Jens Forssén

Biträdande professor vid Teknisk akustik

Jens är biträdande professor på avdelningen för teknisk akustik, forskargruppen Vibroakustik, på Chalmers. Hans forskningsområde är ljudutbredning utomhus och samhällsbuller. Forskningen handlar huvudsakligen om fysikalisk modellering och numeriska metoder, men mätningar är också en viktig del.

Bland forskningsämnena finns generell utomhusakustik, dvs inverkan av meteorologi, terrängprofil och markegenskaper; ljudutbredning i stadsmiljö; ljudutbredning till innergårdar; väg- och tågtrafikbuller; vindkraftbuller; bullerskärmar; bullerskärmars effektivitet under inverkan av turbulens; statistiska parametrar för (akustiska) ljudlandskap i städer samt ljudsimulering (auralisering) av vägfordon och urbana akustiska ljudlandskap.

Image of Jens Forssén

Visar 162 publikationer


Time-domain model for spherical wave reflection in a flat surface with absorber character – Application to the SOPRA measurement method

Monica Waaranperä, Jens Forssén
Applied Acoustics. Vol. 227
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Finite Element Modelling of Tunnel Shielding in Vibration Measurements of Ground-Borne Noise

Fatemeh Dashti, Patrik Höstmad, Jens Forssén
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Vol. 14th International Work-shop on Railway Noise, IWRN 2022, p. 723-730
Paper i proceeding

Scintillating and decorrelating signals for different propagation paths in a random medium

Jens Forssén
Applied Acoustics. Vol. 221
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Towards digital twinning for multi-domain simulation workflows in urban design: a case study in Gothenburg

Alex Arnoldo Gonzalez Caceres, Franziska Hunger, Jens Forssén et al
Journal of Building Performance Simulation. Vol. In Press
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Using urban form to increase the capacity of cities to manage noise and air quality

Meta Berghauser Pont, Jens Forssén, Marie Haeger-Eugensson et al
Urban Morphology. Vol. 27 (1), p. 51-70
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Traffic Noise at Moderate Levels Affects Cognitive Performance: Do Distance-Induced Temporal Changes Matter?

Leon Müller, Jens Forssén, Wolfgang Kropp
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Vol. 20 (5)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

A model study of low-frequency noise exposure indoors due to road traffic

Jens Forssén, Georgios Zachos, Carmen Rosas Perez et al
Building Acoustics. Vol. 30 (1), p. 3-24
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift


Monica Waaranperä, Jens Forssén, Wolfgang Kropp
Proceedings of Forum Acusticum
Paper i proceeding

Measurement, Simulation and Auralization of Indoor Road Traffic Noise

Leon Müller, Wolfgang Kropp, Jens Forssén
Fortschritte der Akustik. Vol. 2022
Paper i proceeding

Effect of urban morphology and greening on noise and air pollution - case studies including disease burden estimates

Jens Forssén, Marie Haeger-Eugensson, Meta Berghauser Pont et al
Internoise 2022 - 51st International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering
Paper i proceeding

Effects of urban morphology on traffic noise: A parameter study including indirect noise exposure and estimated health impact

Jens Forssén, Andreas Gustafson, Meta Berghauser Pont et al
Applied Acoustics. Vol. 186
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Road traffic noise disease burden estimates for a model study of varying urban morphology cases

Jens Forssén, Andreas Gustafson, Meta Berghauser Pont et al
Proceedings of INTER-NOISE 2021 - 2021 International Congress and Exposition of Noise Control Engineering
Paper i proceeding

Visualisation of traffic noise exposure and health impact in a 3D urban environment

Mikael Ögren, Jens Forssén, Patrik Höstmad et al
Paper collection of the ICBEN 2021 Congress
Paper i proceeding

Air Quality Modeling in Dense Urban Areas at Ground Level—CFD, OSM or Gauss?

Marie Haeger-Eugensson, Christine Achberger, Helen Nygren et al
Springer Proceedings in Complexity, p. 265-270
Paper i proceeding

Using horizontal sonic crystals to reduce the aeroacosutic signature of a simplified ICE3 train model

Guglielmo Minelli, Huadong Yao, Niklas Andersson et al
Applied Acoustics. Vol. 172
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Investigating Low Frequency Sound from Traffic in a Living Room Lab

Leon Müller, Wolfgang Kropp, Georgios Zachos et al
Fortschritte der Akustik. Vol. 2021
Paper i proceeding

A laboratory study on the effects of wind turbine noise on sleep: Results of the polysomnographic WiTNES study

Michael Smith, M. Ögren, Pontus Thorsson et al
Sleep. Vol. 43 (9), p. 1-14
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Visualisering och auralisering av buller i stadsmiljö

Beata Stahre Wästberg, Jens Forssén, Liane Thuvander et al
Bygg & teknik . Vol. 3, p. 8-12
Artikel i övrig tidskrift

Let the Children Listen: A First Approximation to the Sound Environment Assessment of Children through a Soundwalk Approach

Laura Estévez Mauriz, Jens Forssén, Georgios Zachos et al
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Vol. 17 (12), p. 1-18
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

How can we plan for a good urban sound environment, focusing on road traffic noise?

Jens Forssén, Laura Estévez Mauriz, Andreas Gustafson et al
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 588 (5)
Paper i proceeding

An urban planning tool demonstrator with auralisation and visualisation of the sound environment

Jens Forssén, Patrik Höstmad, Beata Stahre Wästberg et al
Proceedings of the FA2020 Conference, p. 869-871
Paper i proceeding

An aeroacoustic study of the flow surrounding the front of a simplified ICE3 high-speed train model

Guglielmo Minelli, Huadong Yao, Niklas Andersson et al
Applied Acoustics. Vol. 160
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Utmaning med lågfrekvent buller inomhus vid stadsförtätning

Jens Forssén, Carmen Rosas Perez, Georgios Zachos et al
Bygg & teknik. Vol. 3
Artikel i övrig tidskrift

Creating sound immission mimicking real-life characteristics from a single wind turbine

Pontus Thorsson, Kerstin Persson Waye, M. Ögren et al
Applied Acoustics. Vol. 143, p. 66-73
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Increasing cities' capacity to manage noise and air quality using urban morphology

Meta Berghauser Pont, Jens Forssén, Marie Haeger-Eugensson et al
Book of Abstracts XXVI International Seminar on Urban Form “Cities as Assemblages”, p. 42-42
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Performance of a Low-Height Acoustic Screen for Urban Roads: Field Measurement and Numerical Study

Jens Forssén, Laura Estévez Mauriz, Clas Torehammar et al
Acta Acustica united with Acustica. Vol. 105 (6), p. 1026-1034
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Prediction of quiet side levels in noise map calculations - an initial suggestion of methodology

Jens Forssén, Andreas Gustafson, Laura Estévez Mauriz et al
Proceedings of the International Congress on Acoustics. Vol. 2019-September, p. 4430-4437
Paper i proceeding

Low-frequency outdoor-indoor noise level difference for wind turbine assessment

Pontus Thorsson, Kerstin Persson Waye, Michael Smith et al
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. Vol. 143 (3), p. EL206-EL211
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Wind Turbine Noise and Sleep: Pilot Studies on the Influence of Noise Characteristics

Julia Ageborg Morsing, Michael Smith, Mikael Ögren et al
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Vol. 15 (11)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Dynamic traffic noise assessment tool: A comparative study between a roundabout and a signalised intersection

Laura Estévez Mauriz, Jens Forssén
Applied Acoustics. Vol. 130, p. 71-86
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Is the sound environment relevant for how people use common spaces?

Laura Estévez Mauriz, Jens Forssén, Maud E. Dohmen
Building Acoustics. Vol. 25 (4), p. 307-337
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Auralization model for the perceptual evaluation of tyre–road noise

Jens Forssén, Alice Hoffmann, Wolfgang Kropp
Applied Acoustics. Vol. 132, p. 232-242
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Grönytor för god ljudmiljö

Jens Forssén, Laura Estévez Mauriz

Visualizing environmental data for pedestrian comfort analysis in urban planning processes

Beata Stahre Wästberg, Monica Billger, Jens Forssén et al
Proceedings for CUPUM 2017 - 15th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management
Paper i proceeding

Designåtgärder och grönska

Jens Forssén
Skapa goda ljudmiljöer HANDBOK I TRAFIKBULLERSKYDD, p. 103-113
Kapitel i bok

Generating sequences of acoustic scintillations

Frederik Rietdijk, Jens Forssén, K. Heutschi
Acta Acustica united with Acustica. Vol. 103 (2), p. 331-338
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Ska vi bygga fast oss i bullriga städer?

Jens Forssén
Göteborgs-Posten (GP)
Artikel i dagstidning


Wolfgang Kropp, Jens Forssén, Laura Estévez Mauriz
Samlingsverk (redaktörskap)

Soundwalks in Gothenburg

Laura Estévez Mauriz, Georgios Zachos, Jens Forssén et al

Urban sound planning - The SONORUS project

Sonia Alves, Beate Altreuther, Joachim Scheuren et al
Proceedings of the INTER-NOISE 2016 - 45th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Towards a Quieter Future, p. 2319-2328
Paper i proceeding

Off-peak low noise heavy-duty vehicles, façade insulation and indoor noise disturbance

Patrik Höstmad, Jens Forssén, Penny Bergman et al
Proceedings of the INTER-NOISE 2016 - 45th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Towards a Quieter Future, p. 5258-5266
Paper i proceeding

Background traffic noise synthesis

Georgios Zachos, Jens Forssén, Wolfgang Kropp et al
Proceedings of the INTER-NOISE 2016 - 45th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Towards a Quieter Future, p. 3502-3508
Paper i proceeding

A low-height acoustic screen in a setting with an urban road: measured and predicted insertion loss

Jens Forssén, Laura Estévez Mauriz, Clas Torehammar et al
Proceedings of the INTER-NOISE 2016 - 45th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Towards a Quieter Future, p. 6435-6443
Paper i proceeding

Urban space and the sound environment: Transport system, urban morphology, quiet side and space users in the SONORUS project

Laura Estévez Mauriz, Jens Forssén, Wolfgang Kropp et al
Proceedings of the INTER-NOISE 2016 - 45th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Towards a Quieter Future, p. 2928-2938
Paper i proceeding

SONORUS Urban sound planning project and test sites: an example within the planning stage

Laura Estévez Mauriz, Sonia Alves, Jens Forssén et al
Proceedings of the INTER-NOISE 2016 - 45th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Towards a Quieter Future
Paper i proceeding

Isolating key features in urban traffic dynamics and noise emission: a study on a signalized intersection and a roundabout

Laura Estévez Mauriz, Jens Forssén, Wolfgang Kropp et al
Proceedings of the INTER-NOISE 2016 - 45th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Towards a Quieter Future
Paper i proceeding

Auralisation methods as tools for urban traffic noise assessment

Georgios Zachos, Jens Forssén, Wolfgang Kropp et al
Proceedings of the INTER-NOISE 2016 - 45th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Towards a Quieter Future, p. 2960-2962
Paper i proceeding

Traffic dynamics, road design and noise emission: a study case

Laura Estévez Mauriz, Jens Forssén, Wolfgang Kropp et al
Euronoise 2015, 10th European Congress on Noise Control Engineering
Paper i proceeding

SONORUS report on Göteborg Test Site including Urban Sound Planning Workshop

Laura Estévez Mauriz, Jens Forssén, Wolfgang Kropp

The 2.5D MST for sound propagation through arrays of cylinders parallel to the ground

Bart van der Aa, Jens Forssén
Euronoise 2015, p. 2373-2378
Paper i proceeding

Erratum: Urban background noise mapping: The general model (Acta Acustica united with Acustica (2014) 100 (1098-1111) DOI:10.3813/AAA.918789)

W. Wei, D. Botteldooren, T. Van Renterghem et al
Acta Acustica united with Acustica. Vol. 101 (1), p. 204-
Övrig text i vetenskaplig tidskrift

The 2.5D MST for sound propagation through an array of acoustically rigid cylinders perpendicular to an impedance surface

Bart van der Aa, Jens Forssén
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. Vol. 48 (29)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Towards a low noise truck specification

Patrik Höstmad, Penny Bergman, Jens Forssén

Noise responses before and after noise abatement measures in a residential intervention project

Anita Gidlöf-Gunnarsson, Evy Öhrström, Tor Kihlman et al
Noise Control Engineering Journal. Vol. 63 (3), p. 249-265
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Vägdesign och bulleremission – exempel på dynamisk bullerkarta

Jens Forssén, Laura Estévez Mauriz, Wolfgang Kropp et al
LjudBladet, Svenska akustiska sällskapet
Artikel i övrig tidskrift

Perceptual validation of auralized heavy-duty vehicle

Penny Bergman, Astrid Pieringer, Jens Forssén et al
Proceedings of Euronoise 2015, Maastricht, June 1-3, 2015, p. 769-774
Paper i proceeding

Perceptual validation of auralized heavy-duty vehicles

Penny Bergman, Astrid Pieringer, Jens Forssén et al
Euronoise 2015, p. 769-774
Paper i proceeding

Using natural means to reduce surface transport noise during propagation outdoors

T. Van Renterghem, Jens Forssén, K. Attenborough et al
Applied Acoustics. Vol. 92, p. 86-101

Toolbox from the EC FP7 HOSANNA project for the reduction of road and rail traffic noise in the outdoor environment

Jens Forssén, Maarten Hornikx, Bart van der Aa et al
Transport Research Arena 2014, Paris, France, p. 10-
Paper i proceeding

Urban background noise mapping: The multiple-reflection correction term

Maarten Hornikx, Jens Forssén, D. Botteldooren et al
Acta Acustica united with Acustica. Vol. 100 (2), p. 293-305
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Modelling sound propagation in the presence of atmospheric turbulence for the auralization of aircraft noise

Frederik Rietdijk, Jens Forssén, Kurt Heutschi
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Paper i proceeding

Vegetation in urban streets, squares, and courtyards

Jian Kang, Maarten Hornikx, T. Van Renterghem et al
Environmental Methods for Transport Noise Reduction, p. 177-194
Kapitel i bok

Introduction to traffic noise abatement

Jens Forssén, Wolfgang Kropp, Tor Kihlman
Environmental Methods for Transport Noise Reduction, p. 1-18
Kapitel i bok

A Model of Sound Scattering by Atmospheric Turbulence for Use in Noise Mapping Calculations

Jens Forssén, Maarten Hornikx, D. Botteldooren et al
Acta Acustica united with Acustica. Vol. 100 (5), p. 810-815
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Optimierung der Auralisierung von Reifengeraeuschen basierend auf dem Modellierungs-Tool SPERoN

Alice Hoffmann, Jens Forssén, Wolfgang Kropp
Akustik und Audiologie - "Hören für alle"; DAGA 2014, 40. Jahrestagung für Akustik "Fortschritte der Akustik", 10. - 13. März 2014, Oldenburg, Germany. Vol. 40, p. 178-179
Paper i proceeding

Incorporation of the quiet side in noise maps

Laura Estévez Mauriz, Jens Forssén, Wolfgang Kropp et al
Paper i proceeding

Benchmark cases in 3D diffraction with different methods

Peter Svensson, H. Brick, Jens Forssén
Proceedings of Forum Acusticum. Vol. 2014-January, p. 6-
Paper i proceeding

Modelling sound propagation in the presence of atmospheric turbulence for the auralisation of aircraft noise

Frederik Rietdijk, Jens Forssén, Kurt Heutschi
Proceedings of Forum Acusticum. Vol. 2014-January
Paper i proceeding

Urban Background Noise Mapping: The General Model

W. Wei, D. Botteldooren, T. Van Renterghem et al
Acta Acustica united with Acustica. Vol. 100 (6), p. 1098-1111
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift


M.E. Nilsson, Jörgen Bengtsson, Ronny Klæboe et al
Environmental Methods for Transport Noise Reduction, p. xiii-xvi
Kapitel i bok

Scattering by an array of perforated cylinders with a porous core

Bart van der Aa, Jens Forssén
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. Vol. 136 (5), p. 2370-2380
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Shape-optimal design of graded index sonic crystal formations using natural cubic splines

Bart van der Aa, Jens Forssén
Applied Acoustics. Vol. 78, p. 98-111
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Porous ground, crops, and buried resonators

Jens Forssén, Bart van der Aa, Manuel Männel et al
Environmental Methods for Transport Noise Reduction, p. 153-176
Kapitel i bok

Extending the scope of urban sound planning by education and research

Joachim Scheuren, Wolfgang Kropp, Jens Forssén
Internoise 2014, Melbourne, Australia, p. 7-
Paper i proceeding

SONORUS - Training Urban Sound Planners by Education and Research

Joachim Scheuren, Wolfgang Kropp, Jens Forssén
Proceedings of Forum Acusticum. Vol. 2014-January, p. 7-
Paper i proceeding

Time-domain simulations of low-height porous noise barriers with periodically spaced scattering inclusions

Bart van der Aa, Jens Forssén
Proceedings of Forum Acusticum. Vol. 2014-January
Paper i proceeding

Improving the accuracy of engineering models at shielded building facades: experimental analysis of turbulence scattering

Timothy Van Renterghem, Weigang Wei, Jens Forssén et al
42nd International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 2013: Noise Control for Quality of Life, INTER-NOISE 2013; Innsbruck; Austria; 15 September 2013 through 18 September 2013. Vol. 3, p. 5-
Paper i proceeding

Upward refraction of sound propagating outdoors by a graded index sonic crystal noise barrier

Bart van der Aa, Jens Forssén
Applied Acoustics. Vol. 74 (1), p. 89-101
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift


Mats Nilsson, Ronny Klæboe, Jörgen Bengtsson et al

Improving the acoustic performance of low noise road surfaces using resonators

M. Maennel, Jens Forssén, Bart van der Aa
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (21th international congress on acoustics, ICA). Vol. 19, p. 1-9
Paper i proceeding

The potential of building envelope greening to achieve quietness

T. Van Renterghem, Maarten Hornikx, Jens Forssén et al
Building and Environment. Vol. 61, p. 34-44
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Auralization of tyre/road noise based on the SPERoN prediction tool

Alice Hoffmann, Jens Forssén, Wolfgang Kropp
Proceedings of AIA-DAGA 2013 Conference on Acoustics, Meran, Italy, March 18-21, 2013, p. 114-117
Paper i proceeding

Auralisation of truck engine sound – preliminary results using a granular approach

Jens Forssén, Patrik Andersson, Penny Bergman et al
AIA-DAGA, Merano, mars 2013
Paper i proceeding

Initial results for traffic noise mitigation with Helmholtz resonators in the ground surface beside a road

Jens Forssén, Bart van der Aa
42nd International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 2013: Noise Control for Quality of Life, INTER-NOISE 2013; Innsbruck; Austria; 15 September 2013 through 18 September 2013. Vol. 3, p. 2345-2352
Paper i proceeding

Åtgärder i utomhusmiljön för att minska buller från väg- och tågtrafik – resultat från EU-projektet HOSANNA

Jens Forssén, Maarten Hornikx, Bart van der Aa et al
LjudBladet, Svenska akustiska sällskapet. Vol. 3, p. 16-28
Artikel i övrig tidskrift

Shape-optimal design of graded index sonic crystal noise barriers with line defects

Bart van der Aa, Jens Forssén
42nd International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 2013: Noise Control for Quality of Life, INTER-NOISE 2013; Innsbruck; Austria; 15 September 2013 through 18 September 2013. Vol. 3, p. 2325-2334
Paper i proceeding

On the improved point-to-point calculations for noise mapping in shielded urban areas

Maarten Hornikx, Jens Forssén, Mikael Ögren et al
41st International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering 2012, INTER-NOISE 2012; New York, NY; United States; 19 August 2012 through 22 August 2012. Vol. 6, p. 5223-5234
Paper i proceeding

Modelling the interior sound field of a railway vehicle using statistical energy analysis

Jens Forssén, Stefan Tober, Ata Can Corakci et al
Applied Acoustics. Vol. 73 (4), p. 307-311
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

The effect of creating a quiet side on annoyance and sleep disturbances due to road traffic noise

Anita Gidlöf-Gunnarsson, Evy Öhrström, Jens Forssén
Proceedings of Inter-Noise 2012, August 19-22 2012, New York, USA. Vol. 1
Paper i proceeding

An interactive auralization method using real-time sound sources

Josefin Lindebrink, Jens Forssén
Proceedings of the 41st International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (InterNoise 2012), 19-22 August 2012, New York City, NY, USA. Vol. 7, p. 6091-6102
Paper i proceeding

Artificial refraction of sound propagating outdoors by a sonic crystal noise barrier with increasing cylinder diameter over height

Bart van der Aa, Jens Forssén
Proceedings - 9th European Conference on Noise Control, EURONOISE 2012, Prague, 10-13 June 2012, p. 938-943
Paper i proceeding

Numerical comparison of traditional noise screens and refractive graded index sonic crystal noise barriers in downwind sound propagation

Bart van der Aa, Jens Forssén
Proceedings of the 41st International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (InterNoise 2012), 19-22 August 2012, New York City, NY, USA. Vol. 9, p. 7183-7189
Paper i proceeding

An efficient model for background noise mapping

W. Wei, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren et al
Proceedings - 9th European Conference on Noise Control, EURONOISE 2012, Prague, 10-13 June 2012, p. 376-379
Paper i proceeding

Effect of vegetation on noise propagation in streets and squares

Jian Kang, Yuliya Smyrnowa, Maarten Hornikx et al
Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics. Vol. 34 (PART 1), p. 57-67
Paper i proceeding

Modelling of sound propagation to three-dimensional urban courtyards using the extended fourier PSTD method

Maarten Hornikx, Jens Forssén
Applied Acoustics. Vol. 72 (9), p. 665-676
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Modelling of scattering of sound from trees by the PSTD method

Maarten Hornikx, Dick Botteldooren, Timothy Van Renterghem et al
Forum Acusticum, Aalborg, Denmark, p. 6-
Paper i proceeding

Perceptual validation of auralized road traffic noise

Mats E. Nilsson, Maria Rådsten-Ekman, Jesper Alvarsson et al
Inter-Noise, Osaka, Japan, 40th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering, 4 through7 September 2011. Vol. 4, p. 3453-3460
Paper i proceeding

LISTEN – Auralization of Urban Soundscapes. Final report to the Knowledge Foundation

Mats Nilsson, Jens Forssén, Peter Lundén et al

Exterior Auralization of Traffic Noise within the LISTEN project

Andrew Peplow, Jens Forssén, Peter Lundén et al
Proceedings - 6th Forum Acusticum 2011, Aalborg, 27 June - 1 July 2011, p. 665-669
Paper i proceeding

Excess attenuation for sound propagation over an urban canyon

Martin T. Schiff, Maarten Hornikx, Jens Forssén
Applied Acoustics. Vol. 71 (6), p. 510-517
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

The extended Fourier pseudospectral time-domain method for atmospheric sound propagation

Maarten Hornikx, R. Waxler, Jens Forssén
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. Vol. 128 (4), p. 1632-1646
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Wind Turbine Noise Propagation over Flat Ground: Measurements and Predictions

Jens Forssén, Martin T. Schiff, Eja Pedersen et al
Acta Acustica united with Acustica. Vol. 96 (4), p. 753-760(8)
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Numerical study to the influence of façade openings on noise levels in urban courtyards

Maarten Hornikx, Jens Forssén
Paper i proceeding

Sound Field Coherence Behind a Low Barrier in a Turbulent Atmosphere without the Presence of a Ground Surface

Jens Forssén
Acta Acustica united with Acustica. Vol. 96 (5), p. 814-822
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Psychoacoustic evaluation as a tool for optimization in the development of an urban soundscape simulator

P. Lundén, M. Gustin, M.E. Nilsson et al
Proceedings of the 5th Audio Mostly - A Conference on Interaction With Sound, AM '10
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Numerical study to the effects of façade properties on sound propagation to a three-dimensional urban courtyard

Maarten Hornikx, Jens Forssén
Noise in the Built Environment 2010, Ghent, 29 - 30 April 2010. Vol. 32 (PART 3), p. 375-382
Paper i proceeding

Road traffic noise propagation to an inner yard – Measurements before and after the construction of gap filling buildings

Jens Forssén, Pontus Thorsson
8th European Conference on Noise Control 2009, EURONOISE 2009; Edinburgh; United Kingdom; 26 October 2009 through 28 October 2009. Vol. 31 (PART 3), p. 7-
Paper i proceeding

Människors upplevelse av ljud från vindkraftverk

Eja Pedersen, Jens Forssén, Kerstin Persson Waye

Noise abatement schemes for shielded canyons

Maarten Hornikx, Jens Forssén
Applied Acoustics. Vol. 70 (2), p. 17-
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Auralization of traffic noise within the LISTEN project – Preliminary results for passenger car pass-by

Jens Forssén, Tomasz Kaczmarek, Jesper Alvarsson et al
Euronoise 2009, p. 10-
Paper i proceeding

An initial study on the sound field coherence in the shadow of a low barrier without the presence of a ground surface

Jens Forssén, Maarten Hornikx
Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, Lyon, France,
Paper i proceeding

A scale model study of parallel urban canyons

Maarten Hornikx, Jens Forssén
Acta Acustica united with Acustica. Vol. 94 (2), p. 265-281
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Characteristics of road traffic noise level statistics for shielded areas.

Jens Forssén, Maarten Hornikx
Acoustics '08 conference, 29 June - 4 July, Paris, France. (abstract only)
Paper i proceeding

A numerical study of sound propagation over urban canyons.

Martin T. Schiff, Maarten Hornikx, Jens Forssén
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics. Vol. 4
Paper i proceeding

Developments in the eigenfunction expansion method for atmospheric sound propagation

Maarten Hornikx, roger waxler, Jens Forssén
Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, Lyon, France
Paper i proceeding

Ljudlandskap för bättre hälsa. Resultat och slutsatser från ett multidisciplinärt forskningsprogram

Anita Gidlöf-Gunnarsson, Evy Öhrström, Tor Kihlman et al

The 2.5-dimensional equivalent sources method for directly exposed and shielded urban canyons

Maarten Hornikx, Jens Forssén
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. Vol. 122 (5), p. 2532-2541
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Improving the shielding of road traffic noise in courtyards: absorption treatments.

Maarten Hornikx, Jens Forssén
Proc. of Inter-Noise 2007, 28-31 August, Istanbul, Turkey
Paper i proceeding

Improving the shielding of road traffic noise in courtyards: treatments with vertical and horizontal screens.

Maarten Hornikx, Jens Forssén
Proc. of ICA, 19th int. congress on acoustics, 2-7 September, Madrid, Spain.
Paper i proceeding

Reduction potential of road traffic noise – A Pilot Study

Wolfgang Kropp, Tor Kihlman, Jens Forssén et al

Statistics of road traffic noise levels in shielded urban areas.

Jens Forssén, Maarten Hornikx
Proc. of Inter-Noise 2007, 28-31 August, Istanbul, Turkey
Paper i proceeding

Statistics of road traffic noise in shielded urban areas: an initial study of A-weighted levels

Jens Forssén, Maarten Hornikx
6th European Conference on Noise Control: Advanced Solutions for Noise Control, EURONOISE 2006; Tampere; Finland; 30 May 2006 through 1 June 2006
Paper i proceeding

Noise abatement schemes for real life shielded urban environments: an initial investigation of absorption treatments.

Maarten Hornikx, Jens Forssén
Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, New Orleans, LA
Paper i proceeding

Statistics of road traffic noise in shielded urban areas: An initial study of A-weighted levels

Jens Forssén, Maarten Hornikx
Proc. Baltic-Nordic Acoustics Meeting (BNAM) 2006, Göteborg, 8-10 November, 2006, p. 1-6
Paper i proceeding

Scale model measurements and numerical modelling for directly exposed and shielded urban street canyons

Maarten Hornikx, Jens Forssén, Wolfgang Kropp
Euronoise, Tampere, Finland
Paper i proceeding

Scale model measurements and numerical modelling for directly exposed and shielded urban street canyons

Maarten Hornikx, Jens Forssén
Proc. Baltic-Nordic Acoustics Meeting (BNAM), Göteborg, 8-10 November, 2006, p. 1-5
Paper i proceeding

Statistics of A-weighted road traffic noise levels in shielded urban areas

Jens Forssén, Maarten Hornikx
Acta Acustica united with Acustica. Vol. 92 (6), p. 998-1008
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

A scale model study of parallel urban street canyons

Maarten Hornikx, Jens Forssén, Wolfgang Kropp
Proc. 149th MEETING OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, May 2005, Vancouver, Canada. (Only abstract)
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Variationer hos trafikbuller under korta tider

Jens Forssén, Maarten Hornikx
Ljudlandskap för bättre hälsa, Årsrapport 2005, Mistra, p. 17-19
Artikel i övrig tidskrift

Buller i staden alltid närvarande

Jens Forssén
Miljöforskning nr 2, p. 13-14, april 2005
Artikel i övrig tidskrift

An analytical solution for a low barrier in a turbulent atmosphere

Jens Forssén
Proc. Forum Acusticum, Budapest, Hungary, 2005.
Övrigt konferensbidrag

An analytical solution for a low barrier in a turbulent atmosphere

Jens Forssén
Acta Acustica united with Acustica. Vol. 90 (6), p. 1142-1150
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

En undersökning i skalmodell för att förklara fysiken bakom utbredning av buller

Jens Forssén, Maarten Hornikx
Ljudlandskap för bättre hälsa, Årsrapport 2004, Mistra, p. 10-11
Artikel i övrig tidskrift

The failure of traditional traffic noise control for quiet areas

Wolfgang Kropp, Jens Forssén, Mikael Ögren et al
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Further applications of the substitute-sources method

Jens Forssén, Philippe Blanc-Benon
Proc. ICA, Kyoto, Japan (2004).
Övrigt konferensbidrag

An investigation of the extended substitute-sources method for sound shielding by a wedge in a turbulent atmosphere

Jens Forssén
Proc. 11th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium, Fairlee, Vermont, USA, June 2004.
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Modelling of a city canyon problem in a turbulent atmosphere using an equivalent sources approach

Mikael Ögren, Jens Forssén
Applied Acoustics. Vol. 65 (6), p. 629-642
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Modelling ground roughness effects in a substitute sources method (SSM)

Jens Forssén
Institute of Acoustics, Research Symposium 2003, Surface Acoustics, 18–19 September, Salford, England, p. 146-152
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Ögren, M., Forssén, J. and Kropp, W. Including turbulence and absorption effects in city canyon calculations

Mikael Ögren, Jens Forssén, Wolfgang Kropp
Proc. Tenth International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Stockholm, 2003, p. 1-8
Övrigt konferensbidrag

An extended substitute-sources method for a turbulent atmosphere: Calculations for upward refraction

Jens Forssén
Acta Acustica united with Acustica. Vol. 89 (2), p. 225-233
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Sound propagation in a turbulent atmosphere: An approach using substitute sources

Jens Forssén
Proc. Forum Acusticum, Sevilla, Spain, 2002, p. 1-6
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Calculation of noise barrier performance in a turbulent atmosphere using a method with substitute-sources

Jens Forssén
Institute of Acoustics Spring Conference March 2002, Salford, England., p. 1-12
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Sound propagation in a turbulent atmosphere: An approach using substitute sources

Jens Forssén
Proc. 10th Long Range Acoustic Propagation Symposium, Grenoble, France, 2002, p. 187-205
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Calculation of noise barrier performance using the substitute-sources method for a three-dimensional turbulent atmosphere

Jens Forssén
Acta Acustica united with Acustica. Vol. 88 (2), p. 181-189
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Thick barrier noise-reduction in the presence of atmospheric turbulence: Measurements and numerical modelling

Jens Forssén, Mikael Ögren
Applied Acoustics. Vol. 63 (2), p. 173-187
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Prediction of noise levels in shielded urban areas

Mikael Ögren, Jens Forssén
Proc. Inter-Noise 2001, Hague, Holland., p. 1-4
Paper i proceeding

Calculation of noise barrier performance in a three-dimensional turbulent atmosphere using the substitute-sources method

Jens Forssén
Proc. ICA, Rome, Italy, 2001, p. 1-2
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Calculation of noise barrier performance in a turbulent atmosphere by using substitute sources above the barrier

Jens Forssén
Proc. Inter-Noise, Nice, France, 2000, p. 1443-1446
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Calculation of noise barrier performance in a turbulent atmosphere by using substitute sources with random amplitudes

Jens Forssén
Proc. 9th Long Range Acoustic Propagation Symposium, Hague, Netherlands, 2000, p. 16-26
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Calculation of noise barrier performance in a turbulent atmosphere by using substitute sources above the barrier

Jens Forssén
Acustica. Vol. 86 (2), p. 269-275
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Measurements of sound reduction by a noise barrier in the presence of wind and atmospheric turbulence

Mikael Ögren, Jens Forssén
Proc. 6th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, 1999, p. pp. 721-726
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Approximative model for the influence of atmospheric turbulence on sound reduction by a thin screen

Jens Forssén, Mikael Ögren
Proc. 6th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, 1999., p. 713-720
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Calculation of sound reduction by a screen in a turbulent atmosphere using the parabolic equation method

Jens Forssén
Proc. ICA, Seattle, USA, 1998, p. 499-500
Artikel i övrig tidskrift

Calculation of sound reduction by a screen in a turbulent atmosphere using the parabolic equation method

Jens Forssén
Acustica. Vol. 84 (4), p. 599-606
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Influence of Atmospheric Turbulence on Sound Reduction by a Thin, Hard Screen: A Parameter Study Using the Sound Scattering Cross-Section

Jens Forssén
Proc. 8th Int. Symp. on Long-Range Sound Propagation, The Pennsylvania State University, USA, 1998, p. 352-364
Övrigt konferensbidrag

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Visar 18 forskningsprojekt


Metodik för att förfina prediktering av stomljud

Patrik Höstmad Teknisk akustik
Jens Forssén Teknisk akustik
Fatemeh Dashti Teknisk akustik


Visualisation of pedestrain noise exposure

Jens Forssén Teknisk akustik
Ioanna Stavroulaki Stadsbyggnad
Meta Berghauser Pont Stadsbyggnad


Urban modellering och planeringsverktyg för energi och osynliga miljöfaktorer med hjälp av AI-metoder

Alexander Hollberg Byggnadsteknologi
Vasilis Naserentin Tillämpad matematik och statistik
Jens Forssén Teknisk akustik
Anders Logg Tillämpad matematik och statistik
Beata Stahre Wästberg Interaktionsdesign
Yinan Yu Funktionell programmering
Sanjay Somanath Byggnadsteknologi
Andreas Mark Strömningslära
Dag Wästberg Forskning - Arkitekturens teori och metod
Franziska Hunger C3SE

1 publikation finns

Validerade effekter av infrastrukturåtgärder

Jens Forssén Teknisk akustik


Utveckling av projektmetodik för stomljud i väg- och järnvägsprojekt

Patrik Höstmad Teknisk akustik
Jens Forssén Teknisk akustik
Fatemeh Dashti Teknisk akustik


En demonstrator för virtuell planering och scenarioanalys av osynliga miljövärden med fokus på buller i staden (DemoVirPEN)

Fabio Latino Tillämpad matematik och statistik
Beata Stahre Wästberg Interaktionsdesign
Daniel Sjölie Interaktionsdesign
Monica Billger Arkitekturens teori och metod
Jens Forssén Teknisk akustik
Patrik Höstmad Teknisk akustik

4 publikationer finns

Öka stadens kapacitet att hantera buller och luftföroreningar med urban morfologi och gröna ytor

Jens Forssén Teknisk akustik
Meta Berghauser Pont Stadsbyggnad
Laura Estévez Mauriz Teknisk akustik

6 publikationer finns

LUSTA - Ett verklighetslabb för stadens ljud

Jens Forssén Teknisk akustik


Mycelium Acoustics

Anita Ollár Arkitekturens teori och metod
Shea Hagy Byggnadsteknologi
Christian Marx Byggnadsteknologi
Jens Forssén Teknisk akustik
HSB Living Lab


ACOUTECT – A sound fundament for our future buildings

Wolfgang Kropp Teknisk akustik
Jens Forssén Teknisk akustik
Europeiska kommissionen (EU)

2 publikationer finns

C/O City

Jens Forssén Teknisk akustik
Anna Kaczorowska Stadsbyggnad
Meta Berghauser Pont Stadsbyggnad


Vindkraftsbullers fysiologiska påverkan på sömn

Jens Forssén Teknisk akustik

1 publikation finns

Urbana akustikskärmar

Jens Forssén Teknisk akustik
Bart van der Aa Teknisk akustik

2 publikationer finns

The Urban Sound Planner (SONORUS)

Wolfgang Kropp Teknisk akustik
Laura Estévez Mauriz Teknisk akustik
Frederik Rietdijk Teknisk akustik
Georgios Zachos Teknisk akustik
Joachim Scheuren Konstruktionsteknik
Jens Forssén Teknisk akustik
Europeiska kommissionen (EU)

1 publikation finns


Dan Andersson Logistik och transport
Jens Forssén Teknisk akustik
Patrik Höstmad Teknisk akustik
Penny Bergman Teknisk akustik


Tystare transporter för effektivare distribution

Penny Bergman Teknisk akustik
Patrik Höstmad Teknisk akustik
Jens Forssén Teknisk akustik
Astrid Pieringer Teknisk akustik

Det kan finnas fler projekt där Jens Forssén medverkar, men du måste vara inloggad som anställd på Chalmers för att kunna se dem.