Hisham Aboulfadl

Showing 12 publications


Elemental distribution and fracture properties of magnetron sputtered carbon supersaturated tungsten films

Stefan Fritze, R. Hahn, Hisham Aboulfadl et al
Surface and Coatings Technology. Vol. 477
Journal article

Effect of Ce addition on microstructure, thermal and mechanical properties of Al-Si alloys

Sezgin Cengiz, Hisham Aboulfadl, Mattias Thuvander
Materials Today Communications. Vol. 34
Journal article

Rubidium Fluoride Absorber Treatment for Wide-Gap (Ag,Cu)(In,Ga)Se<inf>2</inf> Solar Cells

Jan Keller, Hisham Aboulfadl, Lars Stolt et al
Solar RRL. Vol. 6 (6)
Journal article

Alkali Dispersion in (Ag,Cu)(In,Ga)Se2 Thin Film Solar Cells - Insight from Theory and Experiment

Hisham Aboulfadl, Kostiantyn V. Sopiha, Jan Keller et al
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Vol. 13 (6), p. 7188-7199
Journal article

Characterization of as-deposited cold sprayed Cr-coating on Optimized ZIRLO™ claddings

Andrea Fazi, Hisham Aboulfadl, Anand Harihara Subramonia Iyer et al
Journal of Nuclear Materials. Vol. 549
Journal article

Atom probe tomography investigation of 3D nanoscale compositional variations in CVD TiAlN nanolamella coatings

Ren Qiu, Hisham Aboulfadl, Olof Bäcke et al
Surface and Coatings Technology. Vol. 426
Journal article

Microstructural influence of the thermal behavior of arc deposited TiAlN coatings with high aluminum content

A. B.B. Chaar, Lina Rogström, M. P. Johansson-Jöesaar et al
Journal of Alloys and Compounds. Vol. 854
Journal article

Dynamic Impurity Redistributions in Kesterite Absorbers

Sigbjørn Grini, Hisham Aboulfadl, Nils Ross et al
Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research. Vol. 257 (6)
Journal article

Revealing the interface nature of ZDDP tribofilm by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and atom probe tomography

Chia-Jui Hsu, Jenifer Barrirero, Rolf Merz et al
Industrial Lubrication and Tribology. Vol. 72 (7), p. 923-930
Journal article

Interdiffusion in as-deposited Ni/Ti multilayer thin films analyzed by atom probe tomography

Hisham Aboulfadl, Fabian Seifried, Michael Stüber et al
Materials Letters. Vol. 236, p. 92-95
Journal article

Atomic-scale characterization of diffusion kinetics in Ru/Al multilayer thin films

Hisham Aboulfadl, Frank Mücklich
Materials Letters. Vol. 254, p. 344-347
Journal article

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