Setting the stage(s) for English for Research and Publication Purposes: Authors, audiences, and learning the craft
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 2022

The stage is an apt metaphor for how the ERPP community has come to understand research-based writing: research writing is of course a textual practice, but it is also inherently social, with both cognitive and affective dimensions. The aim of our paper (based on a plenary given at NFEAP in 2021) is to bring new insights to our understanding of these stages by presenting a few data examples derived from a task completed by a group of doctoral students in the sciences. The task was designed to foreground primarily social facets of writing: writing as genre performance on a specific stage, for a specific audience and as a form of situated, purposeful communication against the backdrop of the current knowledge within a field. Further, the task foregrounded writing as a form of development towards a self-directed, agentive and possibly creative adaptation of one's authorial choices. We present three main arguments: first, we show that a straightforward disciplinary framing of research-based writing may not be reflective of the hybridised, fluid and multidisciplinary audiences that our students write for; second, we argue that students need support in recognising this complexity and in developing rhetorical adroitness in order to write effectively; and third, we call for deeper engagement with well-established theories of learning such as self-regulation and metacognition to design tasks that investigate and promote student learning, and that encompass the social, cognitive and affective dimensions of genre performance.

genre pedagogy

learning processes and metacognition

writing for research


writing in STEM

academic writing


Raffaella Negretti

Chalmers, Vetenskapens kommunikation och lärande, Fackspråk och kommunikation

Lisa McGrath

Sheffield Hallam University


1139-7241 (ISSN) 2340-2784 (eISSN)

Vol. 2022 43 7-26

Writing that works: investigating university students’ transfer of writing skills to authentic academic tasks

Magnus Bergvalls Stiftelse (2016-01494), 2017-02-23 -- 2018-12-31.

Åke Wibergs Stiftelse (H16-01100), 2017-02-23 -- 2018-12-31.




Lärande och undervisning

Pedagogiskt arbete



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