Erik Eriksson
Visar 47 publikationer
The ‘service turn’ in a new public management context: a street-level bureaucrat perspective
Kan en berättelse bota cancer?
User involvement and value co-creation in well-being ecosystems
Barriers and enablers of coordination across healthcare system levels
Kraftens hus - social innovation av och för cancerberörda
Dis/value in co-production, co-design and co-innovation for individuals, groups and society
Theory and practice of customer-related improvements: a systematic literature review
Coproduction and inclusion: A public administrator perspective
Inter-organizational relations: Citizen-centered resource integration in times of complexity
Discrimination against the elderly in health-care services: a systematic review
Multi‐actor Resource Integration: A Service Approach in Public Management
Coordination of paediatric oncology care: an explorative Swedish case study
Public management in turbulent times: COVID‐19 as an ecosystem disruptor
Collaborative Public Management: Coordinated Value Propositions among Public Service Organisations
Värdeskapande i hälso- och sjukvård
One-size fits-all-lösningar fungerar sällan i vården
Post-New Public Management in Public Healthcare: Recycled, Hybridized, Paradigmatic?
Därför avstår forskarna från offentlig debatt
Social Innovation in the Welfare System
Vad skulle Habermas säga om vårddebatten?
Representative co-production: Broadening the scope of the public service logic
New roles in healthcare services resulting from increased patient involvement
’Patient Ping-Pong’: Creating value through resource integration
Tänk om de tar mina barn… Om att vara mamma i ett nytt land
Beyond sickcare: Collaborative value creation emphasizing health in healthcare
Alternative value configuration models in healthcare and its effect on professional fulfillment
From one-sized to over-individualized? Service logic's value creation
Zooming out: Inter-organizational collaboration and resource integration for improving healthcare
Interpersonal complaints regarding cancer care through a gender lens
A Service Management Perspective on Healthcare Improvement: Integrating Social Context
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Visar 5 forskningsprojekt
Patienten som innovationsledare i välfärdssystemet
Omställningen av sjukvård i Västra Götalandsregionen