Erik Eriksson

Researcher at Service Management and Logistics image

Showing 47 publications


The ‘service turn’ in a new public management context: a street-level bureaucrat perspective

Erik Eriksson, Thomas Andersson
Public Management Review. Vol. 26 (7), p. 2014-2038
Journal article

Kan en berättelse bota cancer?

Andreas Hellström, Erik Eriksson, Tove Berggren et al
Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift. Vol. 101 (3), p. 327-334
Journal article

Value creation and destruction involving multiple public service organizations: a focus on frontline employees

Daniel Gyllenhammar, Erik Eriksson, Märit Löfgren
Public Management Review. Vol. In Press
Journal article

User involvement and value co-creation in well-being ecosystems

León Poblete, Erik Eriksson, Andreas Hellström et al
Journal of health organization and management. Vol. 37 (9), p. 34-55
Journal article

Barriers and enablers of coordination across healthcare system levels

Christian Gadolin, Erik Eriksson
Journal of Public Affairs. Vol. 23
Journal article

Kraftens hus - social innovation av och för cancerberörda

Andreas Hellström, Erik Eriksson, Eva Dieker et al
Other conference contribution

Theory and practice of customer-related improvements: a systematic literature review

Daniel Gyllenhammar, Erik Eriksson, Henrik Eriksson
Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. Vol. 34 (1-2), p. 201-219
Journal article

Dis/value in co-production, co-design and co-innovation for individuals, groups and society

Erik Eriksson, Sharon Williams, Andreas Hellström
Public Money and Management. Vol. 43 (1), p. 17-25
Journal article

Coproduction and inclusion: A public administrator perspective

Erik Eriksson
International Public Management Journal. Vol. 25 (2), p. 217-240
Journal article

Value Propositions in Public Collaborations: Regaining Organizational Focus Through Value Configurations

Andreas Hellström, Erik Eriksson, Thomas Andersson et al
British Journal of Management. Vol. 33 (4), p. 270-285
Journal article

Inter-organizational relations: Citizen-centered resource integration in times of complexity

Erik Eriksson, Andreas Hellström
Handbook of Theories of Public Administration and Management, p. 252-262
Book chapter

Discrimination against the elderly in health-care services: a systematic review

K. M. Saif-Ur-Rahman, Razib Mamun, Erik Eriksson et al
Psychogeriatrics. Vol. 21 (3), p. 418-429
Review article

Multi‐actor Resource Integration: A Service Approach in Public Management

Erik Eriksson, Andreas Hellström
British Journal of Management. Vol. 32 (2), p. 456-472
Journal article

Public management in turbulent times: COVID‐19 as an ecosystem disruptor

Erik Eriksson, Christian Gadolin, Göran Lindahl et al
Australian Journal of Public Administration. Vol. 80 (4), p. 732-747
Journal article

Coordination of paediatric oncology care: an explorative Swedish case study

Christian Gadolin, Erik Eriksson, Patrik Alexandersson
Journal of Integrated Care. Vol. 30 (5), p. 27-36
Journal article

Exploring power shifts as an enabler for a strengthened patient role in quality improvements: A Swedish survey study

Ida Gremyr, Mattias Elg, Erik Eriksson et al
BMJ open quality. Vol. 10 (1)
Review article

Providing healthcare through “value shops”: impact on professional fulfilment for physicians and nurses

Christian Gadolin, Thomas Andersson, Erik Eriksson et al
International Journal of Health Governance. Vol. 25 (2), p. 127-136
Journal article

Collaborative Public Management: Coordinated Value Propositions among Public Service Organisations

Erik Eriksson, Thomas Andersson, Andreas Hellström et al
Public Management Review. Vol. 22 (6), p. 791-812
Journal article

Värdeskapande i hälso- och sjukvård

Erik Eriksson, Lars Nordgren
Health Management : vinst, värde, kvalitet i hälso- och sjukvården, p. 155-180
Book chapter

One-size fits-all-lösningar fungerar sällan i vården

Erik Eriksson, Christian Gadolin
Dagens medicin
Newspaper article

Näringslivet – räddaren i nöden? Nåja.

Erik Eriksson
Dagens samhälle
Newspaper article

Post-New Public Management in Public Healthcare: Recycled, Hybridized, Paradigmatic?

Erik Eriksson, Andreas Hellström, Thomas Andersson et al
British Academy of Management (BAM) 2019 Conference
Paper in proceeding

Därför avstår forskarna från offentlig debatt

Christian Gadolin, Erik Eriksson
Göteborgs-Posten (GP), p. 5-6
Newspaper article

Participation in a Swedish cervical cancer screening program among women with psychiatric diagnoses: a population-based cohort study

Erik Eriksson, Malena Lau, Claes Jönsson et al
BMC Public Health. Vol. 19 (313), p. 1-6
Journal article

Social Innovation in the Welfare System

Andreas Hellström, Erik Eriksson
Proceedings of the British Academy. Vol. 2019
Paper in proceeding

Vad skulle Habermas säga om vårddebatten?

Erik Eriksson, Svante Lifvergren
Dagens samhälle
Newspaper article

Representative co-production: Broadening the scope of the public service logic

Erik Eriksson
Public Management Review. Vol. 21 (2), p. 291-314
Journal article

New roles in healthcare services resulting from increased patient involvement

Ida Gremyr, Frida Smith, Mattias Elg et al
29th RESER conference
Paper in proceeding

’Patient Ping-Pong’: Creating value through resource integration

Christian Gadolin, Erik Eriksson, Thomas Andersson et al
Other conference contribution

Co-designing a social innovation to better support people affected by cancer: A user-driven integration of societal resources

Andreas Hellström, Oriana Haselwanter, Erik Eriksson et al
XXII IRSPM Annual Conference 2018
Paper in proceeding

Tänk om de tar mina barn… Om att vara mamma i ett nytt land

Kristin Eliasson, Erik Eriksson
Mamma hursomhelst : berättelser om moderskap, p. 158-165
Book chapter

Exploring complaints by female and male patients at Swedish hospitals using a probabilistic graphical model

Erik Eriksson, Hendry Raharjo, Susanne Gustavsson
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. Vol. 32 (3), p. 1148-1156
Journal article

Beyond sickcare: Collaborative value creation emphasizing health in healthcare

Erik Eriksson, Christian Gadolin, Andreas Hellström et al
2018 Annual IRSPM Conference
Paper in proceeding

“Brave Men” and “Emotional Women”: A Theory-Guided Literature Review on Gender Bias in Health Care and Gendered Norms towards Patients with Chronic Pain

Anke Samulowitz, Ida Gremyr, Erik Eriksson et al
Pain Research and Management. Vol. 2018
Review article

Unintended consequences of management concepts in healthcare: The mix of value configurations in diabetes care

Thomas Andersson, Christian Gadolin, Andreas Hellström et al
Other conference contribution

From one-sized to over-individualized? Service logic's value creation

Erik Eriksson, Lars Nordgren
Journal of Health, Organisation and Management. Vol. 32 (4), p. 572-586
Journal article

Alternative value configuration models in healthcare and its effect on professional fulfillment

Christian Gadolin, Thomas Andersson, Andreas Hellström et al
Other conference contribution

Zooming out: Inter-organizational collaboration and resource integration for improving healthcare

Erik Eriksson, Andreas Hellström
BAM 31st Annual Conference
Paper in proceeding

Interpersonal complaints regarding cancer care through a gender lens

Erik Olsson
International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance. Vol. 29 (6), p. 687-702
Journal article

When they talk about motherhood: a qualitative study of three groups’ perceptions in a Swedish child health service context

Erik Eriksson, Kristin Eliasson, Andreas Hellström et al
International Journal for Equity in Health. Vol. 15 (1), p. Article number 99-
Journal article

When one size does not fit all: Using participatory action research to co-create preventive healthcare services

Erik Olsson, Malena Lau
Action Research. Vol. 13 (1), p. 9-29
Journal article

Community collaboration to increase foreign-born women’s participation in a cervical cancer screening program in Sweden: a quality improvement project

Erik Olsson, Malena Lau, Svante Lifvergren et al
International Journal for Equity in Health. Vol. 13 (1), p. 62-72
Journal article

Toward Equity and Value Co-creation in Healthcare

Erik Olsson
Licentiate thesis

Because Right Action Matters In Life Or Death Situations: Action Research Contributions At Individual, Team And National Network Levels Of Intervention

Andreas Hellström, Svante Lifvergren, Erik Olsson
Academy of Management Proceedings, Boston 2012
Other conference contribution

Bring a friend - a peer-education program to increase participation in the cervical cancer screening program among foreign-born women

Erik Olsson
Reconfiguration of the Eco-System for Sustainable Healthcare: An International Exploration
Other conference contribution

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Showing 5 research projects


The patient as innovation leader in the welfare system

Andreas Hellström Service Management and Logistics
Hans Björkman Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Patrik Alexandersson Project and Centre Management
Erik Eriksson Service Management and Logistics


Healthcare transformation in Region Västra Götaland

Patrik Alexandersson Project and Centre Management
Andreas Hellström Service Management and Logistics
Erik Eriksson Service Management and Logistics
Christian Gadolin Service Management and Logistics
Thomas Andersson Service Management and Logistics
Region Västra Götaland


The limitations of process orientation in healthcare - alternative forms of organization based on the patient's needs

Andreas Hellström Service Management and Logistics
Thomas Andersson Service Management and Logistics
Erik Eriksson Service Management and Logistics
Svante Lifvergren Quality Sciences

2 publications exist
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