Christian Stöhr

Professor at Engineering Education Research

​Christian Stöhr conducts research concerning both formal and informal aspects of learning, in particular technology-enhanced learning in engineering education. He is leading the Digital learning and teaching theme addressing topics such as flipped and hybrid approaches to teaching and learning, AI in education, online learning and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). He has also conducted research on science communciation and public understanding of science, including the role of science and knowledge(s) in different governance contexts.

​Christian Stöhr is teaching CLS905 "Supervsing Research Students". He is currently main supervisor for two PhD students and one post-doc at the Department of Communication and Learning in Science.​​

​​​Christian Stöhr is Director of studies (studierektor) of the Graduate school "Communication and Learning in STEM" at the Department of Communication and Learning in Science.​

Image of Christian Stöhr

Showing 83 publications


Läsning i högre utbildning: En kvantitativ studie om studenters läsvanor på svenska och engelska

Hans Malmström, Linda Eriksson, Christian Stöhr
Report - Division for Language and Communication

Perceptions and usage of AI chatbots among students in higher education across genders, academic levels and fields of study

Christian Stöhr, Wanyu Ou, Hans Malmström
Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence. Vol. 7
Journal article

Motivation and Hindering Factors in Engineering Education–Perspectives of Engineering Educators at European Universities

Ann-Kristin Winkens, Clara Lemke, Christian Stöhr et al
Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Conference of SEFI, p. 1021-1030
Paper in proceeding

Enhancing higher education through hybrid and flipped learning: Experiences from the GRE@T-PIONEeR project

Christophe Demaziere, Christian Stöhr, Yihua Zhang et al
Nuclear Engineering and Design. Vol. 421
Journal article

Academic communication with AI-powered language tools in higher education: From a post-humanist perspective

Wanyu Ou, Christian Stöhr, Hans Malmström
System. Vol. 121, p. 1-14
Journal article

Social regulation of learning in interdisciplinary groupwork

Michael O´Connell, Christian Stöhr, Patric Wallin et al
European Journal of Engineering Education. Vol. 49 (4), p. 683-699
Journal article

Integrating Home and International Students in HE: Academic and Social Effects of Pair Work PBL Assignments Online

Becky Bergman, Raffaella Negretti, Helen Spencer-Oatey et al
Journal of Studies in International Education. Vol. 28 (2), p. 240-258
Journal article

Proceedings Chalmers Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024

Samuel Bengmark, Caroline Ingelhammar, Magnus Gustafsson et al
Proceedings (editor)

Considering the Community of Inquiry Framework in Online Engineering Education – A Literature Review

Yihua Zhang, Christian Stöhr, Susanne Strömberg Jämsvi et al
Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice. Vol. 23 (6), p. 55-68
Journal article

Blended Laboratories for Joining Technology

Shahram Sheikhi, Konstantin Bronstein, Eduard Mayer et al
Proceedings of the International CDIO Conference, p. 166-178
Paper in proceeding

Teacher Reflections on their Experiences Teaching Interdisciplinary Project-based Courses

Malin Kjellberg, Michael O Connell, Becky Bergman et al
Proceedings of the 51st Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI 2023), p. 652-661
Paper in proceeding

Proceedings Chalmers Conference on Teaching and Learning 2023

Samuel Bengmark, Caroline Ingelhammar, Magnus Gustafsson et al
Proceedings (editor)

Tracking social regulation of learning in interdisciplinary group work

Michael O Connell, Patric Wallin, Raffaella Negretti et al
Transforming Engineering Education, p. 34-38
Paper in proceeding

Evolving professional development in nuclear reactor physics and safety through hybrid learning environments

Yihua Zhang, Christian Stöhr, Susanne Stromberg Jamsvi et al
Book of All Abstracts and Papers, p. 202-204
Paper in proceeding

Monitoring and supporting students in their learning – Example of a flipped hybrid course

Christophe Demaziere, Christian Stöhr
Proceedings Chalmers Conference on Teaching and Learning 2023, p. 17-23
Paper in proceeding

Online and Blended Labs for Practical Mechanical Engineering

Christian Stöhr, Shahram Sheihki, Robert Langer et al
Proceedings of the 19th International CDIO Conference, p. 805-819
Paper in proceeding

Using Narratives to Document Social Regulation of Learning in Interdisciplinary Groupwork

Michael O Connell, Patric Wallin, Raffaella Negretti et al

Chatbots and other AI for learning: A survey of use and views among university students in Sweden

Hans Malmström, Christian Stöhr, Wanyu Ou
Report - Chalmers University of Technology - Department of Communication and Learning in Science

Symposium: Challenges in developing professional knowledge, education, and practices in Swedish higher education

Petra Angervall, Christian Stöhr, Anders Sonesson
Book of All Abstracts and Papers, p. 199-198-199
Other conference contribution

Considering the Community of Inquiry Framework in Online Engineering Education

Yihua Zhang, Christian Stöhr, Susanne Strömberg Jämsvi et al
Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE. Vol. 2022-October, p. 1-9
Paper in proceeding

Using Challenge Episodes to Identify Social Regulation in Collaborative Groupwork

Michael O Connell, Christian Stöhr, Patric Wallin
Other conference contribution

Learning Mechatronics Using Digital Live Labs

Veronica Olesen, Christian Stöhr, Mikael Enelund et al
Proceedings of the International CDIO Conference, p. 831-847
Paper in proceeding

En hybrid miljö – interaktion, lärarstöd och fördjupat lärande

Christophe Demaziere, Tom Adawi, Christian Stöhr
Använd rummet - Högskolepedagogiska metoder för aktiva lärsalar, p. 73-80
Book chapter

Challenge Episodes and Coping Strategies in Undergraduate Engineering Research

Michael O Connell, Tom Adawi, Hana Dobsicek Trefna et al
Proceedings - SEFI 49th Annual Conference: Blended Learning in Engineering Education: Challenging, Enlightening - and Lasting?, p. 1087-1095
Paper in proceeding

Flipping an online module in computational physics

Christophe Demaziere, Tom Adawi, Christian Stöhr
Designing Courses with Digital Technologies: Insights and Examples from Higher Education, p. 100-104
Book chapter

Metacognitive illusion or self-regulated learning? Assessing engineering students’ learning strategies against the backdrop of recent advances in cognitive science

Maria Cervin-Ellqvist, Daniel Larsson, Tom Adawi et al
Higher Education. Vol. 82 (3), p. 477-498
Journal article


Michael O'Connell, Tom Adawi, Hana Dobsicek Trefna et al
Proceedings - SEFI 49th Annual Conference: Blended Learning in Engineering Education: Challenging, Enlightening - and Lasting?, p. 1071-1079
Paper in proceeding

Emergency Remote Teaching during the Covid-19 crisis at Chalmers – how did it go?

Christian Stöhr, Sheila Galt
Other conference contribution

The polarizing effect of the online flipped classroom

Christian Stöhr, Christophe Demaziere, Tom Adawi
Computers and Education. Vol. 147
Journal article

May online blended learning in corporate training enhance lifelong learning? Experiences from Artificial Intelligence courses for professionals

Christian Stöhr, Karin Färnevik
Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE. Vol. 2020-October
Paper in proceeding

Videos as learning objects in MOOCs: A study of specialist and non‐specialist participants' video activity in MOOCs

Christian Stöhr, Natalia Stathakarou, Franziska Mueller et al
British Journal of Educational Technology. Vol. 50 (1), p. 166-176
Journal article

Higher Education; For Free, For Everyone, For Real? Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and the Responsible University: History and Enacting Rationalities for MOOC Initiatives at Three Swedish Universities

Linda Barman, Cormac McGrath, Christian Stöhr
The Responsible University: Exploring the Nordic Context and Beyond, p. 117-143
Book chapter

Does participation affect performance in a flipped online course?

Christophe Demaziere, Christian Stöhr, Tom Adawi
International Conference on Physics of Reactors, PHYSOR 2018: Reactor Physics Paving the Way Towards More Efficient Systems. Vol. Part F168384-4, p. 2372-2381
Paper in proceeding

Omvänt klassrum på distans i kärnreaktormodellering

Christophe Demaziere, Elisabeth Saalman, Christian Stöhr et al
Digitalisering av högre utbildning, p. 169-173
Book chapter

Flipped Classroom Research: From “Black Box” to “White Box” Evaluation

Christian Stöhr, Tom Adawi
Education Sciences. Vol. 8 (1)
Other text in scientific journal

Applying SoTL in a nuclear engineering course – experiences from six iterations of course development

Christian Stöhr, Elisabeth Saalman, Christophe Demaziere et al
Other conference contribution

Video Development Methods for CDIO-Based Project Courses

Panagiota Papadopoulou, Kanishk Bhadani, Christian Stöhr et al
The 14th International CDIO Conference, Kanazawa, Japan, p. 431-442
Paper in proceeding

Setting up a room to cater to online learners’ needs

Christophe Demaziere, Peter Apell, Christian Stöhr et al
Proc. Conf. Nuclear Training and Education (CONTE 2017), p. 97-98
Paper in proceeding

Teaching sustainability: Running a MOOC on “Sustainability in everyday life”

Mathias Janssen, Anna Nyström Claesson, Christian Stöhr et al
9th biennial conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE)
Conference poster

Student Perspectives on Video-Based Learning in CDIO-Based Project Courses

Kanishk Bhadani, Christian Stöhr, Erik Hulthén et al
The 13th International CDIO Conference Proceedings, Calgary, Canada, p. 689-704
Paper in proceeding

Anywhere and anytime? An analysis of the use of mobile devices in MOOCs

Christian Stöhr
Proceedings of INTED2017 Conference. Vol. 11, p. 8933-8943
Paper in proceeding

"Time is the bottleneck": a qualitative study exploring why learners drop out of MOOCs

Thommy Eriksson, Tom Adawi, Christian Stöhr
Journal of Computing in Higher Education. Vol. 29 (1), p. 133-146
Journal article

Designing Collaborative Learning Activities in a Physics Course

Åke Fäldt, Christian Stöhr
Proceedings från 6:e UTVECKLINGSKONFERENSEN för Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar
Paper in proceeding

Teacher development in Massive Open Online Courses - Evaluating reflective practice in a sustainability MOOC

Christian Stöhr, Anna Nyström Claesson, Mathias Janssen et al
Proceedings of the 45th SEFI Annual Conference 2017. Vol. 45, p. 755-762
Paper in proceeding

Using quizzes and students’ feedback for just-in-time teaching

Christophe Demaziere, Christian Stöhr
Conference on Teaching and Learning (Konferens om Undervisning och Lärande – KUL2016)
Paper in proceeding

Learners engagement with recorded lectures in MOOC’s – results from interviews with participants.

Thommy Eriksson, Tom Adawi, Christian Stöhr
MOOCs in Scandinavia 2016
Other conference contribution

MOOCifying a flipped classroom course – using podcasting and quizzes in conjunction with recorded lectures.

Thommy Eriksson, Christian Stöhr, Tom Adawi
Other conference contribution

STEM MOOCs in practice – experiences from ChalmersX first MOOC on graphene science and technology

Christian Stöhr
Proceedings of the European Stakeholder Summit on experiences and best practices in and around MOOCs (EMOOCS 2016), p. 527-531
Paper in proceeding

Comparing Student Activity and Performance in the Classroom and a Virtual Learning Environment

Christian Stöhr, Christophe Demaziere, Tom Adawi
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on e-Learning ECEL 2016. Vol. 2016-January, p. 664-671
Paper in proceeding

Evaluation of a MOOC on “Sustainability in Everyday Life” - The teachers’ experiences

Mathias Janssen, Anna Nyström Claesson, Christian Stöhr
Engineering Education for Sustainable Development 2016 (EESD 2016)
Paper in proceeding

The role of video as a learning component in two MOOCs in Swedish higher education.

Franziska Mueller, Christian Stöhr
MOOCs in Scandinavia 2016
Other conference contribution

Students' "resonance broadening" to teaching or how to improve students' learning using flipped classrooms

Christophe Demaziere, Christian Stöhr, Tom Adawi
Proceedings of PHYSOR 2016: Unifying Theory and Experiments in the 21st Century, Sun Valley, Idaho, USA, May 1-5, 2016. Vol. 3, p. 1471-1482
Paper in proceeding

MOOCs in engineering education – Insights from Chalmers’ first MOOC “Introduction to Graphene Science and Technology”

Thommy Eriksson, Tom Adawi, Christian Stöhr
Other conference contribution

Developing a MOOC at Chalmers: Motivation and first experiences from a teacher’s perspective

Mathias Janssen, Christian Stöhr
Konferens om Undervisning och Lärande 2015 (KUL2015)
Other conference contribution

Reasons for Engaging in MOOC Development: Management, Faculty and Support Perspectives

Christian Stöhr, Thommy Eriksson, Tom Adawi
MOOCs in Scandinavia Conference
Conference poster

Teacher roles in MOOC design processes – experiences from a Chalmers MOOC

Christian Stöhr, Mathias Janssen, Maria Lindqvist et al
MOOCs in Scandinavia Conference, June 11th-12th 2015, Stockholm, Sweden
Paper in proceeding

Flipping a PhD course using movies from a MOOC

Lennart Svensson, Lars Hammarstrand, Christian Stöhr
Proceedings från 5:e Utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar, Uppsala, November 18-19, 2015. Vol. 5, p. 168-171
Paper in proceeding

Using learning analytics in virtual learning environments

Christophe Demaziere, Christian Stöhr, Tom Adawi
Proceedings från 5:e Utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar. Vol. 5, p. 121-125
Paper in proceeding

From shouting matches to productive dialogue - establishing stakeholder participation in Polish fisheries governance

Christian Stöhr, Ilan Chabay
International Journal of Sustainable Development. Vol. 17 (4), p. 403-419
Journal article

Stakeholder participation and sustainable fisheries: an integrative framework for assessing adaptive comanagement processes

Christian Stöhr, Cecilia Lundholm, Beatrice Crona et al
Ecology and Society. Vol. 19 (3), p. 14-
Journal article

Stakeholder Dialogues and Shared Understanding: The Case of Co-Managing Fisheries in Sweden

Cecilia Lundholm, Christian Stöhr
Sustainability. Vol. 6 (7), p. 4525-4536
Journal article

Participation, dialogue and learning: sustainable fisheries and the case of co-management

Cecilia Lundholm, Christian Stöhr, Beatrice Crona
EARLI 2013: Book of Abstracts. Vol. 2013, p. 114-114
Other conference contribution

Participation, learning and sustainable fisheries: the case of co-management at lake Vättern, Sweden

Cecilia Lundholm, Christian Stöhr, Beatrice Crona
Communications for the Commons: Revisiting Participation and the Environment, p. 22-33
Paper in proceeding

The Governance of the Wolf-Human Relationship in Europe

Christian Stöhr, Elsa Coimbra
Review of European Studies. Vol. 5 (4), p. 1-18
Journal article

Wissenschaft und partizipative Politk in Umweltkontroversen - Die Fischereiwirtschaft in der Ostsee als Fallstudie

Christian Stöhr, Olga Stepanova, Ilan Chabay
Wissen, Wissenschaft und Global Commons, p. 237-263
Book chapter

Towards more sustainable fishing by bringing the stakeholders back in: The Polish Baltic Sea Fisheries Roundtable Project

Christian Stöhr
Alliance for Global Sustainablity Annual Meeting 2011, 23-25th January 2011, Gothenburg, Sweden
Conference poster

Challenges of Complex Multi-Level Governance - Baltic Sea Fisheries as a Case

Christian Stöhr
European Sociology Association 10
Paper in proceeding

The architecture and transformation of governance systems: Power, knowledge, and conflict

Tom R. Burns, Christian Stöhr
Human Systems Management. Vol. 30 (4), p. 1-22
Journal article

Power, Knowledge, and Conflict in the Shaping of Commons Governance. The case of EU Baltic fisheries

Tom R. Burns, Christian Stöhr
International Journal of the Commons. Vol. 5 (2), p. 233-258
Journal article

Power, Knowledge, and Conflict in the Shaping of Commons Governance

Tom R. Burns, Christian Stöhr
European Sociology Association 10
Paper in proceeding

Science and participation in governance of the Baltic Sea fisheries

Christian Stöhr, Ilan Chabay
Environmental Policy and Governance. Vol. 20 (5), p. 350-363
Journal article

The Polish Baltic Sea Fisheries Roundtable - Lessons and challenges of establishing bottom­up participation in post­communist Poland

Christian Stöhr
Rebuilding a more harmonic co-existence with nature: new perspectives in small-scale fisheries management, November 15-16, 2010, Uppsala, Sweden
Other conference contribution

Scientists’ Engagement in Public Communication of Science in Sweden

Olga Stepanova, Christian Stöhr, Ilan Chabay

Science in Participatory Governance of the Baltic Fisheries

Christian Stöhr, Olga Stepanova, Ilan Chabay
IHDP Open Meeting 2009. 7th International Science Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change
Conference poster

Science Communication among Stakeholders in the Baltic Seas Fisheries Governance Process

Christian Stöhr, Olga Stepanova, Ilan Chabay
PCST-10 conference (Public Understanding of Science and Technology): Bridges to the Future. Malmö/Copenhagen. 25-27. June
Conference poster

Fisheries Governance as a Tragedy of the Commons? Stakeholder Participation and Conflicting Knowledge Systems between Science, Fisheries and NGO’s

Christian Stöhr, Olga Stepanova, Ilan Chabay
Wissen, Wissenschaft und die Global Commons (Knowledge, Science and the Global Commons). Dresden, 06.-08. November
Paper in proceeding

Scientists in the Public Sphere: Motivations and Barriers for Scientists to Engage in Public Outreach in Sweden

Sebastian Linke, Olga Stepanova, Christian Stöhr et al
International Conference on Public Communication of Science and Technology PCST-10, Malmö/Copenhagen, Sweden, June 2008
Other conference contribution

Andraskap I en kontext av skenbar toleransAndraskap I en kontext av skenbar tolerans: Svenskar attityder till människor med invandrarbakgrund: Svenskar attityder till människor med invandrarbakgrund

Christian Stöhr
Burns, T. R.; Machado, N.; Hellgren, Z.; Brodin, G. (Ed.): Makt, kultur och kontroll över invandrares livsvillkor – Multidimensionella perspektiv på strukturell diskriminering i Sverige
Book chapter

Social behaviour and intercultural competence

Christian Stöhr
European Concept for the additional Qualification Mechatronic of skilled Personnel the globalized industrial Production
Book chapter

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Showing 11 research projects


Navigating Large Language Models: Rules, Challenges, and Fair Transformations for STEM Education

Tiina Leino Lindell Engineering Education Research
Christian Stöhr Engineering Education Research


Education and collaboration to realize connected city, sector, and society (4S).

Christian Stöhr Engineering Education Research
Elteknikbranschens utveckling i Sverige AB (ETU)


Research on Interdisciplinary PBL in the Nordic Region

Michael O´Connell Engineering Education Research
Patric wallin Unknown organization
Christian Stöhr Engineering Education Research
Tom Adawi Engineering Education Research


ChatGPT and other AI for learning purposes

Hans Malmström Language and Communication
Wanyu Ou Language and Communication
Christian Stöhr Engineering Education Research

3 publications exist

Integrated learning - Expert Learning Lab

Ulrika Lundqvist Physical Resource Theory
Gunnel Olsson
Hugo Landgren Learning and Learning Environments
Malin Kjellberg Engineering Education Research
Christian Stöhr Engineering Education Research
Dan Paulin Supply and Operations Management
Ola Hultkrantz Supply and Operations Management
Jörgen Blennow Education and Lifelong Learning



Malin Kjellberg Engineering Education Research
Christian Stöhr Engineering Education Research
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)


Hybrid learning paths for professional education in manufacturing (PATHFINDER)

Peter Krajnik Materials and manufacture
Christian Stöhr Engineering Education Research
Philipp Hoier Materials and manufacture
The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)

1 publication exists

Prameco - Practicing Mechanical Engineering Online

Johan Malmqvist Product Development
Mikael Enelund Dynamics
Christian Stöhr Engineering Education Research - EER (Chalmers)
Veronica Olesen Automatic Control
European Commission (EC)

3 publications exist

- Graduate Education Alliance for Teaching the Physics and Safety of Nuclear Reactors - GREaT-PIONEeR

Christophe Demaziere Subatomic, High Energy and Plasma Physics
Paolo Vinai Subatomic, High Energy and Plasma Physics
Christian Stöhr Engineering Education Research - EER (Chalmers)
European Commission (EC)

6 publications exist

Utveckling av utbildningsformat för kompetensomställning i fordonsindustri

Ulrika Lundqvist Physical Resource Theory
Christian Stöhr Engineering Education Research - EER (Chalmers)
Region Västra Götaland


A pilot for development of delivery formats and financing models for master level AI-courses for professionals

Karin Färnevik
Ulrika Lundqvist Physical Resource Theory
Bo Norrman Innovationskontor Väst
Mikael Weimarck
Christian Stöhr Engineering Education Research - EER (Chalmers)

There might be more projects where Christian Stöhr participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.