Forskningsprojekt, 2016
– 2017
The CDIO initiative focuses on implementing the entrepreneurial thinking into technical programmes, whose students are often very technically skilled and know how to solve well-defined and often non-realistic problems. Students in such programmes seldom (or never) practice entrepreneurial, communication and innovation skills. By implementing CDIO, students will encounter real problems those are cross-disciplinary, including societal and business aspects which are complex and ill-defined. Another result of CDIO implementation is that students will be better prepared for working life through a better understanding of the engineering process and the whole raw material chain.
This project focuses on faculty development, design of student workspaces and labs and active and experimental learning. By teaching the faculty through CDIO linked courses (entrepreneurship, business etc.), communicative workshops, inspiration guest lectures and through better developed curriculum with more clear learning outcomes and also by building up or improve student experimental labs in RM all partners in the knowledge triangle will benefit of an CDIO implementation.
The European Institue of Innovation and Technology (EIT) consortium Raw Materials has the ambitious vision of turning the challenge of raw materials dependence into a strategic strength for Europe.
Its mission is to boost the competitiveness, growth and attractiveness of the European raw materials sector via radical innovation and entrepreneurship. This Knowledge and Innovation Community will integrate multiple disciplines, diversity and complementarity along the three sides of the knowledge triangle (business, education and research) and across the whole raw materials value chain.
This activity has received funding from EIT RawMaterials, initiated and funded by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union, under the Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.
Erik Hulthén (kontakt)
Chalmers, Industri- och materialvetenskap, Produktutveckling
Kanishk Bhadani
Chalmers, Industri- och materialvetenskap, Produktutveckling
Emilia Gustafsson
Produkt- och produktionsutveckling
Johan Malmqvist
Chalmers, Industri- och materialvetenskap, Produktutveckling
Aughinish Alumina
Limerick, Ireland
Luleå, Sweden
Luleå tekniska universitet
Luleå, Sweden
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Göteborg, Sweden
TU Delft
Delft, Netherlands
Technischen Universität Clausthal
Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Madrid, Spain
University of Limerick
Limerick, Ireland
The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)
Projekt-id: 17165
Finansierar Chalmers deltagande under 2018
The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)
Projekt-id: 17165
Finansierar Chalmers deltagande under 2019–2020
The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)
Projekt-id: 15013CDIO
Finansierar Chalmers deltagande under 2016–2017