Johan Lagerkvist

Doctoral Student at Construction Management

Johan is an Industrial Doctoral Student at the Division of Construction Management and Engineering. His doctoral project is about industrial design and production of bridges.

Image of Johan Lagerkvist

Showing 10 publications


Do actors’ incentives obstruct sector-wide long-term productivity in the design and production of bridges in Sweden?

Johan Lagerkvist, Petra Bosch-Sijtsema, Ola LӔDRE et al
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management. Vol. Article in Press, p. 1-12
Journal article

Can business-driven and climate-based contracting of bridges make us build climate-smarter?

Rasmus Rempling, Johan Lagerkvist, Mats Karlsson et al
Procedia Computer Science
Paper in proceeding

Probabilistic risk analysis of local verification of Load Model 1 in Eurocode for Soil-Steel Composite bridges in Sweden

Johan Lagerkvist, Carlos Gil Berrocal, Fredrik Carlsson et al
Bridge Structures. Vol. 20 (3-4), p. 127-140
Journal article

Could a grouped design approach of bridges increase productivity and decrease cost and climate impact?

Johan Lagerkvist, Rasmus Rempling, Petra Bosch-Sijtsema et al
IABSE Congress San Jose 2024: Beyond Structural Engineering in a Changing World - Report, p. 1241-1247
Paper in proceeding

Productivity increase in the design and construction of bridges

Johan Lagerkvist, Ola Laedre, Rasmus Rempling et al
IABSE Symposium Manchester 2024: Construction's Role for a World in Emergency, p. 1268-1276
Paper in proceeding

Important parameters for increased productivity in bridge design and production

Johan Lagerkvist, Mats Karlsson, Rasmus Rempling et al
IABSE Congress Nanjing 2022 - Bridges and Structures: Connection, Integration and Harmonisation, Report, p. 80-88
Paper in proceeding

Climate-smarter design of Soil-Steel Composite Bridges using Set-Based Design

Johan Lagerkvist, Carlos Gil Berrocal, Rasmus Rempling
Current Perspectives and New Directions in Mechanics, Modelling and Design of Structural Systems, p. 2001-2006
Paper in proceeding

Optimal time for contractors to enter infrastructure projects

Freddy Antonsson, David Lindvall, Johan Lagerkvist et al
Procedia Computer Science. Vol. 196, p. 990-998
Paper in proceeding

Climate impact estimation – from feasibility study to handover

Johan Lagerkvist, Peter Simonsson, Mats Karlsson et al
IABSE Congress, Ghent 2021: Structural Engineering for Future Societal Needs, p. 622-628
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 1 research projects


Industriell konstruktion, upphandling och produktion av byggnadsverk och andra tekniska detaljer

Rasmus Rempling Structural Engineering
Johan H Lagerkvist Structural Engineering
Johan Lagerkvist Structural Engineering
Swedish Transport Administration

9 publications exist
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