Stefan Davidsson

Showing 6 publications


[M]. Substrate pre-treatment and initial growth: Strategies towards high-quality III-nitride growth on sapphire by molecular beam epitaxy

Fredrik Fälth, Stefan Davidsson, Xinju Liu et al
Thin solid films. Vol. 515, p. 603-
Journal article

[J]. Effect of AlN nucleation layer on the structural properties of bulk GaN grown on sapphire by molecular-beam epitaxy

Stefan Davidsson, Fredrik Fälth, Xinju Liu et al
Journal of applied physics. Vol. 98 (1), p. 16109-
Journal article

Two-dimensional electron mobility limitation mechanisms in AlxGa1-xN/GaN hetero¬structures

Manjula Gurusinghe, Stefan Davidsson, Thorvald Andersson
Physical review. Vol. 00, p. 00-
Journal article

Influence of Al/N flux ratio during nucleation layer growth on the structural properties of AlN grown on sapphire by molecular beam epitaxy

Fredrik Fälth, Stefan Davidsson, Xinju Liu et al
applied physics letters. Vol. 87, p. 161901-
Journal article

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