Anna Åberg
Anna Ã…berg is a historian of technology, with a focus on energy- and resource history, from the perspectives of science diplomacy, transnational history and narratives of science and technology in popular culture. Her research themes span from fusion research, through Swedish uranium import and oil history, to sports history and narratives of energy and the environment in popular culture.
Anna is engaged in the international networks Tensions of Europe and the Society for the History of Technology.
Showing 17 publications
Thirty-five years of research on energy and power: A landscape analysis
Dismantling Power and Bringing Reflexivity into the Eco-modern Home
Petrokultur och energihistoria
Capitalist eschatology: Immediacy, investment, ideology
Is there such a thing as a capitalist eschatology?
The ways and means of ITER: reciprocity and compromise in fusion science diplomacy
Chasing uranium: Securing nuclear fuel on a transnational arena in Sweden 1971–1984
Crises and Technological Futures: Experiences, Emotion, and Action
Challenging Europe: Technology, Environment, and the Quest for Resource Security
Looking for perspectives! EU energy policy in context
Introduction to Special Issue on Environmental Themes in Popular Narratives
Around the World in 143 Days: Times at the Scale of the Anthropocene
Rising Seas: Facts, Fictions and Aquaria
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Showing 11 research projects
"When poverty compels the saving of fuel": Historical practices of energy poverty in Sweden
Energy Lives! Infrastructural Citizenship in Nordic Energy Transitions
Transforming Gender Boundaries in Sport Organizations: Women in FIS through the case of Inga Löwdin
Empowering all. Gender in policy and implementation for achieving transitions to sustainable energy
Swedish petrocultures: Pervasive fossil fuel practices that obstruct climate change mitigation
Gender education at Chalmers: How, when and where?
Swedish petroculture: lessons for transitioning to a sustainable energy system
Inventing a Shared Science Diplomacy for Europe (InsSciDE)