Azega Rajendra Babu Kalai Arasi

Showing 10 publications


Supercapacitors and rechargeable batteries, a tale of two technologies: Past, present and beyond

Azega Rajendra Babu Kalai Arasi, Anderson David Smith, Niladri Roy Chowdhury et al
Sustainable Materials and Technologies. Vol. 41
Journal article

Influence of Hardwood Lignin Blending on the Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Cellulose Based Carbon Fibers

Azega Rajendra Babu Kalai Arasi, Jenny Bengtsson, Mohammad Mazharul Haque et al
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. Vol. 12 (30), p. 11206-11217
Journal article

Effect of plasma treatment on electrochemical performance of lignin-based carbon fibers

Azega Rajendra Babu Kalai Arasi, Mohammad Mazharul Haque, Qi Li et al
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. Vol. 946
Journal article

Exploiting low-grade waste heat to produce electricity through supercapacitor containing carbon electrodes and ionic liquid electrolytes

Mohammad Mazharul Haque, Iqbaal Abdurrokhman, Alexander Idström et al
Electrochimica Acta. Vol. 403
Journal article

Alkyl-Amino Functionalized Reduced-Graphene-Oxide–heptadecan-9-amine-Based Spin-Coated Microsupercapacitors for On-Chip Low Power Electronics

Agin Vyas, Simin Zare Hajibagher, Ulises Mendez Romero et al
Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research. Vol. 259 (2)
Journal article

Spin-Coated Heterogenous Stacked Electrodes for Performance Enhancement in CMOS-Compatible On-Chip Microsupercapacitors

Agin Vyas, Simin Zare Hajibagher, Ulises Mendez Romero et al
ACS Applied Energy Materials. Vol. 5 (4), p. 4221-4231
Journal article

Wood-derived lignin-based fibers as supercapacitor electrodes

Azega Rajendra Babu Kalai Arasi
Licentiate thesis

Durable Activated Carbon Electrodes with a Green Binder

Azega Rajendra Babu Kalai Arasi, Mohammad Mazharul Haque, Agin Vyas et al
Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research. Vol. 259 (2)
Journal article

Identification of self-discharge mechanisms of ionic liquid electrolyte based supercapacitor under high-temperature operation

Mohammad Mazharul Haque, Qi Li, Cristina Rigato et al
Journal of Power Sources. Vol. 485
Journal article

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