An optimized parameter design method of SiC/Si hybrid switch considering turn-off current spike
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 2022

In order to reduce the switching loss of SiC MOSFET/Si IGBT (SiC/Si) hybrid switch, the switching mode that turn off the Si IGBT prior to the SiC MOSFET is generally adopted to achieved the zero-voltage switching operation of IGBT. The minority carrier in N-base region of the IGBT are recombined in the form of exponential attenuation due to the conductivity modulation effect. When the SiC MOSFET is turned off, if the carrier recombination process of the IGBT is not finished, it needs to bear a large collector–emitter voltage change rate, resulting in apparent current spike. This current spike will increase the current stress of the device and produce additional turn-off loss. The equivalent model of double pulse test circuit of SiC/Si hybrid switch considering parasitic parameters is established, and the turn-off transient process is given analytically. The influence of turn-off delay time, circuit parameters and working conditions on current spike are analysed quantitatively. Combined with the consideration of device stress and comprehensive turn-off loss, an optimized circuit design method of SiC/Si hybrid switch considering turn-off current peak is proposed, which provides theoretical and design guidance for high reliability and high efficiency SiC/Si-based converters.

Hybrid switch


Switching loss

Parameter optimization



Haihong Qin

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Sixuan Xie

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Qian Xun

Chalmers, Elektroteknik, Elkraftteknik

Fanghua Zhang

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Zhenxiang Xu

Beijing Institute of Disease Control and Prevention

Lingyan Wang

Beijing Institute of Disease Control and Prevention

Energy Reports

23524847 (eISSN)

Vol. 8 789-797


Rymd- och flygteknik

Annan fysik

Annan elektroteknik och elektronik



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