Christoffer E Levandowski
Showing 34 publications
Enhanced function-means modeling supporting design space exploration
Development of product platforms: Theory and methodology
Mediating constraints across design and manufacturing using platform-based manufacturing operations
On the Interplay between Platform Concept Development and Production Maintenance
Supporting design platforms by identifying flexible modules
Trends, observations and drivers for change in systems engineering design
A novel comparative design procedure for reconfigurable assembly fixtures
Virtual Modeling for Lifecycle Performance Assessment in Aerospace Design
Assessing Producibility of Product Platforms Using Set-Based Concurrent Engineering
Virtual Contextual Validation of technologies and methods for Product Development
Modularization in Concept Development Using Functional Modeling
Using product and manufacturing system platforms to generate producible product variants
Accommodating Emerging Technologies in Existing Product Platforms
A Two-Stage Model of Adaptable Product Platform for Engineering-to-Order Configuration Design
Designing simulation platforms for uncertainty—An example from an aerospace supplier
Multi-Level Product Platform Strategy for a Multi-Level Corporation
Set-Based Development Using an Integrated Product and Manufacturing System Platform
Platform Lifecycle Support using Set-Based Concurrent Engineering
Set-Based Concurrent Engineering for Early Phases in Platform Development
Using PLM and Trade-Off Curves to Support Set-Based Convergence of Product Platforms
An Integrated Approach to Technology Platform and Product Platform Development
PLM as Support for Global Design Reuse - Long Term Benefits and Immediate Drawbacks
A Method to Identify Risks Associated with a PLM Solution
Platform Strategies from a PLM Perspective - Theory and Practice for the Aerospace Industry
Robust lifecycle optimization of turbine components using simulation platforms
PLM Architecture for Optimization of Geometrical Interfaces in a Product Platform
PLM and International Product Development
Towards Sequence Planning Based on Configurable Product and Manufacturing System Platforms
Applied CC configuration in PDM/CAD environment
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Showing 3 research projects
VITUM - Virtual Turbine Module Demonstrator
Virtual demonstrators for parallel product and production system development
Thermal Overall Integrated Conception of Aircraft (TOICA)