Full-Custom vs. Standard-Cell Design Flow - An Adder Case Study
Paper i proceeding, 2003

Full-custom design is considered superior to standard-cell design when a high-performance circuit is requested. The structured routing of critical wires is considered to be the most important contributor to this performance gap. However, this is only true for bitsliced designs, such as ripple-carry adders, but not for designs with inter-bitslice interconnections spanning several bitslices, such as tree adders and reduction-tree multipliers. It is found that standard-cell design techniques scale better with the data width than full-custom bitsliced layouts for designs dominated by inter-bitslice interconnections.


Henrik Eriksson


Per Larsson-Edefors

Chalmers, Institutionen för datorteknik, Integrerade elektroniksystem

Tomas Henriksson

Linköpings universitet

Christer Svensson

Linköpings universitet

Proceedings of Asia South-Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASPDAC), Kitakyushu, 21-24 January 2003

Vol. 2003-January 507-510
0-7803-7659-5 (ISBN)


Annan elektroteknik och elektronik



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