Hans Malmström
Hans Malmström conducts research at the intersection of applied linguistics and learning. His research is primarily concerned with aspects of second language acquisition (especially academic and disciplinary vocabulary) in academic contexts where English is used as the medium of instruction, and the integration communication and language, exploring how language and communication potentially affects learning within a discipline. He is the Principal Investigator of three onging research projects funded by the Swedish Research Council and STINT (the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education). Hans is also a Co-Investigator in a project on multilingual communicative competence funded by the Danish Research Council (lead by colleagues in Copenhagen). Hans is Series Editor (together with Diane Pecorari, University of Leeds) for Routledge Studies in English Medium Instruction. He also Co-edits the Journal of English-Medium Instruction (John Benjamins).
Hans Malmström teaches at three programs at Chalmers and he coordinates the integrated communication interventions at the programs in applied physics and applied mathematics. He is currently supervising two PhD students.
Hans Malmström is Deputy Head (Research and Graduate Education) at the Department of Communication and Learning in Science.

Showing 80 publications
Fler avhopp med utbildning på engelska
Reading Speed and Reading Comprehension in an English-Medium Instruction Context
Low English proficiency impedes teachers’ hybridity in English-medium instruction
English-medium instruction and impact on academic performance: a randomized control study
Teaching approaches and language proficiency in English-medium instruction teaching
Language proficiency of English-medium instruction teachers across contexts
Correlating language proficiency and teaching approach in contexts of English-medium instruction
Disciplinary TA:s exploring the reciprocal effects of providing writing feedback in physics
Linking scores from two written receptive English academic vocabulary tests—The VLT-Ac and the AVT
Chatbots and other AI for learning: A survey of use and views among university students in Sweden
Teachers’ receptive and productive vocabulary sizes in English-medium instruction
Introducing the Journal of English-Medium Instruction
Ett svenskt akademiskt vokabulärtest – revidering, validering och förslag på vidareutveckling
Språkval och internationalisering: Svenskans och engelskans roll inom forskning och högre utbildning
Akademiska uppdrag måste förenas med hållbart arbetsliv
Does English proficiency develop as a result of English-Medium Instruction?
Förstärkt fysiklärande med hjälp av laborationslogg
Integrering av autentiska fysikprojekt med kommunikation
Exploring and supporting metacognitive awareness and disciplinary literacy during laboratory work
Glöm inte forskningen när doktoranderna lär sig kommunicera
Disciplinary literacies as a nexus for content and language teacher practice
Doktorandhandledning på distans – utmaningar, möjligheter och strategier
Creating sites of disciplinary knowledge: integrating physics and oral communication
Triangulating measures of academic vocabulary knowledge in L2 users of English
Developing a New Academic Vocabulary Test
Receptive and productive academic vocabulary: A mixed-methods corpus investigation
Words for what? Contrasting university students’ receptive and productive academic vocabulary needs
At the Crossroads of TESOL and English Medium Instruction
Vocabulary knowledge in English-Medium Instruction: Receptive and productive perspectives
Vocabulary knowledge in receptive and productive genres in the English‐medium environment
Preaching as Internal Interreligious Dialogue: A Harvard Case Study
Vocabulary for academic reading in the EMI environment
How many academic vocabularies do students need?
Receptive and productive academic language in use: Academic vocabulary as a case study
Engaging the Congregation: The Place of Metadiscourse in Contemporary Preaching
Covarage and development of academic vocabulary in English medium instruction
Productive academic vocabulary
Academic vocabulary size as a predictor of academic success
What is your darkness? An empirical study of interrogative practices in sermonic discourse
Hedging, boosting and language appeals: preachers exploring the epistemic continuum
Using vocabulary as an indicator of development of academic literacy and academic success
Where they’re coming from: roles for English textbooks where lectures are in foreign languages
Learning subject-specific L2 terminology: The effect of medium and order of exposure
Preaching in uncertain terms: the place of hedging language in contemporary sermonic discourse
The sermon as audience challenge? Investigating vocabulary in contemporary English preaching.
Reading in tertiary education: undergraduate student practices and attitudes
Books in English, lecture in Swedish: How well does it work?
World Englishes, biology terms and academic vocabulary: how level is the playing field?
Incidental language learning in the Swedish parallel language university: Outcomes and influences
Conditions for vocabulary acquisition in multi-modal and multilingual environments
Intertextual episodes in lectures as a potential enhancement of incidental learning from reading
English textbooks in parallel-language tertiary education
English for Academic Purposes at Swedish universities: Teachers' objectives and practices
Speaker accountability as metadiscourse?
Learning language from reading in bilingual higher education contexts
Incidental Learning from Reading in one Language: Enhancement from Lectures in Another
Knowledge-stating verbs and contexts of accountability in linguistic and literary academic discourse
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Showing 10 research projects
Towards a new model of communicative competence in multilingual higher education
ChatGPT and other AI for learning purposes
English proficiency and approaches to teaching when English is the medium of instruction
Educating the educators: professional development of academics for internationalisation at home
Lärares språkfärdighet när engelska är undervisningsspråk
Språkval och internationalisering: Svenskans och engelskans roll inom forskning och högre utbildning
Teachers' English Proficiency in EMI
Effects of English-medium textbooks on vocabulary acquisition: lessons for Swedish universities