The ‘service turn’ in a new public management context: a street-level bureaucrat perspective
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift, 2024

It is increasingly argued that public management should build on a service logic instead of the prevailing manufacturing logic of New Public Management (NPM). Drawing from three cases in Swedish public healthcare, key features of a service logic such as value creation, co-production, and collaboration are prominent in formal documents and everyday talk. However, the 67 interviews in this study reveal that the service logic ideal is practically unreachable in a context impregnated by NPM. Instead, we suggest that street-level bureaucrats often need to address service logic expectations (public values, relationship-building, etc.) using an NPM logic (measurements, control, etc.).

new public management



Public service logic


Erik Eriksson

Högskolan i Borås

Chalmers, Teknikens ekonomi och organisation, Service Management and Logistics

Thomas Andersson

Högskolan i Skövde

VID vitenskapelige høgskole

Public Management Review

1471-9037 (ISSN) 14719045 (eISSN)

Vol. 26 7 2014-2038


Studier av offentlig förvaltning


Socialt arbete



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