Anver Hisham Unnichiriyath Siddique

Showing 7 publications


Adjacent Channel Interference Aware Joint Scheduling and Power Control for V2V Broadcast Communication

Anver Hisham Unnichiriyath Siddique, Di Yuan, Erik Ström et al
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Vol. 22 (1), p. 443-456
Journal article

Radio resource management for V2V multihop communication considering adjacent channel interference

Anver Hisham Unnichiriyath Siddique, Erik Ström, Fredrik Brännström
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Vol. 22 (11), p. 7084-7101
Journal article

Scheduling and Power Control for V2V Broadcast Communications with Co-Channel and Adjacent Channel Interference

Anver Hisham Unnichiriyath Siddique, Erik Ström, Fredrik Brännström et al
IEEE Access. Vol. 7, p. 67041-67058
Journal article

5GCAR project D3.1 Intermediate 5G V2X Radio

Zexian Li, Gabor Fodor, Nadia Brahmi et al
Report - European Commission (EC)

Power Control for Broadcast V2V Communications with Adjacent Carrier Interference Effects

Anver Hisham Unnichiriyath Siddique, Sun Wanlu, Erik Ström et al
2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2016, p. Art. no. 7511128-
Paper in proceeding

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