Generic Functional Decomposition of an Integrated Jet Engine Mechanical Sub System Using a Configurable Component Approach
Paper i proceeding, 2015

A procedure is proposed to functionally decompose an already existing integrated mechanical jet engine subsystem. An integrated sub system is a system where the same design object satisfies multiple functions: which is typically the case in aircraft engine sub systems and components. A generic decomposition method will allow implementation and use in automated design systems and will function as a means to build experiences into platforms. Using the procedure, an enhanced function-means tree (E F-M tree) consisting of functional requirements, means to satisfy the requirements and constraints was created for the integrated jet engine component. The E F-M tree is then used to generate a hierarchy of configurable components (CCs). A configurable component (CC) is a stand-alone conceptual object that contains the functional requirement, means to satisfy the requirement (or design solution) and constraints at a certain level of the E F-M tree. A specific CC hierarchy configuration results in the description of the product concerned. The usage of the CC hierarchy as design documentation as well as a template to derive other designs from is demonstrated. Finally limitations of describing product functional requirements using CC method and recommendations for further development of the method are discussed.

enhanced function-means tree

functional decomposition

configurable components

Integrated design


Visakha Raja

Chalmers, Produkt- och produktionsutveckling

Ola Isaksson

Chalmers, Produkt- och produktionsutveckling, Produktutveckling

22nd ISPE Inc. International Conference on Concurrent Engineering, CE 2015, TU Delft, Netherlands, 20-23 July 2015

Vol. 2 337-346
978-1-61499-544-9 (ISBN)




Tillförlitlighets- och kvalitetsteknik





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