Gustav Andersson

Showing 10 publications


Correlated frequency noise in a multimode acoustic resonator

Nuttamas Tubsrinuan, Jared Cole, Per Delsing et al
Physical Review B. Vol. 109 (24)
Journal article

Intermodulation spectroscopy and the nonlinear response of two-level systems in superconducting coplanar-waveguide resonators

Janka Biznárová, J. C. Rivera Hernández, Daniel Forchheimer et al
Physical Review Applied. Vol. 22 (1)
Journal article

Multipartite Entanglement in a Microwave Frequency Comb

Shan W. Jolin, Gustav Andersson, J. C.Rivera Hernández et al
Physical Review Letters. Vol. 130 (12)
Journal article

Squeezing and Multimode Entanglement of Surface Acoustic Wave Phonons

Gustav Andersson, Shan W. Jolin, Marco Scigliuzzo et al
PRX Quantum. Vol. 3 (1)
Journal article

Acoustic spectral hole-burning in a two-level system ensemble

Gustav Andersson, A. L. O. Bilobran, Marco Scigliuzzo et al
npj Quantum Information. Vol. 7 (1)
Journal article

RF antenna design for 3D quantum memories

F. Deppe, E. Xie, K. G. Fedorov et al
2021 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium, ACES 2021
Paper in proceeding

Quantum acoustics with superconducting circuits

Gustav Andersson
Doctoral thesis

Electromagnetically Induced Acoustic Transparency with a Superconducting Circuit

Gustav Andersson, Maria Ekström, Per Delsing
Physical Review Letters. Vol. 124 (24)
Journal article

Non-exponential decay of a giant artificial atom

Gustav Andersson, Baladitya Suri, Lingzhen Guo et al
Nature Physics. Vol. 15 (11), p. 1123-1127
Other text in scientific journal

Towards phonon routing: controlling propagating acoustic waves in the quantum regime

Maria Ekström, Thomas Aref, Andreas Josefsson Ask et al
New Journal of Physics. Vol. 21 (12)
Journal article

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