Chalmers University of Technology

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Showing 9 publications


Using passive and active observations at microwave and sub-millimetre wavelengths to constrain ice particle models

Robin Nils Ekelund, Patrick Eriksson, Simon Pfreundschuh
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (2), p. 501-520
Journal article

Microwave single-scattering properties of non-spheroidal raindrops

Robin Nils Ekelund, Patrick Eriksson, Michael Kahnert
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (12), p. 6933-6944
Journal article

Microwave and submillimeter wave scattering of oriented ice particles

Manfred Brath, Robin Nils Ekelund, Patrick Eriksson et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (5), p. 2309-2333
Journal article

Synergistic radar and radiometer retrievals of ice hydrometeors

Simon Pfreundschuh, Patrick Eriksson, Stefan A. Buehler et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (8), p. 4219-4245
Journal article

Airborne validation of radiative transfer modelling of ice clouds at millimetre and sub-millimetre wavelengths

Stuart Fox, Jana Mendrok, Patrick Eriksson et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (3), p. 1599-1617
Journal article

Impact of ice aggregate parameters on microwave and sub-millimetre scattering properties

Robin Nils Ekelund, Patrick Eriksson
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, p. 233-246
Journal article

A general database of hydrometeor single scattering properties at microwave and sub-millimetre wavelengths

Patrick Eriksson, Robin Nils Ekelund, Jana Mendrok et al
Earth System Science Data (3), p. 1301-1326
Journal article
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