Christian Stöhr
Christian Stöhr conducts research concerning both formal and informal aspects of learning, in particular technology-enhanced learning in engineering education. He is leading the Digital learning and teaching theme addressing topics such as flipped and hybrid approaches to teaching and learning, AI in education, online learning and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). He has also conducted research on science communciation and public understanding of science, including the role of science and knowledge(s) in different governance contexts.
Christian Stöhr is teaching CLS905 "Supervsing Research Students". He is currently main supervisor for two PhD students and one post-doc at the Department of Communication and Learning in Science.
Christian Stöhr is Director of studies (studierektor) of the Graduate school "Communication and Learning in STEM" at the Department of Communication and Learning in Science.

Visar 83 publikationer
Läsning i högre utbildning: En kvantitativ studie om studenters läsvanor på svenska och engelska
Social regulation of learning in interdisciplinary groupwork
Proceedings Chalmers Conference on Teaching and Learning 2024
Teacher Reflections on their Experiences Teaching Interdisciplinary Project-based Courses
Considering the Community of Inquiry Framework in Online Engineering Education – A Literature Review
Blended Laboratories for Joining Technology
Proceedings Chalmers Conference on Teaching and Learning 2023
Using Narratives to Document Social Regulation of Learning in Interdisciplinary Groupwork
Chatbots and other AI for learning: A survey of use and views among university students in Sweden
Tracking social regulation of learning in interdisciplinary group work
Monitoring and supporting students in their learning – Example of a flipped hybrid course
Online and Blended Labs for Practical Mechanical Engineering
Considering the Community of Inquiry Framework in Online Engineering Education
En hybrid miljö – interaktion, lärarstöd och fördjupat lärande
Learning Mechatronics Using Digital Live Labs
Using Challenge Episodes to Identify Social Regulation in Collaborative Groupwork
Challenge Episodes and Coping Strategies in Undergraduate Engineering Research
Flipping an online module in computational physics
Emergency Remote Teaching during the Covid-19 crisis at Chalmers – how did it go?
The polarizing effect of the online flipped classroom
Omvänt klassrum på distans i kärnreaktormodellering
Does participation affect performance in a flipped online course?
Flipped Classroom Research: From “Black Box” to “White Box” Evaluation
Video Development Methods for CDIO-Based Project Courses
Student Perspectives on Video-Based Learning in CDIO-Based Project Courses
Setting up a room to cater to online learners’ needs
Teaching sustainability: Running a MOOC on “Sustainability in everyday life”
Anywhere and anytime? An analysis of the use of mobile devices in MOOCs
"Time is the bottleneck": a qualitative study exploring why learners drop out of MOOCs
Designing Collaborative Learning Activities in a Physics Course
Learners engagement with recorded lectures in MOOC’s – results from interviews with participants.
Using quizzes and students’ feedback for just-in-time teaching
STEM MOOCs in practice – experiences from ChalmersX first MOOC on graphene science and technology
The role of video as a learning component in two MOOCs in Swedish higher education.
Evaluation of a MOOC on “Sustainability in Everyday Life” - The teachers’ experiences
Comparing Student Activity and Performance in the Classroom and a Virtual Learning Environment
Developing a MOOC at Chalmers: Motivation and first experiences from a teacher’s perspective
Reasons for Engaging in MOOC Development: Management, Faculty and Support Perspectives
Flipping a PhD course using movies from a MOOC
Teacher roles in MOOC design processes – experiences from a Chalmers MOOC
Using learning analytics in virtual learning environments
Stakeholder Dialogues and Shared Understanding: The Case of Co-Managing Fisheries in Sweden
Participation, dialogue and learning: sustainable fisheries and the case of co-management
Participation, learning and sustainable fisheries: the case of co-management at lake Vättern, Sweden
Governing Power, Knowledge and Conflict in Complex Commons Systems
The Governance of the Wolf-Human Relationship in Europe
The architecture and transformation of governance systems: Power, knowledge, and conflict
Power, Knowledge, and Conflict in the Shaping of Commons Governance. The case of EU Baltic fisheries
Challenges of Complex Multi-Level Governance - Baltic Sea Fisheries as a Case
Power, Knowledge, and Conflict in the Shaping of Commons Governance
Science and participation in governance of the Baltic Sea fisheries
Scientists’ Engagement in Public Communication of Science in Sweden
Science in Participatory Governance of the Baltic Fisheries
Science Communication among Stakeholders in the Baltic Seas Fisheries Governance Process
Social behaviour and intercultural competence
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Visar 11 forskningsprojekt
Navigating Large Language Models: Rules, Challenges, and Fair Transformations for STEM Education
Utbildning och samverkan för att realisera sammankopplad stad, sektor och samhälle (4S)
Research on Interdisciplinary PBL in the Nordic Region
ChatGPT och annan AI för lärande
Integrerat lärande - Expert Learning Lab
Hybrid learning paths for professional education in manufacturing (PATHFINDER)
Prameco - onlinelaborationer i maskinteknik
Utveckling av utbildningsformat för kompetensomställning i fordonsindustri
Pilotprojekt för utveckling av leveransformat och finansieringsmodeller för AI-kurser på mastersnivå