Noemi Bosio

Showing 9 publications


Scaling-Relation Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations for CO Oxidation over Dilute Pt@Au Alloys

Noemi Bosio, Henrik Grönbeck
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 128 (21), p. 8621-8627
Journal article

Interface Reactions Dominate Low-Temperature CO Oxidation Activity over Pt/CeO2

Noemi Bosio, Mengqiao Di, Magnus Skoglundh et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 126 (38), p. 16164-16171
Journal article

Can oxygen vacancies in ceria surfaces be measured by O1s photoemission spectroscopy?

Noemi Bosio, Andreas Schaefer, Henrik Grönbeck
Journal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journal. Vol. 34 (17)
Journal article

Low temperature CO oxidation over Pt/CeO2

Noemi Bosio
Licentiate thesis

Interplay between CO Disproportionation and Oxidation: On the Origin of the CO Reaction Onset on Atomic Layer Deposition-Grown Pt/ZrO2Model Catalysts

Verena Pramhaas, Matteo Roiaz, Noemi Bosio et al
ACS Catalysis. Vol. 11 (1), p. 208-214
Journal article

On the signatures of oxygen vacancies in O1s core level shifts

Alvaro Posada Borbon, Noemi Bosio, Henrik Grönbeck
Surface Science. Vol. 705
Journal article

Sensitivity of Monte Carlo Simulations to Linear Scaling Relations

Noemi Bosio, Henrik Grönbeck
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 124 (22), p. 11952-11959
Journal article

Plasmonic versus All-Dielectric Nanoantennas for Refractometric Sensing: A Direct Comparison

Noemi Bosio, Hana Jungová, Nils Odebo Länk et al
ACS Photonics. Vol. 6 (6), p. 1556-1564
Journal article

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