Wanyu Ou

Showing 12 publications


Teacher professional identities and their impacts on translanguaging pedagogies in a STEM EMI classroom context in China: a nexus analysis

Wanyu Ou, Michelle Mingyue Gu
Language and Education. Vol. 38 (1), p. 42-64
Journal article

Academic communication with AI-powered language tools in higher education: From a post-humanist perspective

Wanyu Ou, Christian Stöhr, Hans Malmström
System. Vol. 121, p. 1-14
Journal article

Perceptions and usage of AI chatbots among students in higher education across genders, academic levels and fields of study

Christian Stöhr, Wanyu Ou, Hans Malmström
Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence. Vol. 7
Journal article

Researching multilingually to rethink EMI policy and practices

Yongyan Zheng, Xuesong Andy Gao, Jim McKinley et al
Language Teaching. Vol. 57 (1), p. 132-138
Journal article

Developing a Micro-Curriculum for Critical AI Literacy in a PhD-Level Academic Writing Course

Sindija Franzetti, Wanyu Ou, Baraa Khuder et al
Other conference contribution

Conceptualising and cultivating Critical GAI Literacy in doctoral academic writing

Wanyu Ou, Baraa Khuder, Sindija Franzetti et al
Journal of Second Language Writing. Vol. 66
Journal article

Chatbots and other AI for learning: A survey of use and views among university students in Sweden

Hans Malmström, Christian Stöhr, Wanyu Ou
Report - Chalmers University of Technology - Department of Communication and Learning in Science

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Showing 3 research projects


Designing and improving a micro-curriculum on Critical Generative AI Literacy for doctoral students

Raffaella Negretti Language and Communication
Sindija Franzetti Language and Communication
Wanyu Ou Language and Communication
Raffaella Negretti Language and Communication
Baraa Khuder Language and Communication

3 publications exist

ChatGPT and other AI for learning purposes

Hans Malmström Language and Communication
Wanyu Ou Language and Communication
Christian Stöhr Engineering Education Research

3 publications exist

International students’ intercultural communication in the digital age: A comparative case study of a Chinese university and a Swedish university

Wanyu Ou Language and Communication
The Fudan-European Centre for China Studies (FECCS)

1 publication exists
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