applied Acoustics

0003-682X (ISSN) 1872910x (eISSN)

Vol. 73 4 307-311


Strömningsmekanik och akustik



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