Claes Alén

Showing 13 publications


Risk Mapping of Groundwater-Drawdown-Induced Land Subsidence in Heterogeneous Soils on Large Areas

Jonas Sundell, Ezra Haaf, Tommy Norberg et al
Risk Analysis. Vol. 39 (1), p. 105-124
Journal article

A framework for Risk Assessment of Groundwater Drawdown Induced Subsidence

Jonas Sundell, Lars Rosen, Tommy Norberg et al
5th International Symposium on Geotechnical Safety and Risk (ISGSR), p. 256-262
Paper in proceeding

A methodology for estimating risks associated with landslides of contaminated soil into rivers

G. Goransson, Jenny Norrman, M. Larson et al
Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 472, p. 481-495
Journal article

Experimental Research on Variation of Pore Water Pressure in Constant Rate of Strain Consolidation Test

H. Ahmadi, H. Rahimi, A. Soroush et al
Acta Geotechnica Slovenica. Vol. 11 (2), p. 46-57
Journal article

Modelling compressibility of soft soils with anisotropic material models

Mats Olsson, Claes Alén, Minna Karstunen
4th International Workshop of Young Doctors in Geomechanics, W(H)YDOC 12, p. 85-89
Paper in proceeding

Some experiences from full-scale test embankments founded on floating lime-cement columns

Mats Olsson, Claes Alén
Proc. of the 2nd int. workshop on Geotechnics of soft soils
Paper in proceeding

Development of a pore pressure prediction model

Håkan Persson, Claes Alén, Bo B. Lind
Landslides and Climate Change - Challenges and Solutions
Other conference contribution

Slitsmurar som permanenta konstruktioner

Claes Alén, Anders Lindvall, Morgan Johansson et al

Skredsäkerhet med hänsyn till klimatförändringar

Victoria Svahn, Claes Alén, Göran Sällfors et al
Bygg och Teknik (2), p. 78-81
Magazine article

Test Embankments on Lime/Cement Stabilized Clay

Claes Alén, Sadek Baker, Jan Ekström et al
Deep Mixing 05
Journal article

Lime/Cement Column Stabilised Soil - A New Model for settlement calculation

Claes Alén, Sadek Baker, Per-Evert Bengtsson et al
Deep Mixing '05
Paper in proceeding

Deformation properties of lime/cement columns. Evaluation from in-situ full scale tests of stabilised clay

Sadek Baker, Göran Sällfors, Claes Alén
Deep Mixing 05
Journal article

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Showing 3 research projects


Long term Behaviour of Tension Piles in Cohesive Soft Soil

Claes Alén Geology and Geotechnics
Peter Hedborg Geology and Geotechnics
Jorge Yannie Geology and Geotechnics
Aaro Pirhonen Geology and Geotechnics
Göran Sällfors Geology and Geotechnics
Swedish Transport Administration


Creep of Geomaterials (CREEP)

Mats Karlsson Geology and Geotechnics
Amardeep Amavasai Geology and Geotechnics
Jorge Yannie Geology and Geotechnics
Jean-Philippe Gras Geology and Geotechnics
Minna Karstunen Geology and Geotechnics
Jelke Dijkstra Geology and Geotechnics
Claes Alén Geology and Geotechnics
European Commission (EC)


Risk management of groundwater drawdowns in subsidence sensitive areas: Cost-benefit analysis of safety measures in infrastructure projects

Lars Rosen Geology and Geotechnics
Åsa Fransson Geology and Geotechnics
Claes Alén Geology and Geotechnics
Jonas Sundell Geology and Geotechnics
Lars O Ericsson Geology and Geotechnics

3 publications exist
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