Chatbots and other AI for learning: A survey of use and views among university students in Sweden
Report, 2023


- 5,894 students from across Swedish universities were surveyed about their use of and attitudes towards AI for learning purposes, both about chatbots (such ChatGPT) and other AI language tools (such as Grammarly).

- 1,707 survey respondents offered individual comments, adding thoughts and reflections about the effective and ethical use of AI in higher education.

- Overall, most students are positive towards the use of chatbots and other AI-language tools in education; many claim that AI makes them more effective as learners.

- Almost all the respondents are familiar with ChatGPT (but typically not with other chatbots); more than a third use ChatGPT regularly. Students’ knowledge and usage of other AI-language tools, particularly language translation tools, is widespread.

- More than half of the respondents express concern about the impact of chatbots in future education; concerns about other types of AI-language tools are much less pronounced.

- More than sixty percent believe that the use of chatbots during examination is cheating; this is not the case for other AI-language tools. However, a majority of students is against the prohibition of AI in education settings.

- Most students do not know if their educational institutions have rules or guidelines regarding the responsible use of AI; one in four explicitly says that their institution lack such rules or guidelines.

Artificial inteligence


higher education




language tools




Hans Malmström

Chalmers, Communication and Learning in Science, Language and Communication

Christian Stöhr

Chalmers, Communication and Learning in Science, Engineering Education Research

Wanyu Ou

Chalmers, Communication and Learning in Science, Language and Communication

ChatGPT and other AI for learning purposes

Chalmers, 2023-03-01 -- 2023-10-31.

Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)


Educational Sciences


General Language Studies and Linguistics

Other Engineering and Technologies not elsewhere specified




Chalmers Studies in Communication and Learning in Higher Education: 2023:1


Chalmers University of Technology - Department of Communication and Learning in Science

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