Johan Winges

Showing 21 publications


Huygens' surface excitation for the finite element method applied to Maxwell's equations – A construction based on Nitsche's method

Johan Winges, Thomas Rylander
Journal of Computational Physics. Vol. 488
Journal article

Compressed Sensing Applied to Non-Ideal Microwave Measurements in Metal Enclosures

Johan Winges, Livia Cerullo, Thomas Rylander et al
13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2019
Paper in proceeding

Multi-objective optimization of wireless power transfer systems with magnetically coupled resonators and nonlinear loads

Johan Winges, Thomas Rylander, Carl Petersson et al
Progress in Electromagnetics Research B. Vol. 83 (2019), p. 25-42
Journal article

Compressed Sensing for the Detection and Positioning of Dielectric Objects Inside Metal Enclosures by Means of Microwave Measurements

JOHAN WINGES, Livia Cerullo, Thomas Rylander et al
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. Vol. 66 (1), p. 462-476
Journal article

System Identification and Tuning of Wireless Power Transfer Systems with Multiple Magnetically Coupled Resonators

JOHAN WINGES, Thomas Rylander, Carl Petersson et al
Transactions on Environment and Electrical Engineering. Vol. 2 (2), p. 86-92
Journal article

Design of Safe Wireless Power Transfer Systems for Electric Vehicles

Yngve Hamnerius, Tomas Nilsson, Thomas Rylander et al
2018 2nd URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting (AT-RASC)
Paper in proceeding

Microwave technology for detecting traumatic intracranial bleedings: tests on phantom of subdural hematoma and numerical simulations

Stefan Candefjord, JOHAN WINGES, Malik Ahzaz Ahmad et al
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing. Vol. 55 (8), p. 1177-1188
Journal article

Microwave measurement system for dispersive dielectric properties of densely packed pellets

Livia Cerullo, JOHAN WINGES, Thomas Rylander et al
Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation. Vol. 106, p. 179-189
Journal article

System Identification and Tuning of WPT Systems

JOHAN WINGES, Thomas Rylander, Tomas McKelvey et al
2017 IEEE 17th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC)
Paper in proceeding

Higher-order brick-tetrahedron hybrid method for Maxwell's equations in time domain

JOHAN WINGES, Thomas Rylander
Journal of Computational Physics. Vol. 321, p. 698-707
Journal article

Estimating Scatterer Positions using Sparse Approximation

JOHAN WINGES, Thomas Rylander
Swedish Microwave Days, March 15-16, Linköping. Vol. 2016, p. 120-
Other conference contribution

Higher-order hybrid method for curl-conforming elements on tetrahedrons and bricks

JOHAN WINGES, Thomas Rylander
Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA), 2015 International Conference on (7-11 Sept. 2015), p. 1016 - 1019
Paper in proceeding

Higher-Order Finite Element Solver for Maxwell’s Equations

JOHAN WINGES, Thomas Rylander
AntennEMB, 11-12 March, Göteborg
Conference poster

A Microwave Measurement System for Measurement of Dielectric Properties

JOHAN WINGES, Livia Cerullo, Thomas Rylander et al
AntennEMB, 11-12 March, Göteborg
Conference poster

Global monitoring of fluidized-bed processes by means of microwave cavity resonances

Johan Nohlert, Livia Cerullo, JOHAN WINGES et al
Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation. Vol. 55, p. 520-535
Journal article

Microwave technology for localization of traumatic intracranial bleedings—a numerical simulation study

Stefan Candefjord, JOHAN WINGES, Yinan Yu et al
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, p. 1948-1951
Paper in proceeding

Microwave Measurements for Metal Vessels

Livia Cerullo, Johan Nohlert, JOHAN WINGES et al
7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2013, Gothenburg, Sweden, 8-12 April 2013, p. 3869 - 3873
Paper in proceeding

Inverse scattering for a closed cavity equipped with microwave antenna sensors

Livia Cerullo, JOHAN WINGES, Thomas Rylander et al
AntennEMB, 5-8 March, Stockholm
Conference poster

Model reduction for inverse scattering problems

Yinan Yu, JOHAN WINGES, Tomas McKelvey et al
AntennEMB, 5-8 March, Stockholm
Conference poster

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Showing 1 research projects


Safe inductive energy transfer for electric vehicles

Tomas McKelvey Signal Processing
Thomas Rylander Signal Processing
JOHAN WINGES Signal Processing
Swedish Energy Agency

3 publications exist
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