John Axelsson

Doctoral Student at Food and Nutrition Science

John Axelsson is a PhD student at the division of Food and Nutrition Science, affiliated with the Formas-funded research center BLUE FOOD. His research aims at developing novel process techniques to valorize currently underutilized small pelagic fish species such as herring and sprat. Despite the fact that these species are recognized as the most climate smart and energy dense animal protein sources we have, 63% of the herring and >90% of the sprat caught by Swedish fishing vessels are today exported for fish meal production or as mink feed, which is a significant loss of food raw materials for human consumption. However, a crucial aspect to consider when converting these raw materials to food is to find suitable process techniques which can recover their muscle or muscle proteins while at the same time maintaining functionality, nutritional value, sensorial quality and storage stability; the latter particularly with respect to lipid oxidation. For raw materials from the Bothnian Sea, removal of contaminants as dioxins and dioxin-like PCB´s is also crucial. New applications of this valuable food source can economically aid the Swedish fishing and seafood industries reduce the amount of imported seafood; lower environmental impacts from transportation and increase the consumption of locally produced healthy seafood.

Image of John Axelsson

Showing 2 publications


Pilot-Scale Antioxidant Dipping of Herring (Clupea harengus) Co-products to Allow Their Upgrading to a High-Quality Mince for Food Production

Haizhou Wu, John Axelsson, Martin Kuhlin et al
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. Vol. 11 (12), p. 4727-4737
Journal article

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Showing 2 research projects


New Value chains from herring and sprat to food-A sustainable route to new job opportunities in the coastal region

Ingrid Undeland Food and Nutrition Science
John Axelsson Food and Nutrition Science
Rikard Fristedt Food and Nutrition Science
Länsstyrelsen i Västra Götalands län

1 publication exists

BLUE FOOD -center for future seafood

Ingrid Undeland Food and Nutrition Science
Mehdi Abdollahi Food and Nutrition Science
John Axelsson Food and Nutrition Science
Mar Vall-Llosera Juanola Food and Nutrition Science
Region Västra Götaland

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